Collingwood - us v them campaign

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But it is. There is where you are wrong....and that is the direction that the AFL is going...every action by Adrian Anderson is to try and stop the type of negative banter we have seen all too readily at the football this year.... I can tell you the AFL is only going to come down strong and stronger in this be prepared.....and by adding that even Collingwood supporters bit....

You show why it needs to be stamped out.

I do hope Adrian Anderson comes to my work and stamps out the tearoom discussion then. Sweet Jesus.

Even amongst the Collingwood supporters.

US against THEM does infer a certain resilience amongst the supporters wishing to stand separate to the rest of us, don't you think.
Thread or Meltdown of the year?

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US against THEM does infer a certain resilience amongst the supporters wishing to stand separate to the rest of us, don't you think.

The AFL hierarchy see work in the bringing together of club supporters as their legacy.

The point of the US v THEM slogan is:-

Look we know you, as Collingwood supporters have tried to be civil with other teams supporters, we know you have sat there and accepted their stupid jokes and abuse and you, as Collingwood supporters, have tried your hardest to be giving and happy and let other supporters have their way…

But fair dinkum, enough is enough.

I doubt there are any other group of supporters in the world who get abused as much as Collingwood supporters.

You talk to people who don't even watch football and they hate Collingwood! A mate's fiance has watched probably about 4 games of AFL in her life (and they'd be grand finals at parties we go to) and she says "I hate Collingwood" and she doesn't even know any of the players! I asked her why and she couldn't tell me, saying something along the lines of "Oh I just hate them, they have the worst supporters"!

People are brought up to hate us, and never even think about it.

If football teams were a race then people would be acting a lot differently! It's kind of interesting isn't it? The amount of abuse people give out and receive through football would be totally unacceptable if it was about any other topic.

My boss is a Melbourne supporter. I reckon he goes to about 2 games a year maximum. But every meeting we have, he spends the first half hour on a diatribe of how much he hates Collingwood and Collingwood supporters. Every second day. Like it is original and no one has heard it before...and he thinks he is funny.

In America, most cities are one team towns. Boston supports the Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox and Bruins. 99.9% of people in the city live and breathe these teams in unison.

In New York, you have got the Jets and the Giants and Mets and Yankees but the rivalry is a bit watered down because they are in different divisions.

In England, you have Liverpool and Everton and Man City and Man United and in London you have Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs and the Hammers.

But there is not the constant vile, pathetic, hatred from every other franchise in the league that Collingwood and Collingwood supporters get on a daily basis.

Eddie is in the newspaper and radio because he is a bona fide leader in the community away from the Collingwood football Club.

All this enables the media to do; is construe Eddie's words to make them mean whatever they like; to again hit the Collingwood football Club over the head.

Sound bites are killers.

Remember the whole Didak and Shaw thing and how the media went to work on Eddie and turned everything he said; because it suited them.

Lets face it. The media is not the Collingwood football Club's friend.

They use us to sell papers... overblow and exaggerate everything..

and come finals time...want us to blow up and lose.

That is another reason it is Us v Them..

That is why Collingwood has created its own CTV channel.

Remember Eddie said he would have won 5 Logies without the Collingwood football Club...

that is only party right.

What he meant to say is he would have won 5 Logies if the media didn't bring him up to be the bad guy because he is associated with the Collingwood football team..

The media tried to destroy Eddie when he became president of Collingwood.

They tried to destroy Nathan Buckley with the whole FIGJAM lie.

The Us v Them idea is directed towards Melbourne's parasitical, vile filled media who uses the Collingwood football Club for its own punching bag, whenever it sees the need.

We are the most abused fans in the world.

So Us v Them doesn’t go far enough..
We are the most abused fans in the world.

So Us v Them doesn’t go far enough..

While I agree that some supporters attack some clubs a little too much and there are too many generalisations about supporter groups, you are definitely reading like a marketing troll now.

You guys cop your fair share but so do Carlton supporters. In fact, most opposition supporters will state that they hate us both, but they at least respect Collingwood.

I thought you were attacking opposition trolls as a whole, but it seems you are doing an over the top disingenuous pity thing, tongue in cheek or otherwise.
Because the community doctrine is to hate Collingwood.

There is absolute nothing you can do to try and make anyone see sense that Collingwood supporters are actually reasonable.

It is totally Us v Them..

Because other supporters don't want to see reason.

Just another slow AFL news day, so the Herald Sun use it as another chance to sell newspapers and create an agenda by putting a disharmony article about Collingwood in their newspapers. Just give us another whack to the head cause they can.

This is exactly what I mean and it isn't even in-season...

Where is an article about Andrew Walker wanting a slice of the Pie from images of his great mark.

The media belts us to death whenever it can. All publicity is not good publicity.

And the rest of the AFL world and supporters lap it up.

That is why it is Us v Them.


If they have no news, they run a Collingwood story.

Why not put the lead story of the back page…..Geelong still unsure of who will be 2012 captain?

That would be a more newsworthy lead story as Geelong are premiers, Ling has retired, Enright is deserving, Selwood is the chosen one.

But that is buried a few pages back.

