Essendon 2021

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I think the horse has well and truly bolted with Aaron Francis the guy has talent no doubt but just doesn’t have it mentally to be an elite player it was a bad sign when his home town clubs showed very little interest a couple of years back

Reports are his training has finally reached good standards this preseason so might not be over yet. Plus he’s always played better without Hurley and Micks likely moving forward this year.
Ambrose is 29 and hasn’t played 100 career games
Hartley 26 games
Francis 35 games
Ridley 26 games
ZT 11 games

These guys are not ready to take over from Hooker and Hurley and lead either the defence or attack, another two or three years of experience and they would be up around the 70-100 games and ready to go. Ridley about the only one showing enough to suggest he belongs out there and will be reliable. Adding 4 more tall guys doesn’t fix the problem this season or next.

Ur assuming Hooker and Hurley at their peak..
Both are just absolutely cooked.
Kevin Sheedy could probably replace them at the moment.
Bombers have made a transition to youth with all their talls.
Collingwood made a grand final with Cox and Mihocek as their main key forwards, System > Personnel, our problem that we need to fix is system.
Sorry but this sounds like club/dodo propaganda.
Your list still needs serious work.

That Pies side had guys like Grundy, Pendles and Adams. Serious midfielders. Then other talent like De Goey, Howell, Moore, Treloar and Sidebottom.
You just don't have that talent at this moment.

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Ur assuming Hooker and Hurley at their peak..
Both are just absolutely cooked.
Kevin Sheedy could probably replace them at the moment.
Bombers have made a transition to youth with all their talls.

Hooker might have a bit more in the tank. Lost 6-7 kilos and moving as well as he has since his AA.
Sorry but this sounds like club/dodo propaganda.
Your list still needs serious work.

That Pies side had guys like Grundy, Pendles and Adams. Serious midfielders. Then other talent like De Goey, Howell, Moore, Treloar and Sidebottom.
You just don't have that talent at this moment.

I was replying to a poster who was bagging our forward line options, I don't think we can make a grand final, I also don't think you need stars on every line.
I think Draper looks promising, but I wouldn't have gone quite so far in my praise of him :p

Im really excited about him and don’t tend to rate rucks. Don’t really care about the actual ruck work , except for minimum competence to not get bullied, but his two best attributes are what I think are most important for rucks. Marking and physicality. Set the tone every stoppage and provide support in the air. Also his personality is huge, wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up captain.
Bottom 6. We are garbage and will remain so until our off field set up is drastically improved. It's not our only flaw but it's out biggest one.
What would you change?

this pussy ass google/IT Company employee culture we adopted following the drug saga.

I wouldn't be surprised if the hangars full of ****ing sleeping pods and a games room.

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Right. So nothing you can actually point to. Got it.

not sure what you mean?

I did point too it?

there are many things wrong but the clubs culture is the first place to start.
Two main things. The club needs to show soul. Demonstrate that it is a football club, not a spineless, hollow corporate identity. Off the top of my head there's a couple of ways this could happen:

Back our boys - Our blokes have been getting slaughtered by the umpires for years. Yes, I'm aware how this looks but IDGAF - it's true and the treatment we got last year was the worst I've seen. Diabolical. So when umpiring is poor to this extent, the CEO/President/Coach/Captain need to call it out. Let the players know that they have unwavering support behind them and we won't let this kind of crap go unchecked. Also, anytime the media attacks one of our players unjustly (or even when it's just), defend them.

Crank up the tough love - The clubs seems satisfied with simply making the eight. Sure, it's important to remain positive but it's also necessary to find an appropriate balance between remaining optimistic and taking corrective action against those that do not produce results. I imagine he was wired to give this sort of response but when we lost an elim to the Eagles in 2019 (a game that was over before half time) in a post match interview Orazio commented that the year was a success. Way to kick your suffering members in the guts. And the 'Trainer's Award' (given to the player who showed the most courtesy and appreciation to the training staff and volunteers) is embarrassing. Cut that sort of shit out.
this pussy ass google/IT Company employee culture we adopted following the drug saga.

