Melbourne Protests:Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition

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same as yours champ! you're either for a remine or against. hamas started all up again

where was your outage when russia and ukraine were going at it? or wasn't that fashionable enough for you

(lets see if you can rationally reply - i don't think you can)

replying rationally to a post that makes little sense is difficult - well played - you win

what does my posting history on bigfooty have to do with my position on geo-political matters?
replying rationally to a post that makes little sense is difficult - well played - you win

what does my posting history on bigfooty have to do with my position on geo-political matters?
i'd invite you to look into what the media are saying about these protests - a lot of them are calling you lot pro hamas supporters. thats if you actually believe MSM - but i'm pretty sure your mind is probably too far gone for that

if that goes too far over your head, please let me know. i'll explain it further for you

i never made an insinuations about your posting history - not sure where you've got that one from
i'd invite you to look into what the media are saying about these protests - a lot of them are calling you lot pro hamas supporters. thats if you actually believe MSM - but i'm pretty sure your mind is probably too far gone for that

if that goes too far over your head, please let me know. i'll explain it further for you

i never made an insinuations about your posting history - not sure where you've got that one from

if you didn't make insinuations about my posting history, why did you ask "Where was your outrage about Russia/Ukraine?"

How else would you make assumptions on what you think I'm 'outraged' over or not

I have absolutely no reason to watch any media about the protests because I've been around long enough to know that they'll spin whatever narrative they want and will distort everything

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is he not cornered by multiple mounted horses and a fence looking thing?

I don't know if that is the case or not, it's a limited field of view

but you don't have any more information than I do

Actually he’s clearly got heaps of room behind him where all the other people are walking along the footpath, but he’s trying to attack the horses or get passed their blockade.

There’s also another bloke behind with a pallet who was also using it to attack the horses and managed to back off to let his other mate have a crack…

it's funny how the caption says:

"Protesters arm themselves with plastic pallets" - Take that sentence in isolation and think about how ridiculous that actually reads

Meanwhile cops dressed to the hilt in riot gear, stun guns, capsicum spray etc are 'defending' themselves

you literally see a cop with a gun on his holster in the same photo
it's funny how the caption says:

"Protesters arm themselves with plastic pallets" - Take that sentence in isolation and think about how ridiculous that actually reads

Meanwhile cops dressed to the hilt in riot gear, stun guns, capsicum spray etc are 'defending' themselves

you literally see a cop with a gun on his holster in the same photo
So the bloke with the crate is defending himself is he? Look at where he is compared to everyone else... They're keeping a distance between them and the horses... He isn't.

If those horses were forcing him somewhere you might have a valid argument.

If he's genuinely trying to defend himself (hint - he's not) then using something that makes you an even bigger target is a pretty dumb way to go about it... Pretty much guarantees you'll end up on your backside if the horses come towards you.
The fact that radiojake is defending these scumbags and blaming horses and the police is beyond belief.

You see a photo, and then try and tell the world it's something ELSE. You must be a 9/11 conspiracy theory as well.

They weren't protesting, they were causing trouble and got violent. There's no point showing you the many many videos that were captured, because your best attempt at an argument will be - 'they weren't really there, it was a ghost' OR 'They police were protesting first..and then the innocent pro hamas supporters were peacefully trying to raise a flag'

You honestly can't be serious, because if you are..there is no point having a discussion in this thread.
I strongly oppose the violence but, equally, I strongly support the protestors' cause. I'm assuming it is a minority causing the violence, they do their cause no good at all.

Quite apart from being wrong, the violence allows that (ie the violence) to be the total and absolute focus of the protest - which plays into the hands of the media, the government, the arms industry - because that it is all your average pundit will hear about.

But there are other issues at play which are entirely relevant - the merits of having the expo in Australia, the fact that these are weapons being sold to inflict death and misery on others, whether the government has over-reacted in terms of police presence and the possibility of unwarranted police violence as well. They won't get discussed or considered - because "violence".