It is the Collingwood story that leads. Collingwood and the AFL owe money to Andrew says Jess.

And this is just a mild dose of what happens day after day as Collingwood propoganda drive agendas.

This lead to a whole half hour debate on 3AW in the morning as one form of media inspires another non thinking form of media into Collingwood stuff to fill time.

It is US v Them.

Every single day.

In light of the current meltdown I was going to object to the use of the word 'army'

so I looked it up at

ar·my   [ahr-mee]

5.a very large number or group of something; a great multitude; a host: the army of the unemployed.

and withdraw my objection

In light of the current meltdown I was going to object to the use of the word 'army'

so I looked it up at

ar·my   [ahr-mee]

5.a very large number or group of something; a great multitude; a host: the army of the unemployed.

and withdraw my objection

That is why it is so important for all Collingwood fans to stick together, under the banner of Us v Them.

It takes a whole city of non-Collingwod supporters 24/7 worth of vile hate to try and compete with us. What they want you to do is give up.

But a Collingwod supporter never gives up. He fights and fights.

For he knows; it is always Us v Them.
its not just shows the stereotyped collingwood supporter who is, or can be different...the other obvious ones are the ones with no teeth or ferals

us vs the rest could be right - interesting campaign



Mate you obviously were not around the week after the Grand Final in Melbourne, because Collingwood supporters were vilified all day, every day.

On one hand you reckon other people are allowed to play the victim mentality, yet Collingwood supporters aren't.

How is that fair mate?!??!

Everyone's allowed to be able to walk down the street without being shat on by people who think it is a joke.

Yet you have one rule for one and another rule for another.

Double standards mate.

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It takes a whole city of non-Collingwod supporters 24/7 worth of vile hate to try and compete with us.

So it takes a whole city worth of vile hate to generate the same amount of vile hate generated by one club supporter base?

Aren't you just reinforcing the stereotype now?
So it takes a whole city worth of vile hate to generate the same amount of vile hate generated by one club supporter base?

Aren't you just reinforcing the stereotype now?

I am saying why the US v THEM slogan has come about.

There are some who don't follow the stereotype, but I truly believe that the whole city runs off the pulse of this driven hate of Collingwood. You only had to be in Melbourne in the week before and after the Grand Final to feel it.
The banter against Collingwood is what makes us the biggest and best club in the AFL!

Sometimes it does get taken too far...

but most of the time its good hearted jabs that make being a supporter all the more sweeter
I am saying why the US v THEM slogan has come about.

There are some who don't follow the stereotype, but I truly believe that the whole city runs off the pulse of this driven hate of Collingwood. You only had to be in Melbourne in the week before and after the Grand Final to feel it.

I think you are taking liberties with the facts a little bit. How many neutrals will support Carlton in a GF if we made it?

In fact, Carlton v Collingwood would probably see Collingwood favoured if anything, if for no other reason as it would stop Carlton getting to 17 first. All the bigger clubs have their fair share of hate directed towards them.

Let's not embellish to further a marketing campaign. Do you smell what I am cooking?
the point being the US v Them campaign which is the topic and born in the weeks before and after the Grand Final this year.

PS Carlton would be the favourite with non supporters and the media in a Carlton v Collingwood Grand Final.
Us vs Them is a marketing campaign. Your statements in an effort to back that campaign are questionable.

I'm not sure that Collingwood are the most hated team on BF so not sure how that would translate over to the real world. Depends on which group of supporters have been the most insufferable at the time I think.

Mate you obviously were not around the week after the Grand Final in Melbourne, because Collingwood supporters were vilified all day, every day.

On one hand you reckon other people are allowed to play the victim mentality, yet Collingwood supporters aren't.

How is that fair mate?!??!

Everyone's allowed to be able to walk down the street without being shat on by people who think it is a joke.

Yet you have one rule for one and another rule for another.

Double standards mate.

thats a bit rich Blessed..Grand Final week, there were plenty of Collingwood faithful to hold their own - dont know about being shat on...jokes aside Grand Finalists was a pretty good effort....just not good enough to win two flags in a row..maybe next time:)
Any abuse is wrong.

But my opinion is that Carlton supporters do not get the type of constant abuse in relation to questioning of mental ******ation that Collingwood supporters do. And I don't believe it is nearly as personal.

It really doesn't need to get personal.
I think Carlton supporters get their fair share...why are singling out Carlton supporters?...isnt that targeting someone in itself? abuse?

i dont think ive read anything personal here...more so general
Give in to the dark side - we are your fathers. I mean that. When your 'daddies' were out washing their cars we snuck in through the back window and gave your mummy an unforgettable bit of rough trade.

It's why sometimes she looks wistfully out the window and nags your 'dad'. We are your baby daddies which is why you have an unhealthy fixation with us. Let's start a relationship, son.
Any abuse is wrong.

But my opinion is that Carlton supporters do not get the type of constant abuse in relation to questioning of mental ******ation that Collingwood supporters do. And I don't believe it is nearly as personal.

It really doesn't need to get personal.

All teams cop it mate. Carlton supporters are told they are all morally bankrupt. That's fairly personal.

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Collingwood - us v them campaign

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