14 score involvements from Dempsey's 2 games this year - including one on the road - is a fantastic return for a sub-10 game player.Think Dempsey's influence was underrated because he didn't hit the scoreboard. His two-way running and the number of times he was influential in chains that gave us scoring looks were impressive. Reckon he'll be a gun mid as his career unfolds.
9 score involvements for Mannagh from his first 5 and a bit quarters at AFL level is also notable. About his "hungry" shots it only matters if he has a team mate clearly free in front of him. Players who put their hands out after a missed shot often overestimate exactly how free they appeared to the team mate who had a shot at goal. I think the onus has been put on him to be "the finisher" if he's free and running in at goals around 40m out. Ultimately he'll get the balance right.