Opinion Posts That Don't Deserve a Thread (Random Opinion or Questions)

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Random thought that just occurred to me, but you know who you don't hear about anymore? Braeden Campbell and Errol Gulden. Those two were once like a package deal and every second bit of media and social media of each of those guys involved the other in some way. Can't remember the last time I saw them together. Hope they're still close.
Oh man! You just know that someone in the Vic media will be reading this...
That’s bizarre Milky, last night it was 22-1 on the ladder when AutoTipping. Maybe it is mining my BF posts and has added the JHWF Optimism algorithm?
OK I know what happened.

Auto-tipper tips the Squiggle favourites but the forecast works by assigning a likely percentage of winning. So for this game we get 0.73 of a win whilst Freo gets 0.27. This continues on for the whole season which leads to us getting 19.36 wins (rounding down to 19)

Read something this morning by Titus OReily (can't find it now) that said something to the extent of Julian Assange being relieved to discover that Essendon hadn't won a final while he was away.
Titus compares Chad to Muffin from Bluey in our Dogs game review. I wouldn't mind that nickname taking hold.

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