Autopsy Hawks fall short against the Swans - Rd 8 2020

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He literally spent about 10 seconds talking about how Papley is good milking frees (he is!) Everything else was about lack of polish, forwards not competing etc.
Clarko has been long enough in the game to know what he was doing.

Every press conference is 9 min 30 of bs and 30 secs of interesting stuff.

Unfortunately the interesting stuff was Clarko calling an opposition player a cheat, complaining about the umpires (Again) and refusing to make allowances that we may be on wrong track with our list and might need a rebuild.
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Attended the last two games live. I still think we have the base of a decent list and our main issue is the game plan and ball movement. They've been coached to within an inch of their lives and NEVER look to play on. We start chasing our tails and you can just see the energy sapping out of them. Which brings me to the secondary issue of on field leadership. The void is real and hard to see for this club. Can handle the losses but not the lack of fight.

Mitch Lewis does not move or lead. So bad for a few weeks now it made me think it's part of our clever game plan and he's following instructions.

Gunston, Sicily and Chad are a class above the rest of the team. Jaeger sometimes but just not often enough.

I don't think we can pot Scully for effort. He simply isn't the player he was, has lost touch and the spot should go to a kid.

Bruest and Impey could potentially make a huge difference but not unless there's a change in approach and the boys happen to like Perth more than Sydney. Shame the next game isn't in the snow, we might have seen some flair and fight.
Shocking post

Mitch is a raw as KPF who has had a few injury problems and has played what 17 games?

Tom Hawkins took 5 years to start dominating.

Lewis has talent, just has no support, poor entry and is interrupted.
That well may be true but I am talking about Effort.

He swans around with no intent or effort and all the talent in the world will count for nothing, unless he starts doing that.

At least look like you give a shit.

To my eye Mitch sees the ball coming his way and thinks “oh look here is the ball” followed by “damn there goes the ball, oh well I MAY try again next time”

I am happy to go on record that he will be delisted unless he starts showing some effort, do I hope I am wrong, bloody oath I do.
Frawley did, and the umpire s**t himself and paid a free. He should have said “Tim, there’s nothing in that. You brought that on yourself”.
The disappointing thing was that Sicily had the same thing happen and of course nothing happened.
More talking generally thereafter. It was silly of Frawley to give him any chance of a getting free kick from those confused umpires. But at least he showed something. There are plenty of discreet ways to deal with him.
It’s just the seeming general lack of fight and mongrel everywhere.
Something is amiss at the club.
Is it just a stagnant game plan that players are struggling to be ‘spiritually’ behind and all things 2020 piled on top?

If we are going to have a really down year may as well be this year.
We need some recruiting / trading magic though in November and reformed leadership to get this ship sailing again though it seems.
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I am more critical on our game plan at the moment than the players. It’s non existent. What is it? Time and time again when we don’t have the ball everyones head is bobbling around to see if they are guarding the correct blade of grass while the opposition in a couple of short passes moves the ball easily through. Then with the ball we just banged it forward quickly ...... many times could have got an extra handball in to a team mate in a better position or faked a kick/handball to get around the opponent to then lower the eyes and kick a drop punt short pass to a leading player. And we never want to hit the corridor ....... always along the boundary line, so ugly to watch. Late last year we hit the corridor regularly.

A crap game plan has sucked all the confidence out of the players. They don’t know, aren’t sure what to do. They look lost. Instead of playing a complex structured game plan which is far from effective just get them to play brave footy again. Heard that Finn a well educated young man isn’t getting a game yet because he is still lagging behind in understanding the game plan. That saids it all!

The good teams do all the simple things really well.
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Anyone who recorded the game last night, I beg you to watch the first five minutes of the game again and look for the vision of Chad with the ball just forward of centre wing looking to bring the ball inside 50, around the 16:46 minute mark of the onscreen clock. He had what turned out to be two very good options around the left side edge of the center square or bomb the ball inside 50 deep into Buddies pocket.
He took buddies pocket. We always do and when you stop footage you can see just how very easy for defenders to cover that kick. On the other hand if he took the Sam Mitchell option and stepped inside on the 45' angle and hit one of the two players on the edge of the center square the corridor inside 50 opens up in every direction making defenders panic.
One play five minutes in to the game that just set the night up for me to watch and observe rather than get in a fizz about winning because we have so much to fix.

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Garbage. There was no deflection.

Clarko spent 99% of the presser acknowledging our deficiencies and Sydney’s polish and pressure. He shut down attempts to blame Covid or the travel scenarios. When asked about the Papley incident that ultimately had a significant impact on the result, he spoke his mind. Maybe too honestly. This wasn’t deflection, he was stating what we all know but he can’t be seen saying because of “the code”. It quickly segued into a more pertinent point about why the umpires cherry-picked that knock after play and not all the others. He specifically stated that these incidents happen in footy and you need to accept that sometimes they go your way as well.

