Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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Anyone with half a brain would realise bouncing between the two majors is what they expect you to do and does literally nothing

You want to send a message you don't vote for either of them
Eventually though the vote goes to one or the other (even if the last 2 preferences) or you choose to exhaust vote (in senate, not sure if you can in HOR as you number every box)
Why so condescending towards someone who may be doing it tough?

It is a catch 22. I think Albanese deserves to be voted out solely due to the immigration issue and what he said pre-election v what he did once elected.

However, the coming economic downturn from 2026 to 2032 will ensure whoever is in government will feel it at the ballot box. Fred Harrison is one of the few economists who predicted the 1990 downturn, and he predicted the 2007/08 GFC way back in 97. He says what is coming in 2026 will make the GFC look like pillow party.

The downturn will be an absolute ripper as the private sector will have no option but to deleverage - the impact on housing prices and the banking system will very interesting indeed.

Buckle up.
Eventually though the vote goes to one or the other (even if the last 2 preferences) or you choose to exhaust vote (in senate, not sure if you can in HOR as you number every box)
Well no, not if enough people vote for another candidate. How did you think someone like Josh Frydenberg lost his seat?

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Mate, I'm one rent raise away from sleeping in my car. What have I got to lose voting for Dutton?

Tell me honestly. I don't care about climate change, I don't care about social media - hell, I don't even use the damn thing - why would I care about any of those things when I'm just trying to live day to day?

In makes more sense to vote for Dutton imo. He can't be much worse than Albo? He may even surprise to the upside.

So you ignore the LNP halting wage growth for a decade, a decade of increase in power prices with no energy policy .. and you are going to go balls in with Duttons only policy, nuclear, at a time when the wholesale energy price is falling due to renewables…
So you ignore the LNP halting wage growth for a decade, a decade of increase in power prices with no energy policy .. and you are going to go balls in with Duttons only policy, nuclear, at a time when the wholesale energy price is falling due to renewables…

What other choice do I have? At least with the LNP you know what they will do. The ALP play like they are for the battler but that is just a charade. Give me the former, over the latter anyday.

The entire housing crisis is of the Albanese government’s own making, sacrificing the future of our children for vested interest profiteering.

Bring on the 2026 crash and let's sit back and enjoy the show as housing prices crater.

Overnight the US fed has cut rates, ladies and gents, we got a ball game!!!!
So you ignore the LNP halting wage growth for a decade, a decade of increase in power prices with no energy policy .. and you are going to go balls in with Duttons only policy, nuclear, at a time when the wholesale energy price is falling due to renewables…
People forget how long the LNP suppressed wages openly and got away with it because interest rates were falling because we were borderline stagflation under the LNP.

The LNP adjusted the system so that corporations are making record profits and paying record-low taxes while wage-earners are making the lowest share in history of productivity and paying higher taxes.

Anyone who thinks the LNP have any solution for low and middle-income earners is the kind of sucker they thrive on. People who are too poorly educated to understand who and what their biggest problems are. People who are too easily convinced that it's the Unions or immigrants who are the problem.
People forget how long the LNP suppressed wages openly and got away with it because interest rates were falling because we were borderline stagflation under the LNP.

The LNP adjusted the system so that corporations are making record profits and paying record-low taxes while wage-earners are making the lowest share in history of productivity and paying higher taxes.

Anyone who thinks the LNP have any solution for low and middle-income earners is the kind of sucker they thrive on. People who are too poorly educated to understand who and what their biggest problems are. People who are too easily convinced that it's the Unions or immigrants who are the problem.

So essentially the savages don't know what is good for them?
What other choice do I have? At least with the LNP you know what they will do. The ALP play like they are for the battler but that is just a charade. Give me the former, over the latter anyday.

The entire housing crisis is of the Albanese government’s own making, sacrificing the future of our children for vested interest profiteering.

Bring on the 2026 crash and let's sit back and enjoy the show as housing prices crater.

Overnight the US fed has cut rates, ladies and gents, we got a ball game!!!!

‘Entire housing crisis is all labor’s doing’ is a liberal talking point

Anyone with half a brain knows that’s tosh
What other choice do I have? At least with the LNP you know what they will do. The ALP play like they are for the battler but that is just a charade. Give me the former, over the latter anyday.

The entire housing crisis is of the Albanese government’s own making, sacrificing the future of our children for vested interest profiteering.

Bring on the 2026 crash and let's sit back and enjoy the show as housing prices crater.

Overnight the US fed has cut rates, ladies and gents, we got a ball game!!!!
I’m not sure I’ve seen such a backwards & delusional post.
The entire housing crisis is of the Albanese government’s own making, sacrificing the future of our children for vested interest profiteering.
LOL The origins of the housing crisis go back three decades to John Howard. Since then governments of both stripes have been utterly derelict in their duty towards rectifying it, but it is cloud cuckoo land to blame it on Albanese alone.
LOL The origins of the housing crisis go back three decades to John Howard. Since then governments of both stripes have been utterly derelict in their duty towards rectifying it, but it is cloud cuckoo land to blame it on Albanese alone.
Bill Shorten offered to do something about it but the electorate for some unfathomable reason thought Scott Morrison presented a better vision for Australia.

