Negative People at the football

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Norm Smith Medallist
Aug 19, 2005
AFL Club
Other Teams
Adelaide Crows
One of the most annoying things i get when i go to a crows game is when people around me are bagging the crows all match even if they're winning.
These people range from youngies to oldies. I wish these people would understand the game a little moer. All the crows players try their hardest and Neil Craig does his best to implement a winning game plan in today's football. Sometimes i want to tell these people off but i just don't know how.

Does anybody else get pissed off with these losers at the footy?
Or are you one of them?

Sadly I agree.

Haven't been for a couple seasons as I have moved away from Adelaide but got sick off these two old grannies and their "AAHHHHHHHHHH COME ON CROWS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING" every two minutes throughout every bloody game. It dumbfounded me because they used to do it even when we were winning.

I can still remember the good old days when memberships were sold but seats weren't allocated so you sat next to fresh faces most games.

You could act like a tool(in a non aggressive way) and start somewhere new the next game. It made the atmosphere so much better IMO

Gatecrashing the Godra squad every now and then was fun. I remember one game, we were playing the Saints and they had a cardboard cut out of Tony Lockett. It was like a voodoo doll because these guys were beating the S**T out of it and the next thing you know Lockett went off injured so they proceeded to rip cardboard Tony to pieces and shared him around the crowd.

That sort of fun doesn't happen anymore IMO you just get frowned upon for trying to have some fun
I tend to be negative whenever Ian Perrie has the ball, but that's just natural isn't it? ;)

I'm quite lucky where I sit, I'm free of the supporters you're talking about. The people that go to the games, don't know the rules, and clap and cheer the players by number rather than name. I just have the annoying children, "Dad is it over yet?", "Dad where's McLeod?"

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I tend to be negative whenever Ian Perrie has the ball, but that's just natural isn't it? ;)

I'm quite lucky where I sit, I'm free of the supporters you're talking about. The people that go to the games, don't know the rules, and clap and cheer the players by number rather than name. I just have the annoying children, "Dad is it over yet?", "Dad where's McLeod?"

Hey Beck how's work going?
Don't bag Ian Perrie btw! He is not that bad!
Speaking as a Centrals supporter, I can't stand it when people are silent and not attempting to fire up their heroes when their down. People like myself go all out to gee the Doggies on and I've tried several times to get that kind of thing going at Crows matches around the southern cheer squad. Never worked.

However at the last Showdown there appeared to be some hope for that lot as they apparently, according to a like minded Norwood supporter, started to take the example of the Centrals & Adelaide Utd supporters and are now coming out with songs and stuff. I will see this for myself next weekend.
hate the ones who try and coach from the stands :mad:

everyone now and then i'll comment like "Geez gotta take Player X off Player Y"
or "That was soft Player X" ...

but i know what you mean, the old grannies "Cmon crows what are you doing??"
or the morons going "BALL" everytime the opposition gets slightly touched
Against Essendong I got really fired up when Perrie slotted that setshot late after generally having a shocker, went the standing-O and gave it a few "f#cken come on!" and "let's do this"eseseses, but it was the usual funeral parlour, with muted applause and a couple of sarcastic "now he kicks one... :rolleyes:"-style comments.

Peak as wiss.

As covered many times in the past, the worst ones are the type who moan incessantly about chip and switch and scream at players to boot it, and then crucify the one who does this when he inevitably turns it over. Clowns.
He's not that good either ;)
Really, I really like Sarge and I think that his work ethic is outstanding. So he misses a few goals. Well Im sure he's not the only one, or two, or three that sprays a few. sorry but I get really peeved when someone has a go at their teams players. I have a guy behind me that continually bags Perrie and I swear, I am so close to turning around and giving it back to him its not funny. In fact if I didnt have to sit in the same seats week in week out he would have coped it from me ages ago. Did you ever think that maybe some support could actually give him a bit of confidence and you may see him play better?No your obviously not one of those that goes to the footy to cheer their team to a win, your just one of the many whingers that seem to follow our team.
I was negative as a young kid when we were getting beaten (like, between 10 and 15 years of age) but as I've grown up so has my barracking. I'm a very positive person at the games, and I proudly declare I'm one of the few who gets up and shouts my head off to support the boys when they get goals kicked against them, or when there's a generally flat patch of play. Seriously, our crowds don't realise what sort of influence they could have on games if they fired up when the crows actually needed them instead of when they're already up and about. Makes a huge difference, you only have to look at the Fremantle final.

