Play Nice Hawthorn culture and Fagan

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This is going to be a very touchy subject.

There will be a very broad range of opinions about the correct way to handle this.

I'll remind everyone to post respectfully at this time - sniping at each other is not going to help.

Any continued pointless back and forth will get a day or more to cool off. If you want to avoid this fate, let it go.
Last edited:

Hawthorn racism investigation: The secret reports and what really happened​

Exactly one year ago, on May 30, 2023, the AFL’s Hawthorn racism investigation was shut down. Today, MICHAEL WARNER reveals what really happened with Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt.
Michael WarnerMichael Warner

5 min read
May 30, 2024 - 5:00AM
News Corp Australia Sports Newsroom


AFL Hawthorn racism investigation ends​


The AFL has ended its investigation into the historic allegations of racism at the Hawthorn Football Club with…

AFL News

Don't miss out on the headlines from AFL News. Followed categories will be added to My News.
Two secret reports commissioned by the AFL into the Hawthorn racism scandal found “a startling lack of evidence” in the cases alleged against Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt.
The separate reports, authored by a retired Federal Court judge and a top Melbourne law firm, concluded that the gravest allegation – that an Indigenous player and his partner were pressured to terminate a pregnancy – could not be substantiated.
A claim that the Hawks had demanded the separation of another First Nations family for the sake of the player’s career was also considered to be “lacking in evidence”.
The two reports – one by Justice John Middleton and the other by Gordon Legal – found that there was “no basis whatsoever” to support suggestions a subculture of racism had existed at Hawthorn during the club’s golden premiership era of 2008-15 or that the three accused club officials had behaved in anything other than a “caring” way for their players.
The AFL Commission relied upon the reports to terminate the four-person independent investigation panel led by Bernard Quinn KC, which had failed to make any findings eight months after being established following the leaking of the Hawthorn “cultural safety review” in grand final week 2022.
Alastair Clarkson and Chris Fagan during their time at Hawthorn. Picture: Michael Willson/AFL Media

Alastair Clarkson and Chris Fagan during their time at Hawthorn. Picture: Michael Willson/AFL Media
The Hawks remain under pressure to make compensation payments to the First Nations families and the coaches following mediation in the Australian Human Rights Commission.
But the Herald Sun can reveal Justice Middleton and Gordon Legal, led by former Western Bulldogs president Peter Gordon, presented their findings to the AFL last May after being granted access to all of the evidence gathered by the Quinn panel.
The Gordon Legal report called for an immediate end to the AFL probe and asserted that there was “no sufficient evidence” to substantiate the vast majority of the claims made against the former Hawks trio.
Justice Middleton concurred with Gordon Legal’s assessment of the case and reiterated that the league should abandon the panel and had legal grounds to do so.

In the original ABC story that sparked the scandal, a former Hawks player called “Ian” alleged a group of coaches, including Clarkson and Fagan, ushered him into an office where he was urged to have his partner’s pregnancy aborted.
“Clarkson just leaned over me and demanded that I needed to get rid of my unborn child and my partner,” Ian said.
“I was then manipulated and convinced to remove my SIM card from my phone, so there was no further contact between my family and me.
“He told me to kill my unborn kid.”
Clarkson has always vehemently denied the allegations made against him.
Former Western Bulldogs President Peter Gordon. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Andrew Henshaw

Former Western Bulldogs President Peter Gordon. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Andrew Henshaw
The AFL commissioned the secret reports after the Quinn-led panel had become bogged down in acrimonious legal debate.
It can be revealed the racism investigation turned on its head on the eve of Christmas 2022 when lawyers for the accused parties received detailed statements from the First Nations complainants – the first time the claims could be cross-checked against the contents of the Hawthorn review authored by Indigenous consultant Phil Egan.
Many of the lawyers who received the statements were shocked by the lack of detail and the inconsistencies surrounding the most serious allegations.
“There were major gaps in the material,” one figure said.
When the probe recommenced in January last year, lawyers for Clarkson, Fagan and Burt demanded access to internal Hawthorn records they believed would help clear the trio of wrongdoing, but high-profile lawyer Leon Zwier, who continues to act for four of the Indigenous families, argued that their release would be a breach of his clients’ privacy.
“Zwier seemed to believe he should be the only lawyer who got to see them,” a source close to the saga said.
“Procedural fairness appeared to be a one-way street.”
Threats of legal action mounted against the AFL, which was ultimately responsible for the panel, despite the league’s own frustrations at the slow pace of the investigation process.
Genuine concerns over the decline of Clarkson’s mental health also became a factor.
Among the mountains of material at the centre of the probe was an interview the AFL panel conducted with retired Hawthorn Indigenous great Shaun Burgoyne, which was described as “a powerful endorsement of his old coach and club in the period under question”.
Clarkson and Fagan before their new clubs faced off last year. Picture: Michael Willson/AFL Photos

