Autopsy 2024 Rd 17 Blues take a giant step backwards

Who played well for the Blues in Round 17 vs the Giants?

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Even during our run of goals in the first quarter, there were some real soft efforts and moments where it seemed we weren’t switched on but all of a sudden we had 8 goals, to then go to sleep for a half was really disappointing and the fact we couldn’t do anything to slow the Giants down wasnt a good sign.

A really crap decision to pick Cottrell after such a long lay off with a foot injury, to then pick him on field instead of the sub was worse.

Not just based on tonight’s game, but stop playing small forwards as the sub, they are one dimensional and dont find enough of the ball to impact a game, coming on for one quarter.

Really pissed with our group that Kemp gets smashed in the stomach after his disposal and not one player took it up with Greene.

Annoyed with our coaching group not doing something with Charlie to get him in the game, he also needs to be called out for half arsed efforts when he’s out of position or when the ball hits the deck, he’s a constant repeat offender.

Lastly frustrated with the coaches/ruck coaches not doing something with TDK vs Briggs, Tom was flogged tonight but didn’t seem to change much tactically, still tried to run a jump in to Briggs who just watched him, pushing him out of the way constantly. Do something different, get dirty, i dont know, just dont do noting.

The only positive out of tonight is, we didn’t give up, we fought it out and with 4 minutes to go, could have still won the game.
A bit of hubris on our part bringing in a player (Cottrell) who hasn’t played for such a long time straight after cerra last week?
I don’t think Cotters’ inclusion was the reason we lost - soundly beaten across the ground in the middle two qtrs.

I hope we learn we can’t always “play our way”.

Sometimes you have to adapt , slowing the game down into kick/mark for a while in the 2nd to take the heat off the ball would have been good to see.

The effort in the last showed something.

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Even during our run of goals in the first quarter, there were some real soft efforts and moments where it seemed we weren’t switched on but all of a sudden we had 8 goals, to then go to sleep for a half was really disappointing and the fact we couldn’t do anything to slow the Giants down wasnt a good sign.

A really crap decision to pick Cottrell after such a long lay off with a foot injury, to then pick him on field instead of the sub was worse.

Not just based on tonight’s game, but stop playing small forwards as the sub, they are one dimensional and dont find enough of the ball to impact a game, coming on for one quarter.

Really pissed with our group that Kemp gets smashed in the stomach after his disposal and not one player took it up with Greene.

Annoyed with our coaching group not doing something with Charlie to get him in the game, he also needs to be called out for half arsed efforts when he’s out of position or when the ball hits the deck, he’s a constant repeat offender.

Lastly frustrated with the coaches/ruck coaches not doing something with TDK vs Briggs, Tom was flogged tonight but didn’t seem to change much tactically, still tried to run a jump in to Briggs who just watched him, pushing him out of the way constantly. Do something different, get dirty, i dont know, just dont do noting.

The only positive out of tonight is, we didn’t give up, we fought it out and with 4 minutes to go, could have still won the game.
Yes weird they didn’t take Charlie up the ground earlier.
The criticism of Ollie Hollands is warranted. At the moment, his game lacks tricks other than endurance. He lacks strength in the contest, poor disposal and gets caught with the ball
At least he got to the contests. At least he got his hands to the ball, even if he didn't always get it out cleanly. His sustained endeavour should have pricked the pride of a couple of more mature and experienced bodies. We had bigger problems than Ollie Hollands tonight.
Is it time we talked about Charlie? His individual brilliance is keeping him in front of the coleman but the talking point of "we haven't even seen him get off the chain yet!" has now ventured into "why hasn't he gotten off the chain yet?" We're in the backend of the season and he's still puttering along in 3rd gear with no threat of getting out of it. To be blunt, some of his efforts look ordinary and with a different number on his back would be called out more harshly.

With a 2 goal margin, the Hogan/Kemp match-up being left as long as it did ended up being the difference.

Not really. He’s in line to win the Coleman for a third straight year something Lockett, Dunstall, Franklin and Lloyd couldn’t do. Given he’s pretty short for a key forward that is quite remarkable. Also the ball barely went near him for an hour tonight so not the night to be critical of him. The time to judge him will be in September.

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All that said, not too worried with the result. Just goes to show how quickly we fall away if we don't bring a high level of contest and pressure. Voss reaffirms the message, and we get the chance to go again, still sitting fairly comfortably in second spot. We know our identity, and it's clear what happens when we stray from that.

agree and like your post except this part.

We are second on 44 points. Two below us are on 42, the two below them are on 40.. we are one win ahead of 6th place. Not sure that is comfortable.
Ollie is a player who gives everything he has, but as a young lightly framed player, he needs a freshen up.

I know we have had a bye recently but younger players tire and a week off nowish is needed.

We do have coverage in cotters, Cerra, Fantasia and even Cuningham at a pinch, I think we mismanaged Hewett this week and should have shuffled the deck a little to keep him in.

We also should have played Pitto with TDK.

Their spread was good but our contested ball was what let them control the movement of the ball.
There’s this thought that if you play two rucks that you have to have one resting forward. Could we look at TDK spending some time back when not in the ruck if we also play Pitto? He obviously has the athleticism to jump and spoil and he’d provide some extra height there to support our undersized defence. We roll the dice a bit playing undersized with Kemp and Gov- it gives us a bit of extra run at the expense of aerial defensive ability.

This would keep TDK fresher and stop him getting banged up as much and it would also mean we don’t clog the forward line. Food for thought or at least an experiment we could potentially try.

As for the game tonight, I thought our stoppage setups were poor. Often we were leaving one side of the stoppage exposed and with our slow mids this exposed us. So many times they tapped into the space and were able to beat us to the ball with greater leg speed (Briggs pasted TDK in hitouts). I thought with Walsh being tagged so hard we missed a trick by not giving him some wing time to not only free him up but also create some more run and dare for us. When we go stagnant with the slow movement we look really poor. At times I feel we are too rigid and don’t move the magnets enough.

On to next week.
I know Owies being sub or not wouldn’t have made any difference tonight given how soundly beaten we were at centre bounces tonight.

But why would you want to leave your 3rd highest goal kicker sitting on the bench for 3 quarters. This rhetoric that it’s his turn to be sub is just dumb.

Instead we play an underdone Cottrell who manages 7 possessions in a full game compared to Owies 5 possessions in a quarter including that killer handball to Acres who kicked the goal.
It’s not that hard to believe. He is a very good footballer.

I agree but .... he's 34, averaged 18 disposals this season prior to tonight, had only kicked 4 goals this year prior to tonight, and his highest tally before tonight was 24. So again I ask ...