My membership seat is right in front of this old fogy who bags the players no matter what they're doing and COMMENDS the opposition when they complete a good passage of play. Worst of all, she has this most awful high-pitched whiny voice that really pierces your ear drums. Can't stand the biatch (my mum hates her even more than I do, she's on the verge of jumping the seats and strangling her).
I was negative as a young kid when we were getting beaten (like, between 10 and 15 years of age) but as I've grown up so has my barracking. I'm a very positive person at the games, and I proudly declare I'm one of the few who gets up and shouts my head off to support the boys when they get goals kicked against them, or when there's a generally flat patch of play. Seriously, our crowds don't realise what sort of influence they could have on games if they fired up when the crows actually needed them instead of when they're already up and about. Makes a huge difference, you only have to look at the Fremantle final.

My membership seat is right in front of this old fogy who bags the players no matter what they're doing and COMMENDS the opposition when they complete a good passage of play. Worst of all, she has this most awful high-pitched whiny voice that really pierces your ear drums. Can't stand the biatch (my mum hates her even more than I do, she's on the verge of jumping the seats and strangling her).

I just dont get it, they have this mentality that they should clap when we get goals but instead of screaming support when they are down and needing it they whinge and bag our players. Maybe they weren't footy supporters before the Crows came in. But Im like you I scream the loudest (support of course) when we going thru a bad patch in the game to try and lift them. Mind you I get a few filthy looks when I do, but hey, I consider it my job as a supporter.
I just dont get it, they have this mentality that they should clap when we get goals but instead of screaming support when they are down and needing it they whinge and bag our players. Maybe they weren't footy supporters before the Crows came in. But Im like you I scream the loudest (support of course) when we going thru a bad patch in the game to try and lift them. Mind you I get a few filthy looks when I do, but hey, I consider it my job as a supporter.

My friend, anyone who gives you a filthy look for that is nothing more than a bandwagoner. I tire of these morons even bothering to show up.

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Yeah what FD88 said.

Anyone who wishes to be part of said sing-song session come to Bay 113 and ask for "Dogsbody" or look for someone in a 1996 pre-season Crows jumper. There are other songs to be sung too and they are pretty easy to belt out.
Really, I really like Sarge and I think that his work ethic is outstanding. So he misses a few goals. Well Im sure he's not the only one, or two, or three that sprays a few. sorry but I get really peeved when someone has a go at their teams players. I have a guy behind me that continually bags Perrie and I swear, I am so close to turning around and giving it back to him its not funny. In fact if I didnt have to sit in the same seats week in week out he would have coped it from me ages ago. Did you ever think that maybe some support could actually give him a bit of confidence and you may see him play better?No your obviously not one of those that goes to the footy to cheer their team to a win, your just one of the many whingers that seem to follow our team.

:thumbsu: same. I genuinely like perrie the player and though he does have the odd shocker it'll never be because he doesnt give 110%. Love it when he starts to get some confidence about him, and feel like he's giving the finger to the guys that constantly knock him. :D
Does anybody else get pissed off with these losers at the footy?
Or are you one of them?


My personal favourites are:

"Kick it LOOOOOONG!!!" - when the opposition has flooded back and it would be 2 on 6.

"Man up!!!" - when we allow the opposition a cheap sideways kick into the back pocket, hemming themselves in.

And everytime the Crows lose the umpires are 100% responsible. Every single talkback caller on 5AA after a loss 'just wants to talk about the umpires.'
"Man up!!!" - when we allow the opposition a cheap sideways kick into the back pocket, hemming themselves in.

The sequel to that is when they chip it back and forth about 5 or 6 more times to get it to the half-back flank.

