Autopsy Geelong loses to PA in QF2 by about 6 goals.

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Out of all these prelim final losses over the last 10 years this is the most deflating! The realisation this team is done! ain't winning sh*t with Scott at the helm, he is done! Time to move on Geelong!

It's gonna be bloody rough for you because you might still witness another one this year!
Chris Scott is not to blame for our skill errors and overall lack of 'effort' or whatever you want to call it. He's not to blame when Clangerfield sends it straight down a Port defender's throat. Scott isn't to blame when Guthrie spectates as his opponent runs away with the ball. You can't blame Scott if a player misses an open goal from 15 metres out.

Fortunately we get another game to try to reboot.

Idk, I actually think he is to blame for that. We know it's NOT a particular game plan that causes us to consistently fail, since it's not like Scott has implemented the same game plan over and over in finals. During his tenure we've gone in to finals with many different styles of play. This 2020-21 high possession chipping game plan isn't the same style we brought to the 2013 finals or the 2016 finals for example.

The one consistent theme, however, is this collapse in our intensity and skill level in finals. Our list has been turned over almost completely in the last 10 years but no matter which players are out there, the mental fragility still seems to always be there as a defining characteristic of Geelong in finals under Scott. Culture is a soft factor in football which makes it hard to analyse or quantify; it's not something tactical where you can see visually on screen what the coach been training them to do. It's more intangible than that. But that doesn't mean it's not a real thing that influences outcomes. There must be a reason we always go to water in finals. There's something about Scott's coaching that breeds mentally weak players.

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Well that was truly garbage guys looked flat from the start and didn't even look like it tonight, thats our last 6 quarters by nearly 90 points clearly a problem.

So our skill level is what killed us it leaked goals and allowed Port to apply pressure on us if the lads aren't breathing fire from the start next week then changes need to be made going to the future.
Anyone who thinks simply sacking Scott and replacing him will bare fruit is simply wrong. This isn't down to 1 man but to the entire club. It's cultural and ingrained.
Sacking and replacing Scott without any other changes is what Carlton would do.
We want change, we need wholesale change, and honestly it simply won't happen when those at the top view finishing top 4, regardless of competitiveness in finals, as successful and celebratory.
I know it's always hard making calls this big after results like this, but it's something I've been thinking of for a while now.

How much longer can we keep doing this? And what needs to happen for us to make a change? In my opinion, the last ten years has been a waste of time. We need change at the club and a new direction.

Losing next week would probably be better for us in the long run. We need to hose out the coaches box and rebuild not just our list, but our mentality. The mongrel and hunger just isn't in the heads of this team. The desperation isn't there. The footage of Guthrie jogging, Henderson fumbling, Hawk missing sitters etc - it's all very telling.

The excuse-making from Scott is infuriating, and I wish everybody would stop tolerating it.

Injuries haven't helped us, but as per usual, the problems are between the ears with this group. We're miles off at the moment. Would take a miracle to win the GF from here.
first finals geelong since 2012

2012 smashed by freo in Victoria. our home final
2013 beaten by freo in Geelong. Our home final
2014 smashed by hawthorn.
2016 beat hawthorn by less then a kick after smith missed. Hawthorn were getting smashed by everyone else at the end of that season and we nearly lost.
2017 smashed by richmond by 51 points (we beat richmond comfortably just weeks earlier)
2018 smashed by melbourne from the start.
2019 beaten by Collingwood,
2020 beaten by port.
2021 smashed by port.

It’s so devastating, so unrealistic. You have to call it art.
Maybe if we trade the youngsters Clark, Constable and Narkle, we can top up with some more 30+ year olds in 2022 and make another run at it?

Stat: Since 2012 in first finals, we are 1 win, 8 losses. The 1 win was against Hawthorn, where Isaac Smith missed a sitter after the siren to beat us.

Is there anyone who honestly thinks that is good enough?

I'm really sick of all this 'look how Geelong always finishes top 4' rubbish.

Sadly, I think a lot of our supporters and those within the club have been drinking the Kool-Aid. Almost a return to the handbag days.

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I honestly just can't even anymore. We'll win next week and lose just as badly in the prelim as we did tonight. Even worse we'll lose just as badly to the Swans or Giants. Either way it's flipping embarrassing.

Let them kick 5 easy goals out the back in the 2nd Q unanswered and it's game over. Can't kick 2.5 in the first Q away from home and expect to be competitive. Same problems year after year. We get plenty of ball into the F50, but it's always shit and under pressure. It's never easy and out the back. So you give easy intercepts to the opposition to carve you up down the middle from arc to arc.
Think we are off to Tassie so you are safe
Surely not, that would advantage our opponents in a game that should be our home game.
Ok, 3 successive wins for a flag.
Guthrie did not try all night
That's an improvement for starters that can be made.
Hendo I'll forgive. He tried, just had a night to forget.
Smith put in
Close terrific
Hawk and Cameron never stood a chance.
Dahlhaus a shocker
Simpson not bad
Stanley beat Lycett
Henry was unbelievable
Duncan first game back a great game from him considering
Selwood tried all night as always
Danger gave about 2 good quarters
It's time for a revolt and asking a forward to join the coaching ranks.
Too negative
See if Gaz snr can talk to the boys re forward attacking
Even Dougie Wade or my good alias self.
Hit the scoreboard
first finals geelong since 2012

2012 smashed by freo in Victoria. our home final
2013 beaten by freo in Geelong. Our home final
2014 smashed by hawthorn.
2016 beat hawthorn by less then a kick after smith missed. Hawthorn were getting smashed by everyone else at the end of that season and we nearly lost.
2017 smashed by richmond by 51 points (we beat richmond comfortably just weeks earlier)
2018 smashed by melbourne from the start.
2019 beaten by Collingwood,
2020 beaten by port.
2021 smashed by port.

It’s so devastating, so unrealistic. You have to call it art.
The only upside is we have a great history of coming back extremely strong the next week.
Well I’ve had one sook on here calling me negative so I’ll try and be more positive, I thought we played really well for a slow, old and sh*t football team.
Close and Henry played well and that’s it.

Didn't sook bud. I don't even care that you're negative, I'm negative about that performfance too. It was pathetic.

Fact is though you're always negative. All I did was question why you follow a football club that seems to give you no joy. Just seems to defeat the purpose if I'm honest.

It's just a game of footy. If it's adding nothing to your life then don't follow it. Your quality of life will improve significantly I assure you.
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