Kurt Tippett to the Swans? **UPDATE: Tippett requests trade to Sydney***

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Well he was confident absolutely no way was Sydney gonna pick him up in the PSD :D

Haha, there was so much tough talking going on at the time of this fiasco only for Adelaide to be punted out the back door into the gutter with nothing more than their underpants, meanwhile the Swans waltzed out the front door with pick 22 and Kurt Tippett under their arms.
Its pretty obvious Tippett asked to miss this game. Doesn't have the balls to face up to Adelaide. 10 would be a nice round number but an 11 game suspension so he misses the adelaide game by one? nothing suss...:rolleyes:

When he first came here and got paid via bank deposit he was shocked, he presumed all clubs left your wages in a brown paper bag near the bin behind the light tower
Yes, Swans Vs Port in Round 13 at AAMI will set one record for sure, and that will be for the greatest number of crowd members in Crows colours at a non-Crows game.

It's going to be a seriously weird vibe I suspect.

I propose all Sydney players, coaching staff and fans start growing beards for the occasion.
... Going to both Crows & Port games. Will get as much patchy white useless excuse for hair to grow on my chin by then as possible... Anything for the cause... Anything...

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In my view Goodes was twice BOG against Adelaide last year. In both the QF and the loss at the SCG (where we only lost after he went down - and after kicking a huge bag). I'm expecting 5+ goals from him this weekend. I don't think Adelaide have any way of containing him. Expect McGlynn to also be fired up as this game, more than any, should remind him (painfully) of missing the GF last year. If White plays I'd like to see him in the goal square and out of the way of Goodes & our resting ruckman. All Jesse has to do is make a contest and let our crumbers take care of the rest. If the tide is against us he can take some easy marks up the ground and provide some link up. Also needs to chase and tackle hard when we don't have the ball. If he does all that he'll get a pass. Jetta needs to find some steam. He was awesome against Adelaide in the QF. His run down of Dangerfield made Paddy look slow.

If you actually watched when Danger got run down you would of noticed he had to slow down as he was getting hemmed in by an oncoming Sydney player, it wasn't a direct chase (where as the Rioli / Jetta chase was). Don't underestimate the fella ;)

And to all that think Tippet didn't do anything wrong. Pffft. He signed the contract in 09 and got his 11games because of it. I wouldn't hate his guts so much if he had left honorably. He said he wanted to go home, close to family. Then he goes to a completely different state, to the highest bidder, giving Adelaide nothing in return. No trade, no draft picks, just straight out the door. As he left it so late we missed out on being able to target other free agents (ie D. Pearce) waiting on Tippo's decision. And then the middle finger to not even properly say goodbye to the club, instead to send a text message to his team mates. "Oh yeah nah guys im leaving cuz sidney got more money, here chekout my surfboard. cya ;) ". You can keep him. He may be a good player but he is poisonous and lacks sportsmanship. I remember in year 10 in English we had to read some speech on Sydneys great culture. How Sydney went about getting Tippo & Tippo doing what he did completely contradicts what your club says it stands for and hence you have lost a lot of respect in my eyes, and the eyes of thousands of others.

Looking forward to the game!
If you actually watched when Danger got run down you would of noticed he had to slow down as he was getting hemmed in by an oncoming Sydney player, it wasn't a direct chase (where as the Rioli / Jetta chase was). Don't underestimate the fella ;)

And to all that think Tippet didn't do anything wrong. Pffft. He signed the contract in 09 and got his 11games because of it. I wouldn't hate his guts so much if he had left honorably. He said he wanted to go home, close to family. Then he goes to a completely different state, to the highest bidder, giving Adelaide nothing in return. No trade, no draft picks, just straight out the door. As he left it so late we missed out on being able to target other free agents (ie D. Pearce) waiting on Tippo's decision. And then the middle finger to not even properly say goodbye to the club, instead to send a text message to his team mates. "Oh yeah nah guys im leaving cuz sidney got more money, here chekout my surfboard. cya ;) ". You can keep him. He may be a good player but he is poisonous and lacks sportsmanship. I remember in year 10 in English we had to read some speech on Sydneys great culture. How Sydney went about getting Tippo & Tippo doing what he did completely contradicts what your club says it stands for and hence you have lost a lot of respect in my eyes, and the eyes of thousands of others.

Looking forward to the game!

Yet it did much less wrong than what your club did wrong the contract before yet it's not your club your concerned about.