Clarkson and Fagan before their new clubs faced off last year. Picture: Michael Willson/AFL Photos
Tensions reached breaking point when Zwier failed to show up at a secret meeting between all parties at Marvel Stadium on May 15 last year – the same week Clarkson took a leave of absence from the game and launched a scathing attack on the investigations process.
Fagan’s lawyers had flown from Brisbane for the Marvel meeting, adding fuel to a raging fire.
“We were told all day he was about to arrive, but we all left after 6pm,” one attendee said.
“It’s hard to believe it wasn’t deliberate. No explanation was ever given.
“The next thing we heard was that Zwier wanted a mediation in Adelaide where he would be the only lawyer present.”
None of the other parties understood why Adelaide had been suggested as a venue for mediation, a city with no connection to any of the affected parties or events, and the proposal was rejected.
The racism crisis came to a head on May 28 last year when major law firm Clayton Utz, representing Fagan, threatened a Supreme Court injunction against the AFL process.
The league remained concerned about “blowback” in shutting down the inquiry, but were advised that the public and the media had shifted and become more sympathetic to the plight of Clarkson and Fagan.
At a snap Tuesday night press conference on May 30, AFL boss Gillon McLachlan announced the panel’s probe had been wound up and that the league had struck a deal with lawyers for the Indigenous players in which “no adverse findings have been made against any of the individuals against whom allegations have been made”.
No mention of the existence of the Middleton or Gordon Legal reports was made by the AFL at the time.
Gillon McLachlan speaks at the May 30 press conference in 2023. Picture: Darrian Traynor/Getty Images

Gillon McLachlan speaks at the May 30 press conference in 2023. Picture: Darrian Traynor/Getty Images
Egan was arrested and charged by financial crime squad detectives after the AFL probe had begun – over claims he fraudulently obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-operative – while his past association with one of the four panellists emerged as another point of contention.
Egan is due to face a committal hearing in August.
There were also concerns that members of the AFL panel were seeking to broaden its scope to explore other claims of racism within the game.
Despite conducting eight months of work, the Quinn panel made no findings and failed to produce its own report.
Multiple parties said the establishment of a “diverse, independent panel” to investigate the claims – instead of private arbitration overseen by a retired, eminent judge – was the AFL’s critical error.

More Coverage​

Secret texts set to be exposed as Hawks racism talks break down
‘Abject disgrace’: Kennett slams Hawks racism penalties claim
“They chose the wrong model,” one legal figure has said. “It was the sliding doors moment – a massive error of judgement that prolonged the misery for all. It became a runaway train.”
Justice Middleton, who presided over the 2014 Essendon-ASADA Federal Court case, is now a senior adviser at the AFL’s law firm DLA Piper.
Gordon Legal was engaged to act as the AFL’s counsel a week after the scandal erupted, helping draft the original terms of reference for the panel’s probe.
Really seems like this is blown out of proportion. Can't see their being a systemic issue that Fages was a part of unless their was a very sophisticated cover up scheme.

I'm sure indigenous players have been mistreated but this doesn't seemed to have been done in a constructive way

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Really seems like this is blown out of proportion. Can't see their being a systemic issue that Fages was a part of unless their was a very sophisticated cover up scheme.

I'm sure indigenous players have been mistreated but this doesn't seemed to have been done in a constructive way
Up until now it’s been a shit show of the highest order - if they’re prepared to go to court we might see some meat but at this stage it’s just a waste of time and resources
Hopefully Rioli and co don't pursue a Federal Court case against the Hawks, Clarkson, Fagan and Burt.
Fagan may want to clear his name in court, but it could end up a costly exercise even if he wins.
Until recently the majority of people had already forgotten about the alleged acts and comments.
Fagan may want to clear his name in court, but it could end up a costly exercise even if he wins.
I'm not going to suggest Fagan's in the same category, but this attitude of suing to "clear your name" has blown up in a number of people's faces recently. At best you usually end up looking heavy handed even if you win.

