Collingwood - us v them campaign

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From Collingwood's point of view it's not always "us against them"

If Carlton is playing Collingwood I am "with" Collingwood and the "them" is Carlton.

I hate Carlton more. They have been more successful and are bigger rivals with my club. Sorry Pie fans. I know you like to think everyone hates you the most, but it's simply not true.
Blessed is right in most of what he is saying expect trying to compare Pie supporters situation with the Jewish take all that out of his argument and see what he is trying to say

People will not admit it but Pies supporters cop more crap then any sporting club in Australia maybe the world

Just look after the GF every supporter wanted us to lose

I had fools on Facebook for example mouthing Collingwood and they do not even support Aussie Rules

I had Geelong supporters mouthing me walking out the ground I had randoms walking to my car at Crown mouthing me just because I was wearing Black and White

The slogan is just going to make Pies supporters even more passionate but it's just telling us all what we already know
thats half the problem with kids these days, parents shelter then from everything and soon as something bad happens they have no idea how to react....

Every club has tool supporters, thats narrow minded thinking....

I have personally seen the Collingwood cheer squad gang up on 2 Sydney supporters who looked about 16-17 just because they were cheering for thir team in the same are. Not to mention the threats and abuse I've recieved for stopping any violence from happening .

Are there idiots supporters from every club? Yes

But I've personally seen more anti social behaviour and violence from
Collingwood supporters bar none.

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People will not admit it but Pies supporters cop more crap then any sporting club in Australia maybe the world

Just look after the GF every supporter wanted us to lose

The slogan is just going to make Pies supporters even more passionate but it's just telling us all what we already know

Talk about a victim mentality... Sheesh
It was only an exaggeration to convey a feeling. I thought that might be obvious. Next time I will put that in brackets so you understand.

On my first trip to America in 1997, one the leading stories of the day, aside from John Denver's death in a plane crash, was the story of 2 white racists.

They cruised around a town somewhere in the deep south in a pick up truck. Spotted an African American and tied him to the back of the truck and drove around town until there was barely a skeleton left.

On my first day in San Francisco, I was walking around near Union Square when a huge white guy hurtled himself towards an African American who was walking a few metres in front of me. The puched knocked the guy clean out. Police were quickly on the scene. One officer screamed at the guy, "Why the f*** did you do that". "Coz he's a f***** black", came the reply.

I don't know if the level of racism today is still as bad as then, but it was a sickening feeling.

So yes, it was a bad analogy. At least we don't get abused/attacked by the scum of the earth.

This is undeniably terrible, anybody would see it as such, but it has zero to do with Collingwood (and some of their supporters' bizarre victim mentality).
I have personally seen the Collingwood cheer squad gang up on 2 Sydney supporters who looked about 16-17 just because they were cheering for thir team in the same are. Not to mention the threats and abuse I've recieved for stopping any violence from happening .

Are there idiots supporters from every club? Yes

But I've personally seen more anti social behaviour and violence from
Collingwood supporters bar none.

do u sit with every teams cheer squad? or just collingwoods...
I had Geelong supporters mouthing me walking out the ground I had randoms walking to my car at Crown mouthing me just because I was wearing Black and White

Ask St Kilda supporters about the Collingwood fans after GF2.

If you give it, then you probably have to cop it.
do u sit with every teams cheer squad? or just collingwoods...

And that has anything to do with the issue of a group of middle age men threading harm and pushing and shoving Kids a quarter of their age?

Won't even go into all the other incidents over the years, but will say two of my closest mates are pies supporters and never had any trouble with them.

But a large % of pies supporters at the game needs to stay at home tbh.
And that has anything to do with the issue of a group of middle age men threading harm and pushing and shoving Kids a quarter of their age?

Won't even go into all the other incidents over the years, but will say two of my closest mates are pies supporters and never had any trouble with them.

But a large % of pies supporters at the game needs to stay at home tbh.

A large %? is 0.1 a large % to u. I dont really think 60% of collingwood fans have assaulted anyone or been in a mass brawl... come to think of it how many brawls have there been during a collingwood game? how many assaults after one?.... compared to soccer crowds (there was a nasty fight last week in an adelaide game) its really not that bad.

Generalizing and stereotyping is quiet obviously for stupid people, noone knows if Collingwood has a higher % of ********s than other club in Australia. All though many idiots believe it due to being told by other idiots, then seeing a few incidents of it and that somehow justifys a thought of "a large % of collingwood supporters should stay at home". Probably collingwood does have more thugs than other teams, due to the fact we have a larger supporter base than other teams, but a higher %?... just keep believing in sterotypes and generalizations if u want, its a true sign of a bright and nice individual.
And that has anything to do with the issue of a group of middle age men threading harm and pushing and shoving Kids a quarter of their age?

Won't even go into all the other incidents over the years, but will say two of my closest mates are pies supporters and never had any trouble with them.

But a large % of pies supporters at the game needs to stay at home tbh.

