There's something grotesque about the way you keep opening your trench coat and flashing your ignorance about. Put it away, please.
There's also something grotesque about the way that you present migrants as a bunch of luckless types who closed their eyes and hoped for the best when they came to Australia.
You referred to a multicultural 'tapestry' in one of your earlier posts, and you'd do well to dwell upon the significance of that term. Historically, most of the people who came to this country were simply expected to assimilate. Australia didn't embrace and celebrate their different cultures for most of our history, and it wasn't until the 1970s that significant recognition and resources were directed at promoting a tapestry rather than a 'melting pot'.
Do you know why the change came about? It came about because a lot of those people from 'other places' asked for it. Some of them made demands, others quietly insisted, but it all amounted to an expectation that their differences would be respected and supported and celebrated.
Some of Australia's migrants have even had the temerity to ask to be treated like other Australians. One of my own family was interned in WWI because his name was a bit too Germanic, and all he wanted was to be free to fight for his adoptive country.
The narrative that the 'new Australians' simply turned their backs on the old country and accepted whatever came their way in Australia --without asking or demanding anything more-- is not uncommon, but it is a fallacy based on ignorance.
I'll leave it there, mate. Exchanging words with you is nothing but a sad reminder of how sad and silly a lot of people are, and I know I've demeaned myself in the process.
I love exposing hypocrites. But when they are a preacher with a mild to moderate education trying to explain the plight of Australian migrants. To a person brought up from an immigrant family. Now, this is definitely on another level of ignorance…..Best to know your audience.
Maybe you need to find yourself a more worthy cause for that overly unnecessary education you’ve attained. Just brainstorming here, why not set up a support group for university students and how best to utilize pronouns…..
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