Hawthorn racism investigation: The secret reports and what really happened​

Exactly one year ago, on May 30, 2023, the AFL’s Hawthorn racism investigation was shut down. Today, MICHAEL WARNER reveals what really happened with Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt.
Michael WarnerMichael Warner

5 min read
May 30, 2024 - 5:00AM
News Corp Australia Sports Newsroom


AFL Hawthorn racism investigation ends​


The AFL has ended its investigation into the historic allegations of racism at the Hawthorn Football Club with…

AFL News

Don't miss out on the headlines from AFL News. Followed categories will be added to My News.
Two secret reports commissioned by the AFL into the Hawthorn racism scandal found “a startling lack of evidence” in the cases alleged against Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt.
The separate reports, authored by a retired Federal Court judge and a top Melbourne law firm, concluded that the gravest allegation – that an Indigenous player and his partner were pressured to terminate a pregnancy – could not be substantiated.
A claim that the Hawks had demanded the separation of another First Nations family for the sake of the player’s career was also considered to be “lacking in evidence”.
The two reports – one by Justice John Middleton and the other by Gordon Legal – found that there was “no basis whatsoever” to support suggestions a subculture of racism had existed at Hawthorn during the club’s golden premiership era of 2008-15 or that the three accused club officials had behaved in anything other than a “caring” way for their players.
The AFL Commission relied upon the reports to terminate the four-person independent investigation panel led by Bernard Quinn KC, which had failed to make any findings eight months after being established following the leaking of the Hawthorn “cultural safety review” in grand final week 2022.
Alastair Clarkson and Chris Fagan during their time at Hawthorn. Picture: Michael Willson/AFL Media

Alastair Clarkson and Chris Fagan during their time at Hawthorn. Picture: Michael Willson/AFL Media
The Hawks remain under pressure to make compensation payments to the First Nations families and the coaches following mediation in the Australian Human Rights Commission.
But the Herald Sun can reveal Justice Middleton and Gordon Legal, led by former Western Bulldogs president Peter Gordon, presented their findings to the AFL last May after being granted access to all of the evidence gathered by the Quinn panel.
The Gordon Legal report called for an immediate end to the AFL probe and asserted that there was “no sufficient evidence” to substantiate the vast majority of the claims made against the former Hawks trio.
Justice Middleton concurred with Gordon Legal’s assessment of the case and reiterated that the league should abandon the panel and had legal grounds to do so.

In the original ABC story that sparked the scandal, a former Hawks player called “Ian” alleged a group of coaches, including Clarkson and Fagan, ushered him into an office where he was urged to have his partner’s pregnancy aborted.
“Clarkson just leaned over me and demanded that I needed to get rid of my unborn child and my partner,” Ian said.
“I was then manipulated and convinced to remove my SIM card from my phone, so there was no further contact between my family and me.
“He told me to kill my unborn kid.”
Clarkson has always vehemently denied the allegations made against him.
Former Western Bulldogs President Peter Gordon. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Andrew Henshaw

Former Western Bulldogs President Peter Gordon. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Andrew Henshaw
The AFL commissioned the secret reports after the Quinn-led panel had become bogged down in acrimonious legal debate.
It can be revealed the racism investigation turned on its head on the eve of Christmas 2022 when lawyers for the accused parties received detailed statements from the First Nations complainants – the first time the claims could be cross-checked against the contents of the Hawthorn review authored by Indigenous consultant Phil Egan.
Many of the lawyers who received the statements were shocked by the lack of detail and the inconsistencies surrounding the most serious allegations.
“There were major gaps in the material,” one figure said.
When the probe recommenced in January last year, lawyers for Clarkson, Fagan and Burt demanded access to internal Hawthorn records they believed would help clear the trio of wrongdoing, but high-profile lawyer Leon Zwier, who continues to act for four of the Indigenous families, argued that their release would be a breach of his clients’ privacy.
“Zwier seemed to believe he should be the only lawyer who got to see them,” a source close to the saga said.
“Procedural fairness appeared to be a one-way street.”
Threats of legal action mounted against the AFL, which was ultimately responsible for the panel, despite the league’s own frustrations at the slow pace of the investigation process.
Genuine concerns over the decline of Clarkson’s mental health also became a factor.
Among the mountains of material at the centre of the probe was an interview the AFL panel conducted with retired Hawthorn Indigenous great Shaun Burgoyne, which was described as “a powerful endorsement of his old coach and club in the period under question”.
Clarkson and Fagan before their new clubs faced off last year. Picture: Michael Willson/AFL Photos

