Just need to look at the run home: GWS - RIC - MEL - NM - WB
We've matched up well against GWS in previous years, so I think the club will think we're a strong chance next week - so the changes here are kept minimal. I would bring in Bewley or Hogan for Lobb. Richmond should be a rest and load up for the next 3 weeks' (more than winnable) games, make some debutants like Valente and Meek. We could also see Giro back in and give him a look against Richmond.
We've matched up well against GWS in previous years, so I think the club will think we're a strong chance next week - so the changes here are kept minimal. I would bring in Bewley or Hogan for Lobb. Richmond should be a rest and load up for the next 3 weeks' (more than winnable) games, make some debutants like Valente and Meek. We could also see Giro back in and give him a look against Richmond.