"Jeeeesus... pathetic Crows!! NOT AGAIN! How many times do you want them to do it?? Bloody man-up!! It isn't hard! God! Derrrrr..."

Meanwhile mid-whinge the ball has already been turned-over and is heading towards Welsh/Hentschel/Pez/KMac.
Ahh you lot don't have the drunk idiots from the bar spitting on you when they yell out their obscenities :rolleyes: Had a group behind us the other week that were pretty good at the noise etc and cheering but they just couldn't seem to say any word without prefacing it with another word that started with F :( Where we sit there are quite a few kids around and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.... needless to say they did move on after the next quarter.

Normally we have the same group that come and stand behind us and I find myself wanting to turn into 'that sort of person' that tells them to go and sit in their seats as they are just so negative the whole game. Finally at the end of last year another person a couple of seats down gave them what for for their negative attitude and told them that we were all sick of them and that if they couldn't see how the crows were actually a decent side then they should stay home. Wasn't quite expressed that politely though.
i have a bunch of these folks sitting behind me at Subi. Not a nice word comes out of their mouth.

"your hopeless Pavlich, learn to mark" after the ball was kicked over his head, that one got me a bit angry

I guess every team has em.
I cant get to the football but everytime I watch it pretty well I encounter negitive Commontators towards us.

Some are quite Shocking. I thought no one could surpass Walls. Rohan smith is making a run for the title but.
We almost got into a fight at last years Prelim - this idiot behind us was yelling at us for standing up and cheering too loud when we got a goal.

I unloaded on the old tosser, the usual "If you don't want the atmosphere and you don't want to support your team, save your sixty bucks and stay at home you weak prick!!"

Luckily, almost everybody else sitting around us told the guy to shut up and leave us alone - one guy (who would've been about eighty), the idiot turned to him for support, saying "This young idiots are ruining the game for everyone, they should just stay at the bar."

The old guy fired up along the lines of "Shut your mouth, these young fellas are supporting the team, everyone loves them doing so, you're the one being a goose!"

Was quite funny.
As I mentioned in the AAMI Stadium screen thread, not only do I have the old Granny that can't tell the difference between Johncock and Edwards, her just as old male mates are some of the most negative people you'll ever come across - they bag the team constantly, and every second word is F*** (what's more concerning is they normally bring their grandson, and they feeding their neagative mentality onto him). Then next to them is another mob, whom I refer to as the whiners, because not only do they bag the side, they do it with the most whiniest of voices.

Someone told them all to shut up (not in those words) during the Essendon game in 2005, and they replied by saying that they paid for their ticket, they can do whatever they want, and if we don't like their neagtive crap, don't come.

At one stage someone was going to start a collection to pay these guys not to turn up they were that sick of these clowns.

They used to get to me, but now I find their lack of education humourous, and it inspires me to support the team even louder.
Really, I really like Sarge and I think that his work ethic is outstanding. So he misses a few goals. Well Im sure he's not the only one, or two, or three that sprays a few. sorry but I get really peeved when someone has a go at their teams players. I have a guy behind me that continually bags Perrie and I swear, I am so close to turning around and giving it back to him its not funny. In fact if I didnt have to sit in the same seats week in week out he would have coped it from me ages ago. Did you ever think that maybe some support could actually give him a bit of confidence and you may see him play better?No your obviously not one of those that goes to the footy to cheer their team to a win, your just one of the many whingers that seem to follow our team.

I thought my ";)" lead people to believe I was being sarcastic...
... Apparently not.

I lost my voice @ the Essendon game and ended up missing a shift at work. Last Sunday my hands were swollen from going a little overboard clapping at the Swannies game.
I cried when we lost in the Prelim last year, and I shed a tear this arvo after shaking for the last 5 minutes of the game.
I'm heading to Melbourne to see us play in round 10, and I did it last year, and the year before.
I jumped off the freaking couch screaming and clapping today when Sarge slotted that goal! I sent an sms to the guy I sit next to @ AAMI, that it was "Perrie Perrie Good"

Don't judge me, on one simple sarcastic comment.
Don't judge me, on one simple sarcastic comment.


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Negative People at the football

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