That’s extremely unfair. He has been solid, had he been fit 2019-2022. He would’ve been something.Im sure his diet is fine he needs to lay off the piss.
The selection of Taberber today infuriated me. News came in as i walked through the gate and i turned to the bloke next to me. Might as wall Walk out now we aren't winning with Taberenr.
He has stolen a career, there is no way he lasts 10+ years on any other team's list
His back has killed any longevity and robbed him of his legs.
Ross Lyon refused to play him in 2016 when he was averaging 20 disposals and 3 goals for Peel. That’s horrific. A team 0-9 and what we do ? Play Kersten in 2017.
It’s the club’s list management that robbed the team of any KPF. Choosing Tabs off the Rookie List then no one in the first round for 10 years until Amiss. That’s criminal