Werewolf BEaston's NBA Werewolf - Village wins!

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Well I am being honest, I haven't said anything other than I am a villager. Aside from being a dickhead and saying I was a referee before the game even started haha.

Refs can't be trusted

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Who would you seer then Grand Uncle Horace ? Or more accurately who wouldn't you bother seering (and is potentially worth more killing). I know what my gut is telling me for my kill, but at least one of us will be dead tomorrow so at least set everything up we can before then.
Lol...we are on page 109.

BEaston said he wanted an active game.

Moral - careful what you wish for.
11 players with 100+ posts and four of those are 200+ it's unheard of really. Usually it's maybe two of each at max.
Who would you seer then Grand Uncle Horace ? Or more accurately who wouldn't you bother seering (and is potentially worth more killing). I know what my gut is telling me for my kill, but at least one of us will be dead tomorrow so at least set everything up we can before then.

Ok. My gut tells me, despite the cozying, Gralin is more likely Villager.. so I wouldn't kill him

I doubt Mafia know the SK. Possible one of the Wolf misses was on sk. Mafia unfortunately have a manipulation as well as a kill. They have a pot luck guess on the manipulation, not knowing the other 3 kills.

Three opponents all without team mates.

Baz I'm pretty sure has a role. If he was a Villager he would have been more helpful today.. I doubt he is Mafia given the pile on last night. I need to go back and read the day one lynch and see what he posted when the vote was effectively between him and jmoo. But I think he was not all that active but would have been watching and trying to count. If he was in the Wolves pm there would be debate on which of them took the fall. Cub offered the extra kill. Equally he could be the SK.

Clarkey I also think has a role. I reckon ages ago we were in the same faction and he said he'd play a wacko game. Great distancing device.. could be any of our three opponents.

Stuffed to decide between Maj and Crowwy.

There was a distinct lack of enthusiasm for evil to pile on when Mwerps kicked off on Maj. But at that stage there were over 20 players so it is hard to judge. Maj then had a RL setback. Dogs at one stage reminded us his absence was due to RL reasons. Now that could have been kind dogs or kind and tactical dogs. Beyond claiming villy, Maj has not offered many observations.

Which leaves Crowwy. Has been about during the game. I am confounded by the return Kurve got which was Mafia RB iirc. Improbable he is Mafia or really other Evil. Which leaves him as village or SK. This puts him in a similar position as Gralin.

Doubt this is remotely helpful. Bon chance and I look forward to learning your choice close to Deadline.
Ok. My gut tells me, despite the cozying, Gralin is more likely Villager.. so I wouldn't kill him

I doubt Mafia know the SK. Possible one of the Wolf misses was on sk. Mafia unfortunately have a manipulation as well as a kill. They have a pot luck guess on the manipulation, not knowing the other 3 kills.

Three opponents all without team mates.

Baz I'm pretty sure has a role. If he was a Villager he would have been more helpful today.. I doubt he is Mafia given the pile on last night. I need to go back and read the day one lynch and see what he posted when the vote was effectively between him and jmoo. But I think he was not all that active but would have been watching and trying to count. If he was in the Wolves pm there would be debate on which of them took the fall. Cub offered the extra kill. Equally he could be the SK.

Clarkey I also think has a role. I reckon ages ago we were in the same faction and he said he'd play a wacko game. Great distancing device.. could be any of our three opponents.

Stuffed to decide between Maj and Crowwy.

There was a distinct lack of enthusiasm for evil to pile on when Mwerps kicked off on Maj. But at that stage there were over 20 players so it is hard to judge. Maj then had a RL setback. Dogs at one stage reminded us his absence was due to RL reasons. Now that could have been kind dogs or kind and tactical dogs. Beyond claiming villy, Maj has not offered many observations.

Which leaves Crowwy. Has been about during the game. I am confounded by the return Kurve got which was Mafia RB iirc. Improbable he is Mafia or really other Evil. Which leaves him as village or SK. This puts him in a similar position as Gralin.

Doubt this is remotely helpful. Bon chance and I look forward to learning your choice close to Deadline.
I keep coming back to the SK kills (because let's be honest that's the one we need and I'm the best one to find it) which are

Greenery, Bluelegs, DERO and Porps. They don't seem like a more experienced player's kills, and definitely not towards the end of it. That's the only reason I've leaned towards Gralin being the SK potentially.

My gut yesterday told me crowey and it was only because I was certain on MP_ he survived. I agree before today I thought he was innocent but now I think Baz has a role because he just went from being busy when under the gun to taking a back seat today too.

