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- #10,126
Media "balance" has played a massive part in the idea that all view points are equally valid too.Not often that Gralin and I are in lockstep. But I wholeheartedly agree with every single word of this. If anything, the rise of social media has allowed more points of view to be easily accessible to the public. Whether this ends up being for the greater good remains to be seen, but there is a much more diverse set of views out there for consumption if you look go looking for it.
Old media has pressured to the government to make changes that try to protect their market share, no more, no less.
If 7:30 is doing a segment on Peter Duttons nuclear plan they'll ring around until they find someone to agree with it as well as someone to oppose it.
If it takes them 5 minutes to find 10 experts who say its terrible with data to back it up and 3 days to find an "expert" who says it's good with no data to back it up they'll present both positions as equally valid and act like either could be true and not let the data be presented
That feeds into the mess we have on social media