Unofficial Preview Round 1, Pies V Lions, Sat evening @6:20pm Qld / 7:20pm Vic (Thread closed, see Game Day thread)

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The Goldsack in defense is more of a "want" then an expectation.

I hate, no wait, I despise playing 2 defensive forwards in Blair and Goldsack who to put it simply don't kick goals. One defensive forward who doesn't kick goals I could stand, 2, no way. So I'm hoping Goldy is actually played in his best position, which is half back.

As for Karnezis or Kennedy, I wouldn't argue with either, but Kennedy will add more midfield depth which may be more important this week against Brisbane's strength, their midfield.

If it is wet we will need to lock it in our forward line. Blair and Sack could be handy in this game.

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Yep I just wish Buckley saw it like you do. Goldsack is a defender and he should play there.

Except Goldys biggest wraps from the footballing media have been when playing as a defensive forward... I think with the style of game we are seeing at the moment - that is where he is most valuable to the club right now.

He can still swing down back and be used as a medium defender (particularly with Maxy gone)... But if we have a backline that includes 2 (or 3) of frost/reid/brown, plus marley and tooves, i think we should be covered for man-to-man defenders and are best saving the last spot/s for guys who are better at running it out of defence (seeds, langdon, varcoe etc.).
Goldsack should in theory be a good wetweather footballer, has a huge torp on him and it brings everyone down to his level of fumbling.
its going to be a rugged get the ball fwd at all costs affair. I like goldy and blair