Which would leave Maj and Clarkey. I've been leaning more towards Clarkey being innocent only because if I was evil and won playing like that it would be a very hollow victory. He reminds me of a player who signs up, kinda takes the piss then decides to swoop in and be the hero near the end to collect the credit. Could be wrong. Maj I thought was evil instead of Baz initially but as I said, after today I've leaned more towards Baz.

I'll sleep on it and see.
Logically if we even look at those votes we have to assume the manipulator didn't vote for dogs (it was only Gralin who did anyway from the non-good).

Initially, dogs went for Barrybran in the vote and Maj was quick to jump onto Barrybran after wiz suggested him.

Maj = manipulator (is that possible @ seers?)

If both directed to Baz, presumably that means they probably know he is either the SK (remember they missed a kill) or seered him as the wolf. SK is definitely possible (remember kept saying not evil as well).

If Baz = SK then that leaves the lone wolf. I know it was said Gralin was not anything other than SK, so if not then villager.

Which leaves Clarkey or crowey as the lone wolf. Either are applicable, but Clarkey's game is just the weirdest ever for someone in a PM. crowey I initially felt was evil before switching to MP.

Thoughts Grand Uncle Horace and thewizardmelon

thewizardmelon are you happy for porps to seer Maj? Or is there someone Horrie likes more?

Happy with that seer choice. I’m still not 100% convinced porps HAD to reanimate as a good role but we are at a stage where we don’t really have a choice but to trust her. We sure as heck don’t have the numbers to kill her and find out.

I’m not sold on Maj being evil. Maj is always a man of few words per post even in his previous games,but with little offered it’s hard to get a read.

I think the key to this is finding the wolf. I’m almost certain they missed on Horrie N2 and again last night on my target who I won’t reveal yet, maybe just before deadline. Barry certainly didn’t want to die but then went to ground, but he’s also smarter than the wolf kills (I think), so that makes him mafia or SK.

If we assume Clarke is a villager (I agree that playing this way is only villager or the strangest SK game ever), that means Gralin is the wolf, which also fits.

Barry, Gralin, Maj, Crowy, Clarke

3 of those are evil, in order of most likely ^ I’m just also seeing a scenario where someone is using Maj’s inactivity to claim village and he’s hardly been here or said anything so he’s an easy target. When Maj had a role in his first game (excluding RL stuff) he was more up and about than this.

If not Maj, one of Crowy and ClarkeM are doing well to pull the wool over our eyes. But sometimes the simple answer is the right one.

Let’s see how the morning shakes out
CLARKEM please BEaston

What's your read on ClarkeM? I don't believe he's actually a vig

I don't think he's a vig. Sk seems likely to me.

I know one of them

This on Wednesday from the godfather, who again went to ground when I asked who his suspicions were of others, further adds evidence ClarkeM cannot be mafia. It means other than villager, I’m convinced SK is the only option. I know this just reconfirms stuff I’ve already said, but looking at where the known mafia and wolves voted might be the key here

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Also of note - it’s mini melons 1st birthday today, that went quick!

So I’ll be around as much as I can. I struggle to think the remaining parties will offer much as they have incentive (wolf aside) to help the village. So vote patterns and early doors stuff is worth investigating
Also of note - it’s mini melons 1st birthday today, that went quick!

So I’ll be around as much as I can. I struggle to think the remaining parties will offer much as they have incentive (wolf aside) to help the village. So vote patterns and early doors stuff is worth investigating
Happy birthday to mini melon.

We've got a birthday in this house today as well
Also of note - it’s mini melons 1st birthday today, that went quick!

So I’ll be around as much as I can. I struggle to think the remaining parties will offer much as they have incentive (wolf aside) to help the village. So vote patterns and early doors stuff is worth investigating
Where two weeks away from little Crowy first birthday. It goes so so quick. Like everyone says it but you don’t believe until it happens.
This on Wednesday from the godfather, who again went to ground when I asked who his suspicions were of others, further adds evidence ClarkeM cannot be mafia. It means other than villager, I’m convinced SK is the only option. I know this just reconfirms stuff I’ve already said, but looking at where the known mafia and wolves voted might be the key here
Stay Safe GIF by Cal Poly Pomona

Remember rogue dogs is dangerous dogs. He’d absolutely throw clarkey out there as any evil to clear himself and win the game. Particularly the way Clarkey has played.
Happy with that seer choice. I’m still not 100% convinced porps HAD to reanimate as a good role but we are at a stage where we don’t really have a choice but to trust her. We sure as heck don’t have the numbers to kill her and find out.