I wouldn't be surprised if the hangars full of ******* sleeping pods and a games room.
You probably have one of the best training facility’s in the competition so I think it’s more the personnel staff that are the problem you’re club still seem to love hiring ex Essendon people instead of best available to fill positions
You probably have one of the best training facility’s in the competition so I think it’s more the personnel staff that are the problem you’re club still seem to love hiring ex Essendon people instead of best available to fill positions

We have one ex-Essendon assistant coach in Caracella, who is historically regarded as one of the best in the league.

Most clubs have an ex-player Ruck coach, which is Bellchambers.

Who else...?
Two main things. The club needs to show soul. Demonstrate that it is a football club, not a spineless, hollow corporate identity. Off the top of my head there's a couple of ways this could happen:

Back our boys - Our blokes have been getting slaughtered by the umpires for years. Yes, I'm aware how this looks but IDGAF - it's true and the treatment we got last year was the worst I've seen. Diabolical. So when umpiring is poor to this extent, the CEO/President/Coach/Captain need to call it out. Let the players know that they have unwavering support behind them and we won't let this kind of crap go unchecked. Also, anytime the media attacks one of our players unjustly (or even when it's just), defend them.

Crank up the tough love - The clubs seems satisfied with simply making the eight. Sure, it's important to remain positive but it's also necessary to find an appropriate balance between remaining optimistic and taking corrective action against those that do not produce results. I imagine he was wired to give this sort of response but when we lost an elim to the Eagles in 2019 (a game that was over before half time) in a post match interview Orazio commented that the year was a success. Way to kick your suffering members in the guts. And the 'Trainer's Award' (given to the player who showed the most courtesy and appreciation to the training staff and volunteers) is embarrassing. Cut that sort of sh*t out.

Brasher and Rutten have done both of the above this off-season.
But who are you replacing?
Your leadership group is nonexistent I couldn’t even tell you who your captain and vice is . also any of field personnel that was there during the saga that’s still at your club needs to be cleaned out and also I won’t even try and start a conversation about your completely unqualified incompetent list manager
Your leadership group is nonexistent

It was announced last week, and mentioned in this very thread.

I couldn’t even tell you who your captain and vice is

Well that's not true, most people would know Heppell is Captain, has been for a few years now.

any of field personnel that was there during the saga that’s still at your club needs to be cleaned out

Lucky for you the vast majority have been, certainly pretty much everyone in any kind of coaching, medical or conditioning role.

I won’t even try and start a conversation about your completely unqualified incompetent list manager

Probably best given your totally deranged obsession with he-who-we-shall-not-name.
Two main things. The club needs to show soul. Demonstrate that it is a football club, not a spineless, hollow corporate identity. Off the top of my head there's a couple of ways this could happen:

Back our boys - Our blokes have been getting slaughtered by the umpires for years. Yes, I'm aware how this looks but IDGAF - it's true and the treatment we got last year was the worst I've seen. Diabolical. So when umpiring is poor to this extent, the CEO/President/Coach/Captain need to call it out. Let the players know that they have unwavering support behind them and we won't let this kind of crap go unchecked. Also, anytime the media attacks one of our players unjustly (or even when it's just), defend them.

Crank up the tough love - The clubs seems satisfied with simply making the eight. Sure, it's important to remain positive but it's also necessary to find an appropriate balance between remaining optimistic and taking corrective action against those that do not produce results. I imagine he was wired to give this sort of response but when we lost an elim to the Eagles in 2019 (a game that was over before half time) in a post match interview Orazio commented that the year was a success. Way to kick your suffering members in the guts. And the 'Trainer's Award' (given to the player who showed the most courtesy and appreciation to the training staff and volunteers) is embarrassing. Cut that sort of sh*t out.
Yeah I think we were fairly soft last year (and for a long time) when it comes to these things (looking at Xavier Campbell).

Brasher said he'll change our standing and speak up more. We can only wait and see if there'll be any changes to our approach.
It was announced last week, and mentioned in this very thread.

Well that's not true, most people would know Heppell is Captain, has been for a few years now.

Lucky for you the vast majority have been, certainly pretty much everyone in any kind of coaching, medical or conditioning role.

Probably best given your totally deranged obsession with he-who-we-shall-not-name.
So you’re happy with Heppell as a leader moving forward

Essendon 2021

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