Yeah it does make sense, and from memory our own negative altercations only occurred in gameday threads (the after effects then remained elsewhere) which was exasperation at the team, ending becoming exasperation with each other. I probably used to be a little too confrontational against comments I saw as overly harsh/dramatic during gamedays. It's not really worth going at people aggressively over heat of the moment remarks, is what I learned.This might sound weird, because at the end of the day it has negative connotations I guess, but I reckon a lot of what is voiced in the GD threads isn't negativity as a purpose, but just expressions of exasperation.
That makes any sense??
What we dish up at times is bewildering, and a lot of what is said is off the cuff, 'in the moment' stuff.
I think there's a difference between that and the comments of those who set out to be deliberately negative and incite others.
Plus we are all free to be as negative or positive we like. At times I probably defend players too much but as long as it's all done in a fairly respectful way all views are valid - even if there is strong disagreement on the actual topic.