Clarkson and Fagan before their new clubs faced off last year. Picture: Michael Willson/AFL Photos
Tensions reached breaking point when Zwier failed to show up at a secret meeting between all parties at Marvel Stadium on May 15 last year – the same week Clarkson took a leave of absence from the game and launched a scathing attack on the investigations process.
Fagan’s lawyers had flown from Brisbane for the Marvel meeting, adding fuel to a raging fire.
“We were told all day he was about to arrive, but we all left after 6pm,” one attendee said.
“It’s hard to believe it wasn’t deliberate. No explanation was ever given.
“The next thing we heard was that Zwier wanted a mediation in Adelaide where he would be the only lawyer present.”
None of the other parties understood why Adelaide had been suggested as a venue for mediation, a city with no connection to any of the affected parties or events, and the proposal was rejected.
The racism crisis came to a head on May 28 last year when major law firm Clayton Utz, representing Fagan, threatened a Supreme Court injunction against the AFL process.
The league remained concerned about “blowback” in shutting down the inquiry, but were advised that the public and the media had shifted and become more sympathetic to the plight of Clarkson and Fagan.
At a snap Tuesday night press conference on May 30, AFL boss Gillon McLachlan announced the panel’s probe had been wound up and that the league had struck a deal with lawyers for the Indigenous players in which “no adverse findings have been made against any of the individuals against whom allegations have been made”.
No mention of the existence of the Middleton or Gordon Legal reports was made by the AFL at the time.
Gillon McLachlan speaks at the May 30 press conference in 2023. Picture: Darrian Traynor/Getty Images

Gillon McLachlan speaks at the May 30 press conference in 2023. Picture: Darrian Traynor/Getty Images
Egan was arrested and charged by financial crime squad detectives after the AFL probe had begun – over claims he fraudulently obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-operative – while his past association with one of the four panellists emerged as another point of contention.
Egan is due to face a committal hearing in August.
There were also concerns that members of the AFL panel were seeking to broaden its scope to explore other claims of racism within the game.
Despite conducting eight months of work, the Quinn panel made no findings and failed to produce its own report.
Multiple parties said the establishment of a “diverse, independent panel” to investigate the claims – instead of private arbitration overseen by a retired, eminent judge – was the AFL’s critical error.

More Coverage​

Secret texts set to be exposed as Hawks racism talks break down
‘Abject disgrace’: Kennett slams Hawks racism penalties claim
“They chose the wrong model,” one legal figure has said. “It was the sliding doors moment – a massive error of judgement that prolonged the misery for all. It became a runaway train.”
Justice Middleton, who presided over the 2014 Essendon-ASADA Federal Court case, is now a senior adviser at the AFL’s law firm DLA Piper.
Gordon Legal was engaged to act as the AFL’s counsel a week after the scandal erupted, helping draft the original terms of reference for the panel’s probe.
These are the exerts that stood out to me >

Two secret reports commissioned by the AFL into the Hawthorn racism scandal found “a startling lack of evidence” in the cases alleged against Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt.

The two reports – one by Justice John Middleton and the other by Gordon Legal – found that there was “no basis whatsoever” to support suggestions a subculture of racism had existed at Hawthorn during the club’s golden premiership era of 2008-15 or that the three accused club officials had behaved in anything other than a “caring” way for their players.

Among the mountains of material at the centre of the probe was an interview the AFL panel conducted with retired Hawthorn Indigenous great Shaun Burgoyne, which was described as “a powerful endorsement of his old coach and club in the period under question”.
These are the exerts that stood out to me >

Two secret reports commissioned by the AFL into the Hawthorn racism scandal found “a startling lack of evidence” in the cases alleged against Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt.

The two reports – one by Justice John Middleton and the other by Gordon Legal – found that there was “no basis whatsoever” to support suggestions a subculture of racism had existed at Hawthorn during the club’s golden premiership era of 2008-15 or that the three accused club officials had behaved in anything other than a “caring” way for their players.

