Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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Very true!
I'm pretty confident that house will be standing in some form for another 70+ years. Most of the crap they build these days not so much..

If some doesnt understand the best example I use is the old frog bricks they used then v now. The former a few hits with a mallet hammer and it would struggle to dent it, the latter would smash a fist size hole through the wall. One almost like a small concrete block, the other mostly just air.
i work with guys who own multiple properties around the country who are currently buying up places in Perth because its "the best value" for them

they also say its a supply issue, even though they are pricing locals out of the market so they can then charge them jacked up rent to live there

both of these guys are into double figures for properties owned and they're always looking for the next one

Just for my perverse interest, do you have the same conversational style with them as you do in here?
I dunno about the strategy of highly leveraging yourself now in the Perth market as an investment and relying on squeezing tenants with high rents..

Prices have already run very hard and have mostly caught up with elsewhere. There is also already significant cracks in mining appearing , the arse has fallen out of lithium and nickel prices with operations shutting down, iron ore pulled back as well. Shortage of housing stock still extreme but that could come into balance fairly quickly. Hopefully.

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Sure they are still part of it but blaming the situation squarely on either Albanese's current government or one from 30 years ago is just cheerleading rubbish.
Blaming Howard's changes to negative gearing for the problems today aren't cheerleading rubbish, it's fact and a viewed shared by plenty who know economics better than you or I.
Blaming Howard's changes to negative gearing for the problems today aren't cheerleading rubbish, it's fact and a viewed shared by plenty who know economics better than you or I.

Put something in place which those who are benefitting kick up a political stink to keep it, even though it makes the economic sector unsustainable

Like the health insurance levy
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Blaming Howard's changes to negative gearing for the problems today aren't cheerleading rubbish, it's fact and a viewed shared by plenty who know economics better than you or I.
After 8 years of Fraser/Howard/LNP government, building residential dwellings had dried up to almost nothing.

After 9 years of Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison/LNP government, building residential dwellings had dried up to almost nothing because Howard had deformed a brilliant piece of social and public policy which supercharged building as a LONG TERM investment into a rort!

Howard turned negative gearing into a speculators paradise and created a whole lot of ten bob millionaires which came to be known as Howard's battlers. What the grubby bastard Howard did was capture these greedy pricks by the short 'n' curlies and held them to ransom by fighting elections on the basis that if they vote Labor, interest rates would go up, as well as of course, blowing his dogwhistle incessantly.

Negative gearing and the tax arraignments around it as originally implemented, was for individuals, companies, developers along with investment by superannuation funds to BUILD hosing/accommodation with a long term view for a return on their investment. When Howard got his grubby paws on it and changed the tax arraignments, housing construction stopped to a trickle and every Tom, Dick and Harriet became a property investor. What's the best thing for property investors? To see their purchases increase in value and the best way for that to happen, is for construction to all but cease; supply and demand in other words.

The Help to Buy Scheme which has been blocked by the Greens and LNP in the Senate, is very similar to what the original negative gearing was all about, that is, provide tax incentives for individuals, companies, developers to build low cost housing for the most vulnerable in the community with a long term view for a return on their investment. The way that this Help to Buy Scheme is structured would be almost, if not impossible, for a LNP Government to deform. They could try but they would have to try and break the contractual agreements between the Federal Government and home buyers through the courts which not only I, but those that know much more about financial law than me say is so remote, it is impossible.

Some around here would do well to remember that the ALP took a pledge to reform negative gearing and the tax arrangements back to what they originally were as well as pledging to not touch any properties bought under Howard's rorting laws but the electorate rejected the ALP and that policy initiative. It's the same as those who are shedding crocodile tears at the Government not pursuing Makarrata after it was rejected by 60% of the population.

The problems we now have with astronomical housing prices and rents, is due solely and wholly to Howard and is being exacerbated by slimy, opportunistic politicians and political parties for political gain: stuff the most vulnerable if there are votes to by gained.
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After 8 years of Fraser/Howard/LNP government, building residential dwellings had dried up to almost nothing.

After 9 years of Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison/LNP government, building residential dwellings had dried up to almost nothing because Howard had deformed a brilliant piece of social and public policy which supercharged building as a LONG TERM investment into a rort!

Howard turned negative gearing into a speculators paradise and created a whole lot of ten bob millionaires which came to be known as Howard's battlers. What the grubby bastard Howard did was capture these greedy pricks by the short 'n' curlies and held them to ransom by fighting elections on the basis that if they vote Labor, interest rates would go up, as well as of course, blowing his dogwhistle incessantly.

Negative gearing and the tax arraignments around it as originally implemented, was for individuals, companies, developers along with investment by superannuation funds to BUILD hosing/accommodation with a long term view for a return on their investment. When Howard got his grubby paws on it and changed the tax arraignments, housing construction stopped to a trickle and every Tom, Dick and Harriet became a property investor. What's the best thing for property investors? To see their purchases increase in value and the best way for that to happen, is for construction to all but cease; supply and demand in other words.

The Help to Buy Scheme which has been blocked by the Greens and LNP in the Senate, is very similar to what the original negative gearing was all about, that is, provide tax incentives for individuals, companies, developers to build low cost housing for the most vulnerable in the community with a long term view for a return on their investment. The way that this Help to Buy Scheme is structured would be almost, if not impossible, for a LNP Government to deform. They could try but they would have to try and break the contractual agreements between the Federal Government and home buyers through the courts which not only I, but those that know much more about financial law than me say is so remote, it is impossible.

Some around here would do well to remember that the ALP took a pledge to reform negative gearing and the tax arrangements back to what they originally were as well as pledging to not touch any properties bought under Howard's rorting laws but the electorate rejected the ALP and that policy initiative. It's the same as those who are shedding crocodile tears at the Government not pursuing Makarrata after it was rejected by 60% of the population.

The problems we now have with astronomical housing prices and rents, is due solely and wholly to Howard and is being exacerbated by slimy, opportunistic politicians and political parties for political gain: stuff the most vulnerable if there are votes to by gained.
I must be missing something with Help to buy? I can understand concern it is too small but I keep hearing mentions of investors being involved but the details I can see limit it to 40000 homes and they must be for lower income citizens which seems perfect?

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Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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