Nah we are all terrible we don't deserve the privilege of watching our team because of a stereotype that has gone on since the Vic park days and just intensified over years

Where all bad bad people after I cook dinner for my lovely GF and iron my shirt for work tomorrow I might just torture some animals and rob some houses
A large %? is 0.1 a large % to u. I dont really think 60% of collingwood fans have assaulted anyone or been in a mass brawl... come to think of it how many brawls have there been during a collingwood game? how many assaults after one?.... compared to soccer crowds (there was a nasty fight last week in an adelaide game) its really not that bad.
Generalizing and stereotyping is quiet obviously for stupid people, noone knows if Collingwood has a higher % of ********s than other club in Australia. All though many idiots believe it due to being told by other idiots, then seeing a few incidents of it and that somehow justifys a thought of "a large % of collingwood supporters should stay at home". Probably collingwood does have more thugs than other teams, due to the fact we have a larger supporter base than other teams, but a higher %?... just keep believing in sterotypes and generalizations if u want, its a true sign of a bright and nice individual.

Thanks for the personal insults questioning my intelligence , I did happen to say that I've witness far more violence and anti social behavior at Collingwood games.

So don't see how I'm following what other hear and see.*
Nah we are all terrible we don't deserve the privilege of watching our team because of a stereotype that has gone on since the Vic park days and just intensified over years

Where all bad bad people after I cook dinner for my lovely GF and iron my shirt for work tomorrow I might just torture some animals and rob some houses

Yep because I said all Collingwood supporters should stay at home, please where I said a % of the troublemakers should stay at home.
Yep because I said all Collingwood supporters should stay at home, please where I said a % of the troublemakers should stay at home.

No you said large amount should stay at home unless you have some kind of stats you are just following the sheep mentality so many others do you are the perfect example of what so many have said in this thread

Just admit it you were stereotyping

Just belted a guy who put some mail in my letter box after a few hits of the pipe

Does this make you feel better where all so very bad

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No you said large amount should stay at home unless you have some kind of stats you are just following the sheep mentality so many others do you are the perfect example of what so many have said in this thread

Just admit it you were stereotyping

Just belted a guy who put some mail in my letter box after a few hits of the pipe

Does this make you feel better where all so very bad

I didn't say ALL Collingwood supporters are anti social and violent. Friends with a lot of Collingwood supporters, however and bear in mind this is my own opinion but I've seen more violence and anti social behaviour at the Collingwood games I've been to over the years.

Hence why I said a large % of the supporters should stay at home instead of ruining the games for others.

How's that stereotyping Collingwood supporters I really don't know.
So far we have had Pies supporters comparing themselves to the victims of the Nazi's and the ku Klux Klan, which is offensive in the extreme and ignorant beyond words. I have many friends who are Pie's supporters, we always engage in footy banter, as I do with supporters of every other yourself a bridge and get the **** over it.
No it's just proven that a lot of BF pies supporters have a severe victim's mentality.

Also found out alot of people still in this modern age follow the stereotype mentality you should all be very proud remember a large % of Pies supporters should not go to games so looks like the one thing I love I'll have to watch from my 32cm TV in my prison cell
Not sure this kind of thing is a great idea considering the antisocial nature of a decent section of Collingwood's fans, and their immature behaviour at games.

Also, not sure if Eddie can claim that Collingwood doesn't tolerate that sort of behaviour, when they rely so heavily on it for marketing purposes.

Well said.

The other obvious thing to say:

"It's us versus them - and there's a hell of lot more of them than us"
From the very beginning it has always been us vs the rest. I wouldn't want it any other way. It is the greatest compliment our club can be given. Why we want to be loved by opposition? Jack Dyer said it beautifully 'I hate them more than anything on Earth but by God I respect them'.
The Collingwood supporters that are concerned about with it. It is not going to change. Always has been that way, always will be. The fact that most dislike us makes me even prouder of my football Club. Floreat Pica
From the very beginning it has always been us vs the rest. I wouldn't want it any other way. It is the greatest compliment our club can be given. Why we want to be loved by opposition? Jack Dyer said it beautifully 'I hate them more than anything on Earth but by God I respect them'.
The Collingwood supporters that are concerned about with it. It is not going to change. Always has been that way, always will be. The fact that most dislike us makes me even prouder of my football Club. Floreat Pica

Well, I hate Carlton more than you guys. So there. :p
I'm not a fan of generalisations, they tend to just perpetuate ignorance.

Saying that, generalisations actually do exist in society. Whether you can segment the population by football team and draw any meaningful conclusions about those groups is pretty damn unlikely though.

However, IF the fans of a certain club are actually far more likely to be obnoxious, rude, cruel, abusive, offensive, etc then we should certainly be free to describe them that way, whether it's Collingwood or anyone else. The problem arises when people hear that Collingwood fans are ferals or whatever insult gets thrown, then sees a single example of it and decides that it's true of all.

The other thing to consider is that Collingwood have more supporters than most clubs. If every club has a 3% ******** contingent then Collingwood will have the most ********s supporting them. That's if you subscribe to the notion that there is no difference at all in the make up of supporter bases.

The problem that I see with the Us vs Them campaign is that it actually makes idiots proud to be disliked. This is really clever marketing if you think you have a lot of idiots supporting your club, because it really does take an idiot to enjoy being disliked. Furthermore, idiots of other teams buy into it - so you're not only marketing to your own idiots but all the idiots out there. "yeah those Collingwood fans are all scumbags - go to any Collingwood game, you'll see, everyone hates 'em, that's why".

Enjoy your campaign Collingwood, I just think it's low brow and unskilled.

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Collingwood - us v them campaign

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