Among the mountains of material at the centre of the probe was an interview the AFL panel conducted with retired Hawthorn Indigenous great Shaun Burgoyne, which was described as “a powerful endorsement of his old coach and club in the period under question”.
Yeah same, this seems to paint a different picture than the original alarmist report from the ABC.
I'm not going to suggest Fagan's in the same category, but this attitude of suing to "clear your name" has blown up in a number of people's faces recently. At best you usually end up looking heavy handed even if you win.
A friend in the litigation field once told me no matter how wronged you feel or how noble the cause never ever get involved in a litigation dispute . Just walk away.

Even if you win you'll be mentally exhausted and consumed for years.

And if you lose you'll be broke for life.
A friend in the litigation field once told me no matter how wronged you feel or how noble the cause never ever get involved in a litigation dispute . Just walk away.

Even if you win you'll be mentally exhausted and consumed for years.

And if you lose you'll be broke for life.
Agree and this is what concerns me about Fagan.
He is hoping for his day in court.
However, it won't be good for his health, the Lions and his bank account.
I just hope Rioli and the others don't take it any further as that will be the best result even if Fagan does not agree.
Agree and this is what concerns me about Fagan.
He is hoping for his day in court.
However, it won't be good for his health, the Lions and his bank account.
I just hope Rioli and the others don't take it any further as that will be the best result even if Fagan does not agree.
I don't believe it will be Fages footing the legal bill. More likely the hawks
I don't believe it will be Fages footing the legal bill. More likely the hawks
I don't think the Hawks are responsible for what their staff and players do or allegedly did.
The possible exception is if the Hawks board instructed their staff to do something that was dodgy or illegal.

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If it does go to Federal Court I would like to see Chris Fagan bring in character witnesses.

As in get every Indigenous player that has been on the Lions list during Chris Fagan's time to testify as to whether they have witnessed or been subject to any racist behaviour from Fagan during his time at the Lions, same goes for his time at the Hawks... excepting his accusers of course who would be giving their own version of events if it ends up in Federal Court anyhow.
If it does go to Federal Court I would like to see Chris Fagan bring in character witnesses.

As in get every Indigenous player that has been on the Lions list during Chris Fagan's time to testify as to whether they have witnessed or been subject to any racist behaviour from Fagan during his time at the Lions, same goes for his time at the Hawks... excepting his accusers of course who would be giving their own version of events if it ends up in Federal Court anyhow.
If this goes to the Federal Court it will be a media feeding frenzy and the only people who will benefit in the end will be lawyers.

If that's where it's going it's imperative we get a 2 IC coach who can step in to the Senior role as required.

I do wonder who's behind all this . Fagan ,Clarkson and Burt have denied any of it happened.

Not good for anybody.
The 2nd paragraph that I bolded from the article is stunning if true.

Brisbane board member Leigh Matthews maintains coach Chris Fagan’s innocence amid Hawks racism saga​

An AFL great has revealed the single allegation made against Lions coach Chris Fagan in the Hawthorn racism saga, while saying Brisbane’s coach has had his reputation tarnished unfairly.

Jon Ralph


2 min read
June 2, 2024 - 3:29PM
News Corp Australia Sports Newsroom

AFL: Brisbane Lions coach and former Hawthorn staffer Chris Fagan says he'd welcome the chance to tell his side of the story of the Hawks' racism saga.

Brisbane board member Leigh Matthews says the single allegation against Chris Fagan as part of the Hawthorn racism investigation was that he “nodded his head in a meeting”.

The AFL great, Lions triple premiership coach and current board member lambasted the Hawks report and subsequent AFL inquiry as “shambolic and disgusting” as he made clear he was convinced of Fagan’s innocence.
Fagan said recently he was not afraid of speaking his truth as the allegations look set to proceed to an open Federal Court hearing after the Australian Human Rights Commission ended its mediation process.
Matthews said he believed Fagan’s reputation had been unfairly tarnished and stated the complainant who had lodged allegations against him did not even turn up in the mediation process.

Two secret AFL reports unearthed by the Herald Sun last week found a “startling lack of evidence” into allegations against the former Hawthorn coaches and officials.

“All I am saying is (everyone) would like it to end but I would like it to go to court now. It has been shambolic,” Matthews told 3AW of the process.