As an example, I inadvertently tuned into Sunrise the other morning, and they were literally drooling themselves over the protestors' violence. They couldn't cover it enough. You are not going to get Sunrise covering other aspects of the protest, other than to obviously say (but not cover in any way of course) what they are protesting about. A perfect example of how the media dumbs down its coverage to the lowest possible level.

So the violence is both wrong and stupid. And those who are concentrating solely on that violence, rather than including the related issues in your thoughts and discussion, well, broaden your thinking a little.
the funniest thing about this protest is that it is explicitly protesting against the military industrial complex, yet it is the protesters who are 'violent'

When you add the Zionist apologisers who think Israel have the right to completely destroy Palestine in order to rid Hamas, but then point and sneer at people holding bread crates and say that action renders their stance null and void, you really can't come up with a more succinct case of cognitive dissonance

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"Cops firing stuff into a crowd indiscriminately and escalating rather than deescalating have been the major problem."

They have been to blame for some things.

"most protesters have been fine." is not absolving anyone of anything shit they did.

TBH if they are putting ball bearings on the road to stop horses advancing - with the cops knowing this happens EVERY TIME at these Land Force protests and being able to see that they are on the road - that's not 100% shit. It's denying the space to mounted police.

If they are throwing them under horses that cannot avoid them, that's shit.

Meanwhile, the army dorks are inside...

View attachment 2109243

Crying victim about being entitled to go about their business, doing it peacefully:

View attachment 2109258

“Si vis pacem, para bellum”

“If you want peace, prepare for war.”
So said Roman author Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus in the fourth century AD.
The phrase presents the insight that the conditions of peace are often preserved by a readiness to make war to defend said peace when the need arises.
i'd invite you to look into what the media are saying about these protests - a lot of them are calling you lot pro hamas supporters. thats if you actually believe MSM - but i'm pretty sure your mind is probably too far gone for that

if that goes too far over your head, please let me know. i'll explain it further for you

i never made an insinuations about your posting history - not sure where you've got that one from
They’re definitely there, but so are the supporters of any other fashionable cause. As well as anarchists that don’t support anything. Some have travelled from interstate, apparently 🤔
I bet Radio has the nerve to call others cookers too. The irony

I was genuinely under the impression that 'cooker' was used for those folk who are knee deep in the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories - anti-vax / plandemic / flat earther etc

If you have another definition, can you enlighten me how I supposedly fit that description?
it's funny how the caption says:

"Protesters arm themselves with plastic pallets" - Take that sentence in isolation and think about how ridiculous that actually reads

Meanwhile cops dressed to the hilt in riot gear, stun guns, capsicum spray etc are 'defending' themselves

you literally see a cop with a gun on his holster in the same photo
So this protester is actually very brave to face them, armed only with a plastic box. Yes, I see what you mean 🤔
the funniest thing about this protest is that it is explicitly protesting against the military industrial complex, yet it is the protesters who are 'violent'
Your right. This is the funniest part. And has completely overshadowed the topic and made it an afterthought, rendering the whole protest pointless.
I was genuinely under the impression that 'cooker' was used for those folk who are knee deep in the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories - anti-vax / plandemic / flat earther etc

If you have another definition, can you enlighten me how I supposedly fit that description?
Your opinions are equally as laughable as theirs, just the other end of the extreme. You're not alone, plenty here. Just funny you look down your nose at others while being the same ass, just opposite cheek.
Your opinions are equally as laughable as theirs, just the other end of the extreme. You're not alone, plenty here. Just funny you look down your nose at others while being the same ass, just opposite cheek.

ah so you just call people with different opinions to you as 'cookers', regardless of the meaning of the word - I haven't espoused anything conspiratorial at all

do you also say things you don't like 'woke' even if it doesn't really have anything to do with it

It's fine if you don't agree with anything I write, but don't go changing the meaning of words for the sake of it
ah so you just call people with different opinions to you as 'cookers', regardless of the meaning of the word - I haven't espoused anything conspiratorial at all

do you also say things you don't like 'woke' even if it doesn't really have anything to do with it

It's fine if you don't agree with anything I write, but don't go changing the meaning of words for the sake of it
If your opinions are cooked, I dgaf tbh. The name fits.

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Melbourne Protests:Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition

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