News Geelong's position in Essendon investigation and ACC report

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And if you just want to believe in the facts look at the punishment Kerr got for forging a script, and taking tranquillisers. No punishment. Chad ods, nil punishment.

Time to wake up
Lets not forget that Kerr was also recorded via police phone tap discussing his weekend on Ketamine with a guy who has since been convicted of drug trafficing.
No one should be surprised when individual players are found out as is inevitable in our sport and other sports. What would be a monumental issue is a proven case of systemic doping within a club or sport. All the rest is more a wake-up call than our darkest day in my view.

Agree with all you say on this, AM.
This is the bit that concerns me from the Report (not in relation to Geelong, because I don't think it's actually even remotely likely to be us, but generally):
While the level of suspected use of peptides varies between sporting codes, officials
from one club have been identified as administering, via injections and intravenous drips,
a variety of substances, possibly including peptides. Moreover, the substances were
administered at levels which were possibly in breach of WADA anti-doping rules. This
activity was orchestrated by some club officials and the club’s high performance unit.

This concerns me because it shows how close all clubs came to a point of no return.
As with any arms race, universal participation appears to have been a few short steps away.

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Thats the trouble with all this bullshit could name may be the whole bloody lot...or none of them.

We should wait for the investigation to be completed......before we point the finger.

Looking at the main board, it seems thats not a popular policy unfortunately.
what clubs do you think are involved in this??

Can't say too much mate, coz I'm involved in the upcoming mini-series.
It explores the life and times of one of the most mysterious and influential people in Australian sporting history, the person who can and will reveal all. The person who knows where the bodies are buried, who did what and for how much and to whom.
A person currently sought, in a mad rush against time, by half the world's most unsavoury people - Bomber Thompson, the sinister Vlad, drug cops, the Feds, pharmacists, Singapore bookmakers, pseudo-journos, electioneering pollies, you name it!
Remember, if in doubt, cherchez la femme. I give you……
I still don't know what we were told yesterday, what were the facts, what were the factual accusations?

The below was taken from the "Key Findings" section of the ACC report:

"Despite being prohibited substances in professional sport, peptides and hormones are being used by professional athletes in Australia, facilitated by sports scientists, high performance coaches and sports staff. Widespread use of these substances has been identified, or is suspected by the ACC

Multiple players across some sporting codes and specific clubs within those codes are suspected of currently using or having previously used peptides, which could constitute an anti-doping rule violation. The level of suspected use of peptides varies between some sporting codes, however officials from a club have been identified as administering, via injections and intravenous drips, a variety of substances, possibly including peptides. Moreover, the substances were administered at levels which were possibly in breach of WADA anti-doping rules"

Very carefully worded for legal reasons?, or maybe they still don't have the facts, which makes it seem like yesterday was rushed
So my take that I also put in the AFL board is that a rugby club Dank worked at is the one under the pump, and because he worked at Essendon they are under audit. But unless Dank lied and underhandedly gave players illegal supplements I would think they would be clear.

That of course doesn't preclude individual AFL players from sourcing things themselves.

That's just from reading the tea leaves though, Vlad seems to be at pains to stress that the one club mentioned in the report wasn't Essendon, although he obviously couldn't say it out right as it would hand suspicion straight onto the NRL.
Can't say too much mate, coz I'm involved in the upcoming mini-series.
It explores the life and times of one of the most mysterious and influential people in Australian sporting history, the person who can and will reveal all. The person who knows where the bodies are buried, who did what and for how much and to whom.
A person currently sought, in a mad rush against time, by half the world's most unsavoury people - Bomber Thompson, the sinister Vlad, drug cops, the Feds, pharmacists, Singapore bookmakers, pseudo-journos, electioneering pollies, you name it!
Remember, if in doubt, cherchez la femme. I give you……

:D Some of your best work!
Yeah I trust our ceo, head doctor and players, but it sometimes only takes one or a few people to bring down a whole organisation. I think we are clean because we are professional, but we appear to be guilty by association here - the fact that a certain ex trainer and a certain ex coach are in the gun right now doesn't sit easy with me and gives us a bad look.

Heard kennett on the radio this morning slamming Brian cook and Trevor nesbitt of west coast for saying something along the lines of not being responsible for their employees (which I don't believe they actually said anyway) and that the three strike policy is open to drug abuse.

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So my take that I also put in the AFL board is that a rugby club Dank worked at is the one under the pump, and because he worked at Essendon they are under audit. But unless Dank lied and underhandedly gave players illegal supplements I would think they would be clear.

That of course doesn't preclude individual AFL players from sourcing things themselves.

That's just from reading the tea leaves though, Vlad seems to be at pains to stress that the one club mentioned in the report wasn't Essendon, although he obviously couldn't say it out right as it would hand suspicion straight onto the NRL.