“A player didn’t even turn up. The confidentiality the accused kept has not been matched by the confidentialities of the accusers and their legal people. Chris Fagan never even got in the same room. The complaint for Chris Fagan is he nodded his head once in a meeting.

“How petty. That is the complaint. And the reputational damage …. It’s shambolic and it’s disgusting. It’s a beat-up.”

He said it was time for all of the allegations of racism against former Hawthorn players by Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt to be tested in open court.

“The only way now is to go to court. Let all the people who have made a complaint be cross examined. I doubt that will happen

“Anyone who has looked at it behind the scenes has said there is nothing here.

There is nothing to substantiate the complaining but the only way we will find that out is go to court. Go to court and find out.”

Hawthorn president Andy Gowers said last week he was disappointed a resolution could not be reached but the club will continue the process to eventually find a resolution.

“We have engaged with the AHRC process in good faith and have made multiple attempts to resolve the matter with all parties,” Mr Gowers said.

“It is unfortunate that this was not possible via this process, however, we remain committed to and will continue to work towards having the matter resolved.”
The 2nd paragraph that I bolded from the article is stunning if true.

Brisbane board member Leigh Matthews maintains coach Chris Fagan’s innocence amid Hawks racism saga​

An AFL great has revealed the single allegation made against Lions coach Chris Fagan in the Hawthorn racism saga, while saying Brisbane’s coach has had his reputation tarnished unfairly.

Jon Ralph


2 min read
June 2, 2024 - 3:29PM
News Corp Australia Sports Newsroom

AFL: Brisbane Lions coach and former Hawthorn staffer Chris Fagan says he'd welcome the chance to tell his side of the story of the Hawks' racism saga.

Brisbane board member Leigh Matthews says the single allegation against Chris Fagan as part of the Hawthorn racism investigation was that he “nodded his head in a meeting”.

The AFL great, Lions triple premiership coach and current board member lambasted the Hawks report and subsequent AFL inquiry as “shambolic and disgusting” as he made clear he was convinced of Fagan’s innocence.
Fagan said recently he was not afraid of speaking his truth as the allegations look set to proceed to an open Federal Court hearing after the Australian Human Rights Commission ended its mediation process.
Matthews said he believed Fagan’s reputation had been unfairly tarnished and stated the complainant who had lodged allegations against him did not even turn up in the mediation process.

Two secret AFL reports unearthed by the Herald Sun last week found a “startling lack of evidence” into allegations against the former Hawthorn coaches and officials.

“All I am saying is (everyone) would like it to end but I would like it to go to court now. It has been shambolic,” Matthews told 3AW of the process.

“A player didn’t even turn up. The confidentiality the accused kept has not been matched by the confidentialities of the accusers and their legal people. Chris Fagan never even got in the same room. The complaint for Chris Fagan is he nodded his head once in a meeting.

“How petty. That is the complaint. And the reputational damage …. It’s shambolic and it’s disgusting. It’s a beat-up.”

He said it was time for all of the allegations of racism against former Hawthorn players by Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt to be tested in open court.

“The only way now is to go to court. Let all the people who have made a complaint be cross examined. I doubt that will happen

“Anyone who has looked at it behind the scenes has said there is nothing here.

There is nothing to substantiate the complaining but the only way we will find that out is go to court. Go to court and find out.”

Hawthorn president Andy Gowers said last week he was disappointed a resolution could not be reached but the club will continue the process to eventually find a resolution.

“We have engaged with the AHRC process in good faith and have made multiple attempts to resolve the matter with all parties,” Mr Gowers said.

“It is unfortunate that this was not possible via this process, however, we remain committed to and will continue to work towards having the matter resolved.”
Holy ****ing hell, if true Fages has had to endure the racist tag from a lot in the media all this time especially from Slobbo and Jackson, all over a head nod.
Lethal is a straight talker.There is no likelihood this is a misquote.Fages has suffered great anguish and loss of reputation from this apparent beat up. Actually not just a beat up. It seems to have been a deliberate campaign to discredit.
The Federal Court now beckons and the ABC and some others must be held to account thereafter.

On SM-A525F using mobile app
Holy ****ing hell, if true Fages has had to endure the racist tag from a lot in the media all this time especially from Slobbo and Jackson, all over a head nod.
I just listened to the audio of Lethal discussing this with Caroline Wilson yesterday on 3AW, suffice to say he kept his cool but you could tell he was furious about the whole "shambolic" process.

