Autopsy Rd 7 vs North. Terrible loss, poor skills, never in it.

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From what I can see on tv our main centre bounce setup is Cripps, Dow, SPS and Fish. Its just too physically small to work. I get they need games but no point breaking them. I’d rather see Cripps, Ed, Kennedy or Setters in p3, one of Dow, Fish, SPS in p4. Surely that stops us being mauled by the strong bodies of teams like North etc. we got away with it against dogs and GC as they are a smaller midfield pack.

The last two weeks Cripps has been sat on and we’ve had supply just dry up. Worse still our clearances have been rushed as a player like Fisher is snapping it out of a pack instead of recieving the release into space.

I maintain this is all off field. Not only bad setups as I’ve mentioned, but the players aren’t playing natural footy. Our list is full of first rounders, these footballers have played free their whole lives, if you want robotic role players you need those kids that have had to fight for everything. Every list needs a bit of both and we only have one type. So play to the lists strength instead of trying to turn them into something they are not and add the role players as needed.

We wanted a thorough rebuild and we’ve got it, we all know the score.

Just on a few experienced players we do have :
Well played Dale Thomas.
Marc Murphy should look at Thomas’ game and be ashamed of himself.
The senior players in a rebuild are there for a reason,Murphy is as far from that reason as possible ... no more.
North got on top from minute 1, we all but gave up as a team, no real drive to come back. Stark difference to how the Hawks responded when we were up 51-15 points against them.

No idea what happened to our game plan. Where's the run and carry, the short kick into the middle gone?
Few players look like they try or actually had any effect today.
1. JSOS - never gives up.
2. Cripps - plays with a man hanging off him at all times.
3. Fisher. Played decently in the middle
4. Weitering - actually looked even better when he had Brown, after Jones went off.
Our first really bad performance of the year IMO, and what a shocker it was.

Our effort was poor and skills worse. I thought we’d have a couple games like this during the season due to our age demographic, didn’t expect it to be against North though.

Next week will tell us a bit. Nothing short of 4 quarters of full blown effort is acceptable.
Do we play:
- fast play on at call costs
- attack through middle at every opportunity
- chip chip until a target presents
- around the boundary
- more kicking less handball
-more handball less kicking
Some one enlighten me because after 7 games I have nfi

Casboult- if you can’t execute first basic skill of AFL..kicking... then there’s no place for you ...ever

Murphy if you want to play the game and avoid contact then you Can’t play

O’Brien if you can’t muster more than 4 possessions (again) in 3 qtra playing midfield then the coaches need to put you back in the Twos to learn this game because you have nfi how to find the ball on a wing

Plowman if you’re going to turn your back on the play and walk off the ground to the interchange in the last qtr whilst the ball is still in play because you got a little knock then you need to see the courage displayed by Jones.
And if you can’t kick to a target with no pressure then this game is not for you.

Marchbank if you don’t intercept mark then what is your role in defence apart from atrocious decision making and kicking.

Coaches what is our kick in plan?
What is our fwd plan?
Blind freddy could see Williamson wasn’t ready.
Why is setterfield in the twos?
Why is kennedy in the twos?
Why did sos work so hard to get them to the club if we don’t play them when they’re fit and play underdone players before them?

Where was the 4 qtr effort that was displayed against Bulldogs 2 weeks ago?

Responsibility ultimately belongs to the head coach.

Excused :

The rest:
Disgraceful effort

Going fwd 2020 and beyond:
Hang em up
On the trade table

Hang em up now you’re an embarrassment:
Ho hum.

What worries me most is that we haven’t even played a team in the top 5 yet this year and we’re 1&6. The only team below us on the ladder notched up their one win of the season against us and we just got flogged by a bottom 4 side.

Green shoots, young talent, keep the faith, not Bolts’ fault etc. it all gets a bit monotonous when the guys run out and don’t put in from the first siren.

Effort is not age related, nor is it anything to do with number of games played or injuries to other players on the team.