Tippett got punished with 11 games of his footy career, presuming he plays say 250 club games thats a large chunk to miss compared to old trigg who organised it all getting 6 months out of his working life of say 30-45 years
If you actually watched when Danger got run down you would of noticed he had to slow down as he was getting hemmed in by an oncoming Sydney player, it wasn't a direct chase (where as the Rioli / Jetta chase was). Don't underestimate the fella ;)

And to all that think Tippet didn't do anything wrong. Pffft. He signed the contract in 09 and got his 11games because of it. I wouldn't hate his guts so much if he had left honorably. He said he wanted to go home, close to family. Then he goes to a completely different state, to the highest bidder, giving Adelaide nothing in return. No trade, no draft picks, just straight out the door. As he left it so late we missed out on being able to target other free agents (ie D. Pearce) waiting on Tippo's decision. And then the middle finger to not even properly say goodbye to the club, instead to send a text message to his team mates. "Oh yeah nah guys im leaving cuz sidney got more money, here chekout my surfboard. cya ;) ". You can keep him. He may be a good player but he is poisonous and lacks sportsmanship. I remember in year 10 in English we had to read some speech on Sydneys great culture. How Sydney went about getting Tippo & Tippo doing what he did completely contradicts what your club says it stands for and hence you have lost a lot of respect in my eyes, and the eyes of thousands of others.

Looking forward to the game!
You guys would have never let him go honourably he clearly wanted to go years before this end of story!
If you actually watched when Danger got run down you would of noticed he had to slow down as he was getting hemmed in by an oncoming Sydney player, it wasn't a direct chase (where as the Rioli / Jetta chase was). Don't underestimate the fella ;)

And to all that think Tippet didn't do anything wrong. Pffft. He signed the contract in 09 and got his 11games because of it. I wouldn't hate his guts so much if he had left honorably. He said he wanted to go home, close to family. Then he goes to a completely different state, to the highest bidder, giving Adelaide nothing in return. No trade, no draft picks, just straight out the door. As he left it so late we missed out on being able to target other free agents (ie D. Pearce) waiting on Tippo's decision. And then the middle finger to not even properly say goodbye to the club, instead to send a text message to his team mates. "Oh yeah nah guys im leaving cuz sidney got more money, here chekout my surfboard. cya ;) ". You can keep him. He may be a good player but he is poisonous and lacks sportsmanship. I remember in year 10 in English we had to read some speech on Sydneys great culture. How Sydney went about getting Tippo & Tippo doing what he did completely contradicts what your club says it stands for and hence you have lost a lot of respect in my eyes, and the eyes of thousands of others.

Looking forward to the game!

Honest question... Did you lose more respect for your own club when they cheated, or is what Sydney did worse?
Yet it did much less wrong than what your club did wrong the contract before yet it's not your club your concerned about.


I never said AFC didn't do anything wrong, nor did I say I wasn't concerned with what my club did. They stuffed up and we have paid heavily for it, this years and last years 1st/2nd round draft picks gone. That's our punishment and they have lost respect for it.

Tippett got punished with 11 games of his footy career, presuming he plays say 250 club games thats a large chunk to miss compared to old trigg who organised it all getting 6 months out of his working life of say 30-45 years

I can't really see him making it to 250 games, I reckon he will get another concussion or three over the next year or two and be forced to retire. Had 3 in 2012, he is kinda 'fragile goods' in that area in my opinion for 2013.

You guys would have never let him go honourably he clearly wanted to go years before this end of story!

It's amazing how easily persuaded by money he is, isn't it? But anyway, I am pretty sure a straight trade is considered honorable. I believe there was one of such in 2009 with Brisbane Lions that was rejected last minute by one of the higher ups (unfortunate in hindsight). Sydney didn't want to play fairly and decided to get him the dirty way instead, and in the end got their goods. End of story.
I never said AFC didn't do anything wrong, nor did I say I wasn't concerned with what my club did. They stuffed up and we have paid heavily for it, this years and last years 1st/2nd round draft picks gone. That's our punishment and they have lost respect for it.

I can't really see him making it to 250 games, I reckon he will get another concussion or three over the next year or two and be forced to retire. Had 3 in 2012, he is kinda 'fragile goods' in that area in my opinion for 2013.

