Kurt Tippett to the Swans? **UPDATE: Tippett requests trade to Sydney***

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If Dangerfield is tired/ fatigued by the mid way point of the third quarter then he isn't the superstar everyone sets him out to be (He also hadn't had a lot of the ball up until that point).

Personally I back Jetta against anyone in the competition with a ball in his hand on game day.
... And then the middle finger to not even properly say goodbye to the club, instead to send a text message to his team mates. "Oh yeah nah guys im leaving cuz sidney got more money, here chekout my surfboard. cya ;) ".

I find this really offensive. This is playing the man, character assassination. Especially when it was the Adelaide Football Club that ordered him not to enter the premises.

RePete, when you throw mud it at people it affects the person you are throwing it at. Unfortunately mud throwing also reflects poorly on the mud thrower especially when the facts come to light.

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Who invited all the Adelaide flogs onto here? Real classy sentiment. You didn't hear anyone cheering when Tex had a season ending injury.

Actually there were Swans supporters who did just that. Not exactly classy from either side.
See bonza's post. Game day is all that matters, not some perfect conditions race that is largely irrelevant. I'm sure when Jetta outruns Danger again it'll be because of fatigue. Again.
If Dangerfield is tired/ fatigued by the mid way point of the third quarter then he isn't the superstar everyone sets him out to be (He also hadn't had a lot of the ball up until that point).

Personally I back Jetta against anyone in the competition with a ball in his hand on game day.
Ok even ignoring the uneven playing field Dangerfield was bouncing the ball. What about in the same game when Dangerfield without the ball caught Jetta bouncing the ball? Take the sydney glasses off. Or the gf sprints where it is an even playing field and Dangerfield beat him comfortably.
If Dangerfield is tired/ fatigued by the mid way point of the third quarter then he isn't the superstar everyone sets him out to be (He also hadn't had a lot of the ball up until that point).

Personally I back Jetta against anyone in the competition with a ball in his hand on game day.

This is the key point. Carrying a ball seems to slow Dangerfield down more than Jetta. Keeping speed while carrying a ball is a skill that few in the AFL have.
That's because Jetta was playing (and winning) in the Grand Final you deluded fool. What about Dangerfield getting run down by the aging Jude Bolton??? Not so fast then was he:rolleyes:
Jetta was playing in the 2011 grand final was he? Maybe check that information before you go throwing around insults. :oops:
Name one scenario in a game like the grand final sprint.
There isn't one.

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Ok even ignoring the uneven playing field Dangerfield was bouncing the ball. What about in the same game when Dangerfield without the ball caught Jetta bouncing the ball? Take the sydney glasses off. Or the gf sprints where it is an even playing field and Dangerfield beat him comfortably.

I reckon we stop worrying about Jetta and Dangerfield and just organise a literal pissing contest.

It’s amazing where these threads end up sometimes.
Since the Adelaide board were banning Sydney supporters for coming up with unrealistic trade proposals, how's this trade offer?

Tippett, 1 spot upgrade of pick 23 and 2 spot upgrade of all other 2012 draft picks to the Swans
2 years of draft sanctions, $300,000 fine, nation-wide embarassment of their incompetent management to the Crows

I know it isn't quite Tippett for 2 first rounders but I feel it is quite reasonable
I'll just leave this here...
Look button think the crows are the form side of the comp and dangerfield is the best mid and jenkins and lynch give them the two best forwards around, thatd where he sits on all issues, missing an eye
Not true at all mate. Not once have I said any of those things. Just because someone has a difference of opinion doesn't mean you have to throw all your toys out the pram.
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