List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

What should we do with our 1st round draft pick?

  • Finn O’Sullivan

    Votes: 37 27.2%
  • Sid Draper

    Votes: 18 13.2%
  • Josh Smillie

    Votes: 11 8.1%
  • Jagga Smith

    Votes: 7 5.1%
  • Split for best mid and Tobie Travaglia

    Votes: 41 30.1%
  • Split for best mid and Liam Baker

    Votes: 8 5.9%
  • Split for best mid and best KPD

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Split for best two mids

    Votes: 4 2.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 4.4%
  • Sam Lalor

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .

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Dear Mr Pyke,

Thank you for your enquiry into the compensation West Coast would receive in the event Elliott Yeo receives a three year contract at $1.2 million per year under the free agency rules.

We have closely assessed this against the standard terms, and found West Coast would ordinarily receive a Band 1 compensation pick, but upon applying the vAFL secret sauce I am sorry to inform you that this has been down graded to nil compensation.

We have also identified in a recent audit that the frequent flyer miles West Coast gains is creating a competitive imbalance in the competition, and West Coast’s soft salary cap will be halved from 2025.

Yours sincerely


Next minute: Pykey asks ‘three years, hey?

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Good outcome regardless of humour, happy to keep Yeo in the wings. Heart and soul player when fit who makes others better.

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He should take that deal if true. He's likely to be delisted.

He isn't and has never been a small defender. Was drafted as a midfielder but has spent most of his time forward in the reserves.

Can't see him making it.

They seem big on him internally from what I've been told - not sure if they're just spinning his wheels though

DFA or PSD / 4th rounder?

Small defender.

No idea on the method of acquiring him - that will depend on Richmond
I don't so much mind the years as I do mind at what price. The guy's barely played 9 games a year for the last five years. Hope it wasn't anything too ridiculous..guess we'll hear the closest dollar amount on 6PR or something.
Not sure if true but one of the journos recently wrote something like Yeo was asking around $750,000 a year for 2 years and $350-400,000 for the 3rd year.

We may never know though...
Yeo has played bloody well this year. He is probably the B&F leader at this stage. Two years i don't mind. The 3rd is questionable. I would hope that there are substantial triggers for that 3rd year. But we will never know and i was betting on it i would say there are either no triggers or if they are there they are not very substantial.
Happy we kept him. I can't see a cap squeeze for us while we're playing like this so even money is unlikely to be an issue until the 3rd year when it should be lowest.

Am wondering how we get any extra picks in to continue our rebuild now we don't get the compo
Mitch Cleary reporting we met with Liam baker today.

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3 years is a lot for Yeoy but we can always just front end it. If he can stay on the park its a massive bonus. Will help protect our young midfield until such a time they are ready to make it their own. For that reason alone it was worth just getting it done. Front load the shit out of it and we'll be fine.
Paying an injury prone, over 30 year old $800,000 a year is absolute madness when we’re going to finish bottom 5 for the foreseeable future and should be rebuilding. Right know we’re still paying Natanui’s contract and Gaff huge money to play twos ffs.

What the f*** are they thinking.
We’ve got to hit the 95% salary cap floor somehow.

I too am happy to keep him, perhaps a year too long given his injury history, but he’s important to keep around for the youngsters.
Paying an injury prone, over 30 year old $800,000 a year is absolute madness when we’re going to finish bottom 5 for the foreseeable future and should be rebuilding. Right know we’re still paying Natanui’s contract and Gaff huge money to play twos ffs.

What the f*** are they thinking.
who tf else are we going to get to play with our young midfield? Do you want us to have just a bunch of sub 21 year olds in there?
Not like theres another big bodied, younger, less injury prone mid who is even close to as good as Yeo available to replace him with. We have an elite player, we pay him what hes worth.

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Signing Yeo for three years is not without significant risk but we’re in a position where his contract can be front loaded and his influence on the young mids (Reid and Hewett in particular) shouldn’t be understated

It’s a good re-signing and well played to his manager for getting him that extra year

Third year was just to entice an extra 12 months out of Reid.

Over to you, Harls
How much can we offer without being stupid about it? I dont want us to go offer 2mil a season to Warner, 1.5mil is close to right, but if Freo offer similar to us then we are not more attractive in that context
We will struggle to meet the salary floor over the next few years with most of our big contracts coming to an end, and the salary cap is about to go up, we can afford to throw a bit around for an elite mid, and whatever freo can offer we can top in amount and years.
Its not just Sharp

They clearly have a good young list, anybody disputing that is blind. They have been playing like a top 6 side this year, while their best players are nearly all still under 25, with none over 30. One of the youngest clubs around.
Lots of teams have good young lists but more often than not good young lists don't end up as premiership lists.

Playing like a top 6 side? They just lost to the 9th placed side by 70 points, and got belted by us who according to you aren't even worth consideration.

If a player was looking to come to WA then Freo would have to be the more attractive club if they want success in the near future.
Past history doesnt mean anything, they have a completely different list now, different coach, etc
Depends how you define success, but until freo can get the monkey off of their back and win one then you'd just be crossing your fingers and praying because they've been in the competition for 30 years without much to show for it nd there has been several false dawns along the way for old freo. You probably would have been saying the same thing in 2013/2014 as well.

Is the constant stream of players that freo haemorrhages every single year evidence of an attractive footy club to play at? Half of these guys are from WA and end up packing up and heading back east when they were supposedly homesick a couple of years prior.
Disagree, if he slips past us then it is what it is. It would be a huge win if we got him though. Freo are getting pretty good crowds these days to the point where Optus isnt that far off being filled. Give them a couple more years in the 8 with some success and theyll be averaging 50k+, only a few thousand below us if we turn things around.
Does a couple thousand people in the crowd make a difference? I dont think it does
That sort of passive mindset isn't going to get us back in contention anytime soon, he's an absolute gun and exactly the kind of player we need and we can offer things that freo can't.

Give them a couple more years in the 8? They aren't even a sure thing to make finals this year and if they don't thats a couple more years outside of the 8 after the 6 consecutive they missed before that. You keep showing them grace and leeway that you don't share back with your own team.
a couple hundred k on a 10mil+ contract is pretty irrelevant, he will look where he can enjoy his footy and have success. Warner is the same age as most of Freos young guns, we are still building and are unlikely to be any chance of playing finals for at least a couple of years still.
A couple hundred k a year, not over the course of the contract.

Nobody goes to freo "for success".

Plenty of players choose to move to teams that may be lower on the ladder that year but have a better history of success and for the prestige of playing at a bigger club. You speak like it's a forgone conclusion that he will choose freo when there is still plenty of water to go under the bridge.
Idk why im defending Freo, but they would be way ahead as an attractive club for a young star coming home. Thats just where we are at right now
Again, you might want to ask any of freo's frequent departures about whether or not they're an attractive club to play for. Take your pick, you've got Schultz, Henry, Acres, Lobb, Cerra, Logue, Tucker, Langdon, Hogan, Hill, Neale and that's just off the top of my head in the last few years.

It's all completely up in the air still so you don't need to oversell the positives of going to Fremantle while ignoring all the negatives and then rubbishing our chances of getting him.
Steely Green is pretty quick isnt he? A small quick mid/fwd would be a role we dont have sewn up yet. May as well get him instead of someone with a super late pick I guess.
Could be steak knives to a Baker trade

Or we asked Wish for Liam Baker and got sent a Steely Green