It's amazing how easily persuaded by money he is, isn't it? But anyway, I am pretty sure a straight trade is considered honorable. I believe there was one of such in 2009 with Brisbane Lions that was rejected last minute by one of the higher ups (unfortunate in hindsight). Sydney didn't want to play fairly and decided to get him the dirty way instead, and in the end got their goods. End of story.
Adelaide offered him just as much you tool!
I never said AFC didn't do anything wrong, nor did I say I wasn't concerned with what my club did. They stuffed up and we have paid heavily for it, this years and last years 1st/2nd round draft picks gone. That's our punishment and they have lost respect for it.

I can't really see him making it to 250 games, I reckon he will get another concussion or three over the next year or two and be forced to retire. Had 3 in 2012, he is kinda 'fragile goods' in that area in my opinion for 2013.

It's amazing how easily persuaded by money he is, isn't it? But anyway, I am pretty sure a straight trade is considered honorable. I believe there was one of such in 2009 with Brisbane Lions that was rejected last minute by one of the higher ups (unfortunate in hindsight). Sydney didn't want to play fairly and decided to get him the dirty way instead, and in the end got their goods. End of story.

You actually want to come on our board now and start this shite up again? The 11,000 pages or whatever of the Tippett thread in the off-season wasn't enough? Go back to your room and play with your crayons ... fck off.
cats supporters clapped the great man Ablett when he kicked that goal could you see the Crows supporters doing the same :)

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Then he goes to a completely different state, to the highest bidder, giving Adelaide nothing in return. No trade, no draft picks, just straight out the door.

That was Adelaide's decision! Rather than take what we offered, they turned themselves in to the AFL for cheating. You can't pin that on anyone but your own club.
BTW, shit town. Feel bad for the team having to travel there.

At least our boys get to leave well then go back in a fortnight thanks AFL, but the crows guys have to leave a few at a time at the end of each year, bock, davis, tippett et al
I never said AFC didn't do anything wrong, nor did I say I wasn't concerned with what my club did. They stuffed up and we have paid heavily for it, this years and last years 1st/2nd round draft picks gone. That's our punishment and they have lost respect for it.

I can't really see him making it to 250 games, I reckon he will get another concussion or three over the next year or two and be forced to retire. Had 3 in 2012, he is kinda 'fragile goods' in that area in my opinion for 2013.

It's amazing how easily persuaded by money he is, isn't it? But anyway, I am pretty sure a straight trade is considered honorable. I believe there was one of such in 2009 with Brisbane Lions that was rejected last minute by one of the higher ups (unfortunate in hindsight). Sydney didn't want to play fairly and decided to get him the dirty way instead, and in the end got their goods. End of story.
Thanks for devoloping him for us tho
I never said AFC didn't do anything wrong, nor did I say I wasn't concerned with what my club did. They stuffed up and we have paid heavily for it, this years and last years 1st/2nd round draft picks gone. That's our punishment and they have lost respect for it.

I can't really see him making it to 250 games, I reckon he will get another concussion or three over the next year or two and be forced to retire. Had 3 in 2012, he is kinda 'fragile goods' in that area in my opinion for 2013.

It's amazing how easily persuaded by money he is, isn't it? But anyway, I am pretty sure a straight trade is considered honorable. I believe there was one of such in 2009 with Brisbane Lions that was rejected last minute by one of the higher ups (unfortunate in hindsight). Sydney didn't want to play fairly and decided to get him the dirty way instead, and in the end got their goods. End of story.
Your an idiot mate.
Wow nice one guys! I come to this thread and see people claiming Kurt Wasn't at fault & that he got punished to severly, so I express my opinion on the situation. Next thing I get swamped with hostile, disrespectful comments. If you disagree with my opinion, then feel free to respond with why you do, instead of just acting like a disgruntled teenager and throwing around immature insults. It really creates a bad image for your club.

You actually want to come on our board now and start this shite up again? The 11,000 pages or whatever of the Tippett thread in the off-season wasn't enough? Go back to your room and play with your crayons ... fck off.

idk never posted on that thread. You seem like a nice guy though.

That was Adelaide's decision! Rather than take what we offered, they turned themselves in to the AFL for cheating. You can't pin that on anyone but your own club.

Sydney's offer was a joke.

BTW, shit town. Feel bad for the team having to travel there.

It's not actually that bad, would rather live on the goal coast but whatever, SA is highly liveable. Been the Melbourne once and that place was shit, would hate to live there.
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