I have not been a fan of JSOS to date, but I would have to say my opinion is changing. He is one of a handful of players we have that puts it all out there all of the time, this club needs him and more of the others to understand what it means to pull on the navy blue jersey.
Just flat out depressing to watch that. Disgraceful effort from almost all playing.

To dish up that shit after being competitive all year (even if some results have been poor) was just infuriating.

You CANNOT continue to keep trying to play Casboult, Curnow and McKay together. The modern game is simply too fast and we don’t use the ball well enough to use their marking. Casboult constantly gets in the way as well and is close to a complete nothing when it hits the deck.

Effort was despicable. I was at the ground sitting close to the wing and you could clearly see North wanted it more, they were running harder and they weren’t afraid of contact.

Andrew Phillips should never play another game for Carlton. He is a hack. Plain and simple. I’m not sure if it’s a lack of tank or football smarts but he constantly loses his man. He is an average aerial presence as well.

Forward line is a shambles. Like I said the trio is problematic but they also need to learn to time their leads better and work in sync to separate defenders. I’m pleased that Charlie got through the game and took some marks. His kicking though was deplorable. He’s trying to kick bullets every time he gets it and instead he shanks it.

Very dirty day for the midfield. Murphy looks like a frustrated footballer knowing his time is soon coming to an end. Was running around aimlessly all game. Complete lack of accountability from almost all of them. A lot of kick chasing, lack of smarts when it came to things like staying goal side or being on a man at a stoppage.

Defence was awful too. Stocker was thrown in there not ready and from what I saw I don’t think defence will be his game at AFL level. But early obviously. Rest of the defence made dumb decision after dumb decision. We have to be one of the worst switching teams I’ve ever seen. AFL today is all about marking and quickly turning to make decisions in order to quickly move the ball and get overlap. We mark and stop. Giving way too much time for the opposition to cover.

Just a disgraceful performance. It matters and if we want to attract some mature talent then we simply have to start winning games. Cripps tried his guts out today and last week. But he needs help. He needs another experienced head in there with him to help out when he’s not having a good day. Good luck finding anyone if you dish out that shit.

If Collingwood comes switched on next week they will absolutely destroy us.
Cripps needs some bulls who can give him a break.......Kennedy and Setterfield were recruited to take some heat off him.

They must play

If Kruz isn’t right then we drop Phillips and play Cas as permanent ruck.
Concede the centre bounces to Grundy and let the bulls scrap it out.

Plowman should be dropped as should
Murphy.....but they won’t be

Jones who knows?!?

Out Philips. Lob,
In setters Kennedy

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Players aged between 24-28
Carlton - 0, Norf - 9

Some of their less experienced players in that age bracket are only getting to the same number of games our kids have reached at the age of 21. Those extra 3-4 AFL level preseasons hurt when it is across all areas of the field, regardless of number of games played.

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What hurts more is that now coming to round 8 we can yet again say our season is dusted and the injuries are beginning to creep up again meaning most likely more and more young teams put on the park who'll be smashed and crashed. When will the bloody wheel turn... footy is one of those small enjoyments I look forward to each weekend and it's just constant disappointment week after week... even the last few weeks of close heartbreaks are beginning to wear a bit thin.

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again... so why are players like LOB put in yet again unless the plan is to demoralise him completely and remove any bit of confidence he may have eventually built up whilst playing in the 2's for a season or two and building himself up.

I was dreaming of Walls grabbing the coaches by the back of their collars and hoiking them out of the box and grabbing the headphones and begin to take orders... once you start to imagine that you know the coach(es) are beginning to tread a fine line... and I'm not the only member/supporter having those thoughts begin to creep in... dangerous times are afoot.

This trade period and draft it's time to ignore the kids and trade in for 4-5 mature players... yes we know we're already going to sacrifice Adelaide's first rounder, but we may need to throw in a player of worth to bring in 2-3 extra foot soldiers with experience and leadership.

