Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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The swing to the LNP isn't in the right areas and the preference flow different. Fully expect ALP minority government supported by an increased number of teals and greens.

Only way Dutton wins is if he can walk back the nuclear discussion, and focus on issues that matter eg. cost of living.

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Lol no one cares about the nuclear debate that will be a side show and if Albo focuses on that he’s an idiot, cost of living is what it will come down to especially with more hikes to come before Christmas.
I have no issue with Littleproud. Chester should be in there.
Yes, the last Nationals Cabinet prior to the leadership undermining was fairly decent. Chester is a good politician for himself, but he's a bit spineless. He sits in a party he doesn't like which have fairly divergent views from his own. How long will he sit there ineffectively? It's been 16 years and his list of achievements is very short considering his party was in Govt for 9+ of them.
Lol no one cares about the nuclear debate that will be a side show and if Albo focuses on that he’s an idiot, cost of living is what it will come down to especially with more hikes to come before Christmas.
Albo's last hurrah will be the next budget. If they can rein in the NDIS, they could possibly include another tax cut. If they titter about the edges with an electricity payment nobody notices, they'll be toast in the outer suburbs and also be fighting decent battles in the inner-suburbs.

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Albo's last hurrah will be the next budget. If they can rein in the NDIS, they could possibly include another tax cut. If they titter about the edges with an electricity payment nobody notices, they'll be toast in the outer suburbs and also be fighting decent battles in the inner-suburbs.
Reign in the NDIS?
Don't tell me you've fallen for the rorts and fraud angle as an excuse to cut funding for disability services

As always the issue is largely for profit providers not the fact the government is supporting people who need it
Albo's last hurrah will be the next budget. If they can rein in the NDIS, they could possibly include another tax cut. If they titter about the edges with an electricity payment nobody notices, they'll be toast in the outer suburbs and also be fighting decent battles in the inner-suburbs.
Is a tax cut to be the only weapon in a political party's arsenal? Are we all so selfish we demand them until they eventually go to zero? We got a tax cut 30 days ago. What we need is better services and that comes from more taxes, not less. What we need is tax reform whereby we get more back from our mining resources and big businesses. We've known the benefits haven't been trickling down for more than 25 years now, let's address that.
Yes, the last Nationals Cabinet prior to the leadership undermining was fairly decent. Chester is a good politician for himself, but he's a bit spineless. He sits in a party he doesn't like which have fairly divergent views from his own. How long will he sit there ineffectively? It's been 16 years and his list of achievements is very short considering his party was in Govt for 9+ of them.

Vic Nats aren't the same breed as NSW or QLD Nats. McKenzie is more like that but she's ... different.
Albo's last hurrah will be the next budget. If they can rein in the NDIS, they could possibly include another tax cut. If they titter about the edges with an electricity payment nobody notices, they'll be toast in the outer suburbs and also be fighting decent battles in the inner-suburbs.

I'm hearing more and more noise that the expectation is the election will be before the end of the year. Having said that, it would have to be in the first two weekends of December realistically. Not sure this government gets to another budget before an election.
If only your portfolio could do more than photo ops

But unfortunately you're only the government and have to rely on charities to fix the system
I'm hearing more and more noise that the expectation is the election will be before the end of the year. Having said that, it would have to be in the first two weekends of December realistically. Not sure this government gets to another budget before an election.
When was the last time we had a December election? The 70s?

Doesnt seem like a good time for an election, with people focused on holidays, Christmas, etc
Only way Dutton wins is if he can walk back the nuclear discussion, and focus on issues that matter eg. cost of living.

That has been his primary focus since last year's budget. Not sure if you recall the budget in reply speech, it was definitely front and centre.

Albo has been the one dithering on cost of living as he cannot walk and chew gum at the same time (for 18 months all we heard was "the voice, the voice, the voice...")
That has been his primary focus since last year's budget. Not sure if you recall the budget in reply speech, it was definitely front and centre.

Albo has been the one dithering on cost of living as he cannot walk and chew gum at the same time (for 18 months all we heard was "the voice, the voice, the voice...")

