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I know the buck stops at the top but the BS would have come from McBurney, she’s just the mouthpiece.

We’ve heard more from Kane in 12 months than we ever heard from Dillon when he was in the job. Never heard from him in the role

Glad someone said it. People might not like her and I’m not saying anything she says has been perfect, but she’s stuck her neck out more than anyone else has been willing to in the past.

She’s been in the job 5 seconds and she’s probably learning some tough lessons pretty fast

The biggest issue with this is that detecting instances of concussion is a bit of a red herring. The issue for contact sports is that cumulative rattling over the hundreds of little contests throughout a game do just as much damage.

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Glad someone said it. People might not like her and I’m not saying anything she says has been perfect, but she’s stuck her neck out more than anyone else has been willing to in the past.

She’s been in the job 5 seconds and she’s probably learning some tough lessons pretty fast

She’s had to stick her neck out and try to defend the state of the game. It’s as low under her watch as it’s ever been.
The biggest issue with this is that detecting instances of concussion is a bit of a red herring. The issue for contact sports is that cumulative rattling over the hundreds of little contests throughout a game do just as much damage.
Like any area, more to be known.

If I am understating this, SCAT isn’t good beyond the post hit assessment but then the second tweet refers to it not being a sound reference in the first place.

I believe things like eye movement tests and transcranial magnetic stimulation (brain stimulation) is a scientifically supported assessment. Of course, not done during the game. And doctors do more than the SCAT in game, when the player comes off.

Cumulative issue is probably ignored in a sense, big hits get the attention. Players almost certainly know when they aren’t 100% from accumulation. How many sit out at these times?
I think the eyes on the game is at its highest it has ever been?
When you say stupid things you attract the attention. Just look at the times when they've admitted a mistake, most people move on pretty quickly.
Is it really though? People always that.

Umpiring is frustrating, but footy generally is in an ok state.

Umpiring has no public faith.

The draft is hopelessly compromised and now completely up in the air.

Mid-season changes are now coming hard and fast in both on-field and off-field rules.

Clubs openly dispute the AFL's view on discussions.

AFL-assisted drug use has been revealed.

I would say there are more ongoing issues now than at any other time in the AFL. Even the * drug program only affected one club. And the issues continue to increase. None of them are resolving; instead, they are multiplying and magnifying. No, it's being managed as poorly as it ever has. And that takes some effort.
When you say stupid things you attract the attention. Just look at the times when they've admitted a mistake, most people move on pretty quickly.
The AFL consistently prove the old saying "better to keep quiet and let people think you are an idiot than open your mouth and prove it."
The AFL are past masters at it, they regularly wheel out highly paid 'sacrificial lambs' to do the talking and feed the 600+ media whilst in the background count the cash that keeps rolling in with all the air time/clicks etc.
Umpiring has no public faith.

The draft is hopelessly compromised and now completely up in the air.

Mid-season changes are now coming hard and fast in both on-field and off-field rules.

Clubs openly dispute the AFL's view on discussions.

AFL-assisted drug use has been revealed.

I would say there are more ongoing issues now than at any other time in the AFL. Even the * drug program only affected one club. And the issues continue to increase. None of them are resolving; instead, they are multiplying and magnifying. No, it's being managed as poorly as it ever has. And that takes some effort.

Yeah, nah. Professional sports have ongoing dramas each and every season across all codes and leagues. In the 80s and 90s there were multiple clubs continually on death's door because of how poorly managed they were. Umpiring has always been imperfect, had perceived impacts on games for the 3-4 decades I have been watching both major footy codes in this country. I can't think of a time when the game was without controversy or intrigue. As Talking Heads say - it's the same as it ever was.

Despite a cost of living crunch at present crowds are at record levels and TV ratings are buoyant. It's not as if the umpiring/rule changes are driving the fans away.
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Yeah, nah. Professional sports have ongoing dramas each and every season across all codes and leagues. In the 80s and 90s there were multiple clubs continually on death's door because of how poorly managed they were. Umpiring has always been imperfect, had perceived impacts on games for the 3-4 decades I have been watching both major footy codes in this country. I can't think of a time when the game was without controversy or intrigue. As Talking Heads say - it's the same as it ever was.

Despite a cost of living crunch at present crowds are at record levels and TV ratings are buoyant. It's not as if the umpiring/rule changes are driving the fans away.

I think fan attendance is the last sign of trouble, not the first. If it were the first, then the round zero shemozzle and the byes s**tshow would have been raging successes and the best ideas in years.
I think fan attendance is the last sign of trouble, not the first. If it were the first, then the round zero shemozzle and the byes s**tshow would have been raging successes and the best ideas in years.