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So essentially the savages don't know what is good for them?
Your words.

But there's no denying the Coalition's reputation for better economic management than Labor has no grounding in fact.

Just ask the IMF, who conducted an analysis of all Australian governments since WWII, finding only two episodes of financial profligacy, both of them occurring under John Howard.

But hey, why do I bother? You're clearly just barracking.
I can give you a small example, from personal experience as to how the NDIS could potentially blow out a bit.

I had an exercise physio assessment (at a council pool/gym facility). For that, my NDIS plan was charged $168. Sometime down the track, I came across a fees brochure from the same facility. (The same) excercise physio assessment cost? $99.

Now, this isn't the fault of the facility. They charge that fee because they can, the NDIS allows them to. And it can hardly be argued that the difference is because of admin costs - it's just the facility charging the maximum allowed to make as much money from my NDIS plan as possible.

Anyway, I wonder if this is widespread practice across other professions? (Eg psychologists, dietitians, etc). If so, you could see how the NDIS is being charged more than it should be.
Of course it's widespread. The government and anything government funded is charged more than regular folk because there is bugger all accountability for budget in the public service and people/business know they can rort it
Could somebody, anybody, tell me a thing that the Albanese Govt has done which has been useful in the past 18 months. Sure, the Libs wreck the joint, but at least they do something. The Albanese Govt will be remembered as one which promised a lot, but squibbed on every single thing it promised at the election.

Voice = announcement, big spending then failure
NACC = announcement, big spending then failure
Robodebt = good independent Royal Commission, then Government response failure

There's been some minor tinkering on minimum wages and childcare subsidies but anything they've done in that area has more than been swallowed up by inflation due to record corporate profits. And they've pretended that there's nothing they can do about that.
adjusted the stage 3 tax cuts
beyond that I can't really think of anything.

So yes, it is shit. LNP still haven't shown any reason to vote that way. So ALP still gets the second last preference over LNP (well of the real preferences, no ****ing way will I put a antivax cooker or one nation above either)
The last half of this seems to be the only rational explanation for the behaviour of these ALP "leaders".

More worried about their jobs and property portfolios and life after politics than representing their voters.

Maybe if we cut the money out of the opposition shadow cabinet we might get more honest opinions and less political lifers.

It's always staggered me that the Unions let these law graduates into the top spots in their Unions. Why aren't teachers, nurses and construction workers out there running for seats in the ALP?
on the last its because they have real ****ing jobs as opposed to lawyers.
Eventually though the vote goes to one or the other (even if the last 2 preferences) or you choose to exhaust vote (in senate, not sure if you can in HOR as you number every box)
If this was true the HOR wouldn't have anyone in it not from the majors
I mean if you keep only voting for them yes

Self fullfilling prophecy

But that's ok you go and vote Dutton like a good little sheep to send a message to labor

Which will by the way be

You need to be even worse than you were this time

Not you need to be better
well all that individual can do is not vote for either major as an early preference, but eventually will need to choose one. And unless others in the same seat by a large amount pick a non major then it still is a major party that wins the seat
If this was true the HOR wouldn't have anyone in it not from the majors
as a single individual though, unless your seat is full of like minded people (who vote everything else before the majors) it is true for most seats.
It may be changing.
What other choice do I have? At least with the LNP you know what they will do. The ALP play like they are for the battler but that is just a charade. Give me the former, over the latter anyday.

The entire housing crisis is of the Albanese government’s own making, sacrificing the future of our children for vested interest profiteering.

Bring on the 2026 crash and let's sit back and enjoy the show as housing prices crater.

Overnight the US fed has cut rates, ladies and gents, we got a ball game!!!!
while I'd like to see a cratering housing price, I can't see it happening as there would be a lot who own houses with no mortgage and have no reason to sell, and have funds to buy more property and rent at high rates.
So essentially the savages don't know what is good for them?
Some of them. Those are the people they prey upon. Why else would a political party stoke racism, if not to appeal to poorly educated voters.

People who vote for the LNP also think that about ALP people and especially about Greens voters.

It's just that the lower-income LNP voters get more upset about it because deep down they know it's probably true that they're being misled and they don't really care.
well all that individual can do is not vote for either major as an early preference, but eventually will need to choose one. And unless others in the same seat by a large amount pick a non major then it still is a major party that wins the seat

as a single individual though, unless your seat is full of like minded people (who vote everything else before the majors) it is true for most seats.
It may be changing.
All anyone can do is cast their own vote correctly

This isn't an argument against being able to vote the majors out either

More people are waking up, their primary votes are going backwards fast

The only thing that will get them to change course at all is the threat of losing the duopoly
Some of them. Those are the people they prey upon. Why else would a political party stoke racism, if not to appeal to poorly educated voters.

People who vote for the LNP also think that about ALP people and especially about Greens voters.

It's just that the lower-income LNP voters get more upset about it because deep down they know it's probably true that they're being misled and they don't really care.

Makes no sense at all

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Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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