I’m not sold on Maj being evil. Maj is always a man of few words per post even in his previous games,but with little offered it’s hard to get a read.

I think the key to this is finding the wolf. I’m almost certain they missed on Horrie N2 and again last night on my target who I won’t reveal yet, maybe just before deadline. Barry certainly didn’t want to die but then went to ground, but he’s also smarter than the wolf kills (I think), so that makes him mafia or SK.

If we assume Clarke is a villager (I agree that playing this way is only villager or the strangest SK game ever), that means Gralin is the wolf, which also fits.

Barry, Gralin, Maj, Crowy, Clarke

3 of those are evil, in order of most likely ^ I’m just also seeing a scenario where someone is using Maj’s inactivity to claim village and he’s hardly been here or said anything so he’s an easy target. When Maj had a role in his first game (excluding RL stuff) he was more up and about than this.

If not Maj, one of Crowy and ClarkeM are doing well to pull the wool over our eyes. But sometimes the simple answer is the right one.

Let’s see how the morning shakes out
Gralin can’t be anything other than village or SK. Was seer’d by Horry as a villager and Kurve as the manipulator (or a mafia role at least).

The roles left are
Baz wolf
Clarke mafia
Gralin SK.
And then if the game isn’t over porps is then evil.
Happy with that seer choice. I’m still not 100% convinced porps HAD to reanimate as a good role but we are at a stage where we don’t really have a choice but to trust her. We sure as heck don’t have the numbers to kill her and find out.

I’m not sold on Maj being evil. Maj is always a man of few words per post even in his previous games,but with little offered it’s hard to get a read.

I think the key to this is finding the wolf. I’m almost certain they missed on Horrie N2 and again last night on my target who I won’t reveal yet, maybe just before deadline. Barry certainly didn’t want to die but then went to ground, but he’s also smarter than the wolf kills (I think), so that makes him mafia or SK.

If we assume Clarke is a villager (I agree that playing this way is only villager or the strangest SK game ever), that means Gralin is the wolf, which also fits.

Barry, Gralin, Maj, Crowy, Clarke

3 of those are evil, in order of most likely ^ I’m just also seeing a scenario where someone is using Maj’s inactivity to claim village and he’s hardly been here or said anything so he’s an easy target. When Maj had a role in his first game (excluding RL stuff) he was more up and about than this.

If not Maj, one of Crowy and ClarkeM are doing well to pull the wool over our eyes. But sometimes the simple answer is the right one.

Let’s see how the morning shakes out

Gralin cannot be the wolf . The Flog seer of him found he was ‘villager’, so he can only be vil or sk.
Which would leave Maj and Clarkey. I've been leaning more towards Clarkey being innocent only because if I was evil and won playing like that it would be a very hollow victory. He reminds me of a player who signs up, kinda takes the piss then decides to swoop in and be the hero near the end to collect the credit.
Robert Redford Nod GIF
Where two weeks away from little Crowy first birthday. It goes so so quick. Like everyone says it but you don’t believe until it happens.

Stay Safe GIF by Cal Poly Pomona

Remember rogue dogs is dangerous dogs. He’d absolutely throw clarkey out there as any evil to clear himself and win the game. Particularly the way Clarkey has played.

Gralin can’t be anything other than village or SK. Was seer’d by Horry as a villager and Kurve as the manipulator (or a mafia role at least).

The roles left are
Baz wolf
Clarke mafia
Gralin SK.
And then if the game isn’t over porps is then evil.
No I’m not
Barrybran and croweater 41 are better off taking each other out than killing an innocent villager in me and Maj, assuming he’s the last villager too.

I think Gralin is the SK. 1/3 chance of being it right?

But alas, they’ll kill the seers and vig and leave the town up to silly villagers like me, uh oh.

This will be a fun day, I’m sad I won’t be on much of the morning.
Kurve and por_please_ya set your alarms for just before 9:30 so you can be sure to check who Pie is killing so you don’t seer then. Hopefully we get some news from what you both learn.
31 posts since saying shut up and not discuss actions (but then chasing actions like a Current Affair reporter chases ambulances or dodgy neighbours) evil need people taking and good need it quiet.

The double standards have been ludicrous. Before you ask ClarkeM this is my 10th post in the same period.

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