If he was actually “deflecting”, the focus of his conference would’ve been making excuses and not acknowledging our poor form. This clearly did not happen. Despite what some reactionaries here – and the usual muppet show of footy journos – might proclaim.

We are listening to different press conferences over the past month if you think he is not deflecting at the moment.

I would like a journo to ask him.....

Alistair you have brought in some big name recruits over the past few years yet at the moment playing a game style that has netted you 58, 49, 27, 48 53 over the past 5 weeks. From the casual observer the game plan seems about safety first and kicking the ball down the line to contest after contest and a real slog. Can you explain to us if this is a direction from the coaching staff to play this way or more about players not being able to follow instructions or execute a more daring game style.
I was always sceptical about making a player captain who plays 99.99% of his career in the back pocket.
Kind of describes Gary ayers. But plenty of examples of premiership captains play in defence and even back pocket. I wouldn’t have made him captain either but not because he played back pocket.
I am more critical on our game plan at the moment than the players. It’s non existent. What is it? Time and time again when we don’t have the ball everyones head is bobbling around to see if they are guarding the correct blade of grass while the opposition in a couple of short passes moves the ball easily through. Then with the ball we just banged it forward quickly ...... many times could have got an extra handball in to a team mate in a better position or faked a kick/handball to get around the opponent to then lower the eyes and kick a drop punt short pass to a leading player. And we never want to hit the corridor ....... always along the boundary line, so ugly to watch. Late last year we hit the corridor regularly.

A crap game plan has sucked all the confidence out of the players. They don’t know, aren’t sure what to do. They look lost. Instead of playing a complex structured game plan which is far from effective just get them to play brave footy again. Heard that Finn a well educated young man isn’t getting a game yet because he is still lagging behind in understanding the game plan. That saids it all!

The good teams do all the simple things really well.

lol..if true poor Finn.
“Finn, son, you’re not getting a game at the minute bc you’re far too positive and instinctive with the footy, that’s crazy stuff other teams do”.
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9 clearances today. Without him we'd be stuffed.
Last year and this he carried the midfield in terms of inside grunt work. If we had a Sewell who could rip it out of contests we could have omeara do less heavy grunt work and use his fend off and burst speed to give us more attacking clearances. Worpel isn’t suited to it and Mitchell is still getting his groove back. Shiels isn’t that player either. That is why I think we need jones and probably need to try Finn and tell him to use his frame to control the space, knock guys over and just feed it out to omeara, worpel and Mitchell. Even Howe would help change the dynamic for us.
To be a fly on the wall when he called Horse to apologise. Horse was about to explode when he was told of those comments.
I'm sorry but are Sydney and Longmire that precious that they require a phone call after any slightly negative thing said about them ?

I didnt like Clarko responding to it but seriously ..........they seem very easily offended
Channel 9 leads their sports preview with the pressure on Clarkson. Hmm. North Melbourne has lost six straight. Guess it shows the irrelevance of North Melbourne.

Yes. It was not that long ago Swans began a year at something like 1 and 7 (cant remember exactly but you get the idea). But every time the Hawks have a slump the press go after Clarkson like nothing else.

This year is incredibly tough for a lot of people across society, and this footy season is train wreck that is being strung together by Gill to try and keep AFL "trading" and part of peoples lives until it can run again under more "normal" conditions. I am not suggesting the football department doesn't have many issues to fix - most notably playing footy without any confidence and with a constant fear of making a mistake. But 2020 is not the year to panic and put pressure on the 4 time premiership coach.

We pretty bad at the moment, but I am confident the club will be seeing the year for what it is, and will be thinking about next year.

Maybe Thursday night we can beat the blues. Go Hawks.
The contested ball stat never used to matter when we had a premiership winning side, but now that we don't its a glaring omission Clarko needs to overcome.
Yes. It was not that long ago Swans began a year at something like 1 and 7 (cant remember exactly but you get the idea). But every time the Hawks have a slump the press go after Clarkson like nothing else.

This year is incredibly tough for a lot of people across society, and this footy season is train wreck that is being strung together by Gill to try and keep AFL "trading" and part of peoples lives until it can run again under more "normal" conditions. I am not suggesting the football department doesn't have many issues to fix - most notably playing footy without any confidence and with a constant fear of making a mistake. But 2020 is not the year to panic and put pressure on the 4 time premiership coach.

We pretty bad at the moment, but I am confident the club will be seeing the year for what it is, and will be thinking about next year.

Maybe Thursday night we can beat the blues. Go Hawks.
" It was not that long ago Swans began a year at something like 1 and 7 (cant remember exactly but you get the idea). But every time the Hawks have a slump the press go after Clarkson like nothing else."

Yep. But the AFL would never allow any media outlet to run down or attack the Swans or Giants would they?
Rewarding Papley for behaviour everyone and his dog said should be removed from the game just one year ago is a sad reflection on how fickle our game is

I’m sorry but that was just completely stupid by Frawley and fairly typical from him lately.

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Autopsy Hawks fall short against the Swans - Rd 8 2020

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