Now the mid-season draft... is there a decent ruck out there??? or are we just going to grab a mid/small-forward?? Maybe best thing is to ask Lobbe to retire before that time in order to have another spot open.
I think this pretty much sums up every year supporting Carlton
I'm not the slightest bit surprised - knew we'd lose but didn't think we'd get torched like that. We have pushed every team thus far this year and have basically lined up and U/23 side. North on the other hand are one of the oldest and biggest bodied side in the league and coming off a media pasting. See the way they broke our tackles so easy and every 50/50 ball ended up with them. Watched from the bleachers so takeaways below.

Walsh plays with more leadership and dare than most of our list.
Stocker probably had a debut to forget but saw some okay things. Betcha those dinky round the corner stab passes worked in TAC Cup... Not here though son.
Charlie is becoming a curious case - seems to get in the McKay's way and often gets lost. We've looked average in all the games he's played.
JSOS is becoming pretty important to us. Always gives 100% and creates a contest. In fact today looked the only forward not completely lost.
SPS & Dow Just 16 and 15 touches - really poor for starting midfielders
Murphy may be finished. He is struggling to get near it
Cripps looks a bit injured and frustrated - was often flat footed, jogging, not entering contests like he usually does.
Fisher was great, the way he accelerates and takes it on is impressive to watch
Marchbank & Plowman - Struggled, for all the **** Plowman cops, Marchbank is struggling to kick on. Understand injuries but do injuries affect general game sense that much?

We've let Dumont have 38 touches and some bloke called Zuuhar kick 5 and knock our best defender out cold. Just a dog ******* day at the office. Scrap it and pray injuries don't destroy us again like last year.

Insightful and beautifully articulated. Couldn’t agree more.

On iPhone using mobile app
id like to know what our preseason training looks like...are we doing the right gym programs...we lack physicality big time...

Norf just ran hard using a lot of aggression & hardness at the ball. They just brushed some of our lighter players aside. Their workrate, & pressure on our players was fantastic. They frequently played on, backed each other up better & took chances. They played as a team much better. Unfortunately, some of our players succumbed to this pressure. Due to Norf's media attention this week, our coaching team would must have known Norf would come at us breathing fire, but the team was not prepared properly for the onslaught. Very dispappointing.:mad:
We didn’t have to get rid of them. That was the narrative sold to us by the club, and perpetuated by most on here.

The next result is (very roughly speaking) Gibbs and Touhy for Marchbank, LOB, Kennedy and DeKoning.

Jones surprise development as a backman has made the Marchbank trade redundant, Setterfield’s arrival has made Kennedy redundant, LOB has shown few glimpses and will more than likely end up a decent role player and no more, and TDK is a complete unknown.

We may have actually benefitted from 4-5 more years of Gibbs and Touhy, and been far more smarter in banking draft picks and non completely messing our rookie selections. We took the hardest possible road, and it might have been completely unnecessary.
I'm sorry to stop you there, but both of the players you highlighted requested a trade. The decision to rebuild completely may well have been a mistake but its probably a whole lot easier to see that now 4 years later. We can't go back and undo it, but we can try and turn this list into a premiership team. Now we have to figure out the fastest way to do that.
From what I can see on tv our main centre bounce setup is Cripps, Dow, SPS and Fish. Its just too physically small to work. I get they need games but no point breaking them. I’d rather see Cripps, Ed, Kennedy or Setters in p3, one of Dow, Fish, SPS in p4. Surely that stops us being mauled by the strong bodies of teams like North etc. we got away with it against dogs and GC as they are a smaller midfield pack.

Were saying the very same thing at the game.

Ed should have been in the guts and Fisher on a wing.

One of the few players we have with some run and carry ability and we have him starting in the middle.

Dumb coaching.
All talk of needing a small forward......what about an actual ruckman that can give our midfield first use of the ball.
Love big K, but seems more injured these days.
I would throw all our picks at years end for Grundy, make him a godfather offer he cannot refuse.
Sick of getting killed in the middle and around the ground when Kruze is injured.

Too many times Phillips got the ball during a stoppage or centre bounce and just handballed it out straight to a North player.

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Autopsy Rd 7 vs North. Terrible loss, poor skills, never in it.