It was certainly stated in reports of yesterday's presser that Essendon was not the club mentioned in the Report; maybe this came from answers to journo's questions, I don't know.
Essendon isn't under audit because of the Dank connection, it is because when Reimers was about to roll over they suddenly "heard" something that concerned them, and called in the AFL and ASADA.
Or, in Mark McVeigh's version:
David Evans: "Andrew, it's Davo here mate, look I think we may have a bit of a problem, I wonder if you could nip over and bring the drugs boys with you."
AD: "Geez mate, that sounds serious, what's the deal?"
DE: "Don't want to be alarmist mate, but it sounds like some of our rogue physedders have been giving the boys - can you believe it - vitamins."
AD: "Lock everything down, we'll be there in 5 minutes".
I wouldn't listen to a word Kennett has to say regarding anything Geelong. He is clearly biased and definitely has an agenda against us. I wouldn't be slinging mud if I were the Hawks - they appear to be the Kings of injecting if you read this article.

There may or may not be anything sinister going on down there, but they are all over injecting players with goodness knows what. Let the idiots at Hawthorn point their fingers and thrown around baseless rumours - it is a sign of their character and most people just take their bullshit with a grain of salt. I am extremely confident we will come through this unscathed. We have people of the highest integrity throughout the club and "we play the game as it should be played" - with class, honesty and dignity. It's the Geelong way.
Kennett is a loud mouth Flog who doesn't realise he is no longer the President of Hawthorn nor the Premier of Victoria. He doesn't represent Hawthorn anymore than he represents the opinion of Victorians. He should be left to hang out with his "bogon" mates
Mentioned this on the main board, but Caro on FC last night did say something interesting, slamming "these clubs that have wanted to take a short cut to success"

That would appear to let us out, given we built up slowly over many years. Ask any Cat fan sitting in the rain at K Park watching us get flogged in the early 2000s whether we were taking a short cut to success.
I think it's great that supporters here are standing up for the club we love. But I don't think we're out of the woods yet, if something did happen at Geelong it is possible that all the respected club officials may not have known about it in the first place.
I think it's great that supporters here are standing up for the club we love. But I don't think we're out of the woods yet, if something did happen at Geelong it is possible that all the respected club officials may not have known about it in the first place.

But we have heard from our recent captain who has stated that nothing of this sort ever went down at the club.

You also have Costa's word to back that up, they are two very respected people who not only have their jobs on the line in the media but two successful businessman who could potentially cop a massive backlash for lying about it.
I doubt Lingy wouldn't have known about any player having PED's pumped into them, he's one on one with all players and surely he would have known if someone was doing that stuff or not.
I think it's great that supporters here are standing up for the club we love. But I don't think we're out of the woods yet, if something did happen at Geelong it is possible that all the respected club officials may not have known about it in the first place.

This is pretty much where I'm at too.

I'm sure all clubs supporters are heralding their respective hierarchies for their integrity and professionalism etc to some degree and have just as many reasons to as we are.

But it's the integrity, morals etc of these people that would lead players wanting to do something sinister to do so completely outside of the knowledge of these people. Hell, I would if it were me.

So while we may not be the systematic doping machine that Essendon are being played out as, there's as much chance we have the odd player looking for an illegal edge as any other clubs do and naturally if this is happening it's not as if they're doing it having sought endorsement from the Cat's hierarchy and leadership group.
But we have heard from our recent captain who has stated that nothing of this sort ever went down at the club.

You also have Costa's word to back that up, they are two very respected people who not only have their jobs on the line in the media but two successful businessman who could potentially cop a massive backlash for lying about it.
I doubt Lingy wouldn't have known about any player having PED's pumped into them, he's one on one with all players and surely he would have known if someone was doing that stuff or not.
I think it's unlikely injections ever occurred at Geelong. But I also do not believe the Essendon players knew what they were consuming - a very sad and concerning situation.
I think it's great that supporters here are standing up for the club we love. But I don't think we're out of the woods yet, if something did happen at Geelong it is possible that all the respected club officials may not have known about it in the first place.

I agree, but I was expecting a lot more red flags by this point. It doesn't seem like we had the issues in the club hierarchy that Essendon had/has; Thompson and Robinson did not effectively have carte blanche over our footy department. Dank's role at our club appears to be limited to being just a person that Robinson would contact (not someone who was employed by the club). I think so far, we have reason to be cautiously optimistic, but I wouldn't think for a second at this stage that the club, or individuals within the club, won't be investigated thoroughly and a few of them might have cases to answer (I hope not).
I prefer to back the club in to the hilt every time and if it turns out there was wrong doing then I will look at my position then. Until then, it's innocent until proven guilty in my eyes. This club has given me so many wonderful memories over the years that I feel I owe it to them to be completely behind them in every way. It might be blind faith, but I really do feel that I owe the club that much at the very least.

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News Geelong's position in Essendon investigation and ACC report

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