If the state of the game was as perilous as you make out then memberships, crowds and TV ratings wouldn’t all be on the up. Footy codes in this country are often managed poorly, umpiring/refereeing is generally always causing angst and rule changes are an expectation. Despite this the crowds and viewership keep climbing and both codes keep expanding.

The AFL has been tinkering with the rules, the draft and the competition year on year for as long as I can remember - and they’ll continue to do so. I think the hardcore supporters will probably vent about it but the vast majority of punters will keep watching/attending and enjoying the game.

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If the state of the game was as perilous as you make out then memberships, crowds and TV ratings wouldn’t all be on the up. Footy codes in this country are often managed poorly, umpiring/refereeing is generally always causing angst and rule changes are an expectation. Despite this the crowds and viewership keep climbing and both codes keep expanding.

The AFL has been tinkering with the rules, the draft and the competition year on year for as long as I can remember - and they’ll continue to do so. I think the hardcore supporters will probably vent about it but the vast majority of punters will keep watching/attending and enjoying the game.
And here we all are on BigFooty!
I think fan attendance is the last sign of trouble, not the first. If it were the first, then the round zero shemozzle and the byes s**tshow would have been raging successes and the best ideas in years.
As ridiculous as it sounds, a whole bunch of people just voted that this current decade, the 2020s, is the greatest decade of footy ever. This over the 80s, 90s, wherever you think the golden generation for football was.

I agree there are frustrations, but by every metric, people love the game more than ever at the moment.

As ridiculous as it sounds, a whole bunch of people just voted that this current decade, the 2020s, is the greatest decade of footy ever. This over the 80s, 90s, wherever you think the golden generation for football was.

I agree there are frustrations, but by every metric, people love the game more than ever at the moment.

A "whole bunch of people" is better described as the 12 members of the Age's football writing staff. It is even better described as a vested interest in the current product.

Also, as to "loving the game more than ever", I am led to think of the parable of the Prodigal Son. People are clinging more tightly to what they fear they are losing.
A "whole bunch of people" is better described as the 12 members of the Age's football writing staff. It is even better described as a vested interest in the current product.

Also, as to "loving the game more than ever", I am led to think of the parable of the Prodigal Son. People are clinging more tightly to what they fear they are losing.

Which one of the Oz Brothers are you?

Glad someone said it. People might not like her and I’m not saying anything she says has been perfect, but she’s stuck her neck out more than anyone else has been willing to in the past.

She’s been in the job 5 seconds and she’s probably learning some tough lessons pretty fast
She’s been paid to stick her neck out…
She’s just a mouthpiece. Her word salads are nice, and she always smile whilst delivering, but that’s all they are.
Plus she ticks the equity box.
She asks McBurney, he asks his boss and then it goes up the chain for their riding instructions etc.
it’s turtles all the way up…
Plus she ticks the equity box.

Can we not. It's 2024 - can a woman in an influential position possibly be given some ****ing credit. I am not saying you have to be a fan of her decisions but for **** sake stop diminishing her climb up the ladder by saying it was a token employment selection.
Can we not. It's 2024 - can a woman in an influential position possibly be given some *ing credit. I am not saying you have to be a fan of her decisions but for * sake stop diminishing her climb up the ladder by saying it was a token employment selection.
Yeah, nice hot take.
Where did I discriminate against her, based on her gender?
I said she ticked the equity box and you would be naive to think the AFL (only the AFL we are talking about here), did not have this as a consideration. Prove me wrong.
Seriously, find another hill to die on.
As ridiculous as it sounds, a whole bunch of people just voted that this current decade, the 2020s, is the greatest decade of footy ever. This over the 80s, 90s, wherever you think the golden generation for football was.
Yeah, nice hot take.
Where did I discriminate against her, based on her gender?
I said she ticked the equity box and you would be naive to think the AFL (only the AFL we are talking about here), did not have this as a consideration. Prove me wrong.
Seriously, find another hill to die on.
Dude you complimented her smile for some reason, insinuated she has no power and is just a mouthpiece for the men further up the chain, then suggested she has the job in part due to her gender.

None of these things you’d be saying about a man in the same position.
Dude you complimented her smile for some reason, insinuated she has no power and is just a mouthpiece for the men further up the chain, then suggested she has the job in part due to her gender.

None of these things you’d be saying about a man in the same position.
Rubbish, absolutely i would.
Replace or swap the gender and everything I said, still stands.
Of course the role has no power, it’s just relaying the company line, from McBurney upwards, smile and all.
It’s a PR role.
That better?
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