I don't know how to link it sorry.
The 2nd paragraph that I bolded from the article is stunning if true.

Brisbane board member Leigh Matthews maintains coach Chris Fagan’s innocence amid Hawks racism saga​

An AFL great has revealed the single allegation made against Lions coach Chris Fagan in the Hawthorn racism saga, while saying Brisbane’s coach has had his reputation tarnished unfairly.

Jon Ralph


2 min read
June 2, 2024 - 3:29PM
News Corp Australia Sports Newsroom

AFL: Brisbane Lions coach and former Hawthorn staffer Chris Fagan says he'd welcome the chance to tell his side of the story of the Hawks' racism saga.

Brisbane board member Leigh Matthews says the single allegation against Chris Fagan as part of the Hawthorn racism investigation was that he “nodded his head in a meeting”.

The AFL great, Lions triple premiership coach and current board member lambasted the Hawks report and subsequent AFL inquiry as “shambolic and disgusting” as he made clear he was convinced of Fagan’s innocence.
Fagan said recently he was not afraid of speaking his truth as the allegations look set to proceed to an open Federal Court hearing after the Australian Human Rights Commission ended its mediation process.
Matthews said he believed Fagan’s reputation had been unfairly tarnished and stated the complainant who had lodged allegations against him did not even turn up in the mediation process.

Two secret AFL reports unearthed by the Herald Sun last week found a “startling lack of evidence” into allegations against the former Hawthorn coaches and officials.

“All I am saying is (everyone) would like it to end but I would like it to go to court now. It has been shambolic,” Matthews told 3AW of the process.

“A player didn’t even turn up. The confidentiality the accused kept has not been matched by the confidentialities of the accusers and their legal people. Chris Fagan never even got in the same room. The complaint for Chris Fagan is he nodded his head once in a meeting.

“How petty. That is the complaint. And the reputational damage …. It’s shambolic and it’s disgusting. It’s a beat-up.”

He said it was time for all of the allegations of racism against former Hawthorn players by Alastair Clarkson, Chris Fagan and Jason Burt to be tested in open court.

“The only way now is to go to court. Let all the people who have made a complaint be cross examined. I doubt that will happen

“Anyone who has looked at it behind the scenes has said there is nothing here.

There is nothing to substantiate the complaining but the only way we will find that out is go to court. Go to court and find out.”

Hawthorn president Andy Gowers said last week he was disappointed a resolution could not be reached but the club will continue the process to eventually find a resolution.

“We have engaged with the AHRC process in good faith and have made multiple attempts to resolve the matter with all parties,” Mr Gowers said.

“It is unfortunate that this was not possible via this process, however, we remain committed to and will continue to work towards having the matter resolved.”
Thank heavens for people like Lethal who have the guts to speak out and defend Fages.
I just listened to the audio of Lethal discussing this with Caroline Wilson yesterday on 3AW, suffice to say he kept his cool but you could tell he was furious about the whole "shambolic" process.

I don't know how to link it sorry.

If you're in business it's easier to pay up and have it go away however frivolous the allegations. As most do.

Unfortunately in this instance because it's particularly newsworthy it won't go away until the allegations are disproven under cross examination. As Lethal is trying to point out , as passionately as I've ever heard him , that's never going to happen. So the mud sticks and the press just get a new angle on it every time to prolong the story.

It's hard not to think it hasn't had an impact on our club one way or another. For Hawthorn everyone involved is long gone. It's now just a legal matter in the hands of the beaks.
If you're in business it's easier to pay up and have it go away however frivolous the allegations. As most do.

Unfortunately in this instance because it's particularly newsworthy it won't go away until the allegations are disproven under cross examination. As Lethal is trying to point out , as passionately as I've ever heard him , that's never going to happen. So the mud sticks and the press just get a new angle on it every time to prolong the story.

It's hard not to think it hasn't had an impact on our club one way or another. For Hawthorn everyone involved is long gone. It's now just a legal matter in the hands of the beaks.
I think it had gone away for most people.
If Rioli and co had not said they may take it to the Supreme court that would have been the end of it.
Hopefully they decide not to, but lawyers are involved, and they usually want to go to court

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