That’s what you chose to hear. The mess the coalition left behind takes time to unravel (or that was the excuse the coalition gave for nor fixing things in nearly a decade)

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If interest rates go up (again) and the two-speed economy accelerates (even more) without the Government doing enough about it, they'll lose the next election.

But they need another budget to do something. They also need to create a narrative about what they're actually doing which isn't some long-term feel-good plan. Corporate tax increases with lower level interest rate cuts. Since it's corporate profits driving inflation, that's where taxes should be aimed to pay for the impact of high interest rates predominantly on middlle/lower income earners.
If interest rates go up (again) and the two-speed economy accelerates (even more) without the Government doing enough about it, they'll lose the next election.

But they need another budget to do something. They also need to create a narrative about what they're actually doing which isn't some long-term feel-good plan. Corporate tax increases with lower level interest rate cuts. Since it's corporate profits driving inflation, that's where taxes should be aimed to pay for the impact of high interest rates predominantly on middlle/lower income earners.

Short term hits don’t really provide long term answers. Sorry if that offends.
Short term hits don’t really provide long term answers. Sorry if that offends.
Would the tax changes I proposed work, or not? At the moment, they're not doing anything for the short term at all. Zero. They've got no short/medium term plan.

Maybe renewables will be cheaper than alternatives in 10 years' time, but they need to sell something else now, as in this month when interest rates go up again, what will be the Government's response? If it's "Well the RBA sets the interest rates and there's nothing at all the Government could possibly do to offset the impacts", then they might as well get out of Government and let somebody else do something.

Pretending Fiscal and Economic Policy are unrelated is a stupid position to adopt, but it seems to be their current position.
Their current term has been a massive failure.
Aged Care has deteriorated further.
The Voice was a disaster.
They've sat on their hands while the corporates have driven up inflation in the name of profits.

If the liberals had chosen a moderate leader they would walk into government.

The albanese government is in serious trouble
Their current term has been a massive failure.
Aged Care has deteriorated further.
The Voice was a disaster.
They've sat on their hands while the corporates have driven up inflation in the name of profits.

If the liberals had chosen a moderate leader they would walk into government.

The albanese government is in serious trouble
My main takeaway from this term of the Albanese Govt is that they were all talk in opposition and no action in Govt.

Done nothing about inflation because they refuse to do anything about corporate greed (gas royalties, overseas tax havens, monopolies).

Their tactic of late changes to tax rates made them look like they were forced into it, rather than they took their time and made a considered decision. It's genuinely like they've got no plan and no idea what they're doing next.

Who could tell me what they expect of the next 1 year, or 4 years of an ALP Govt? Name one piece of legislation or economic change that they've committed to? The Libs have committed to more (nuclear) and they're in opposition.

The Corruption Commission is a failure, the Voice was a failure and the tax cuts don't go anywhere near making up for the cost of living impacts. Pension and Newstart has gone backwards. The ALP have not made the country better for anyone except maybe people with no mortgage and money in the bank.
I think there's a lot of disappointment in the electorate around this government's first term.

What they're probably relying on is that a lot of what they "haven't done" is stuff that the Libs would "do the opposite of"... so if you were going to vote against ALP on those issues you're only going to move to Teal or Greens. In which case ALP might lose votes and seats but they won't lose government.

Smart Libs could've seen that coming on the last election result, positioned themselves more centrally, and forced ALP into a really difficult position. Instead they've pushed harder into Conservatism and culture war issues. Albo might be hoping that he wins with a reduced vote at the next election on the basis of that lost vote coming back from the Teals/Greens on preference, and using that as a justification for a more active second term.
Albo is almost a lock to win the next election.

Getting the one after that will be the challenge.

Lock is too generous.

If Libs can come up with a campaign to convince a large portion of everyone who voted for ALP at the last election but no in the referendum, they can win. In fact... it's there for either party to best understand that group of people if they want to win the next election.
I like how promoting a no vote in a referendum is seem as some masterstroke.

They rarely get up and governments are rarely punished for the loss

If anything Albo has been too soft. Too positive. Should have put some energy into nailing the libs for the many and huge blunders on their watch.

Pretty much how the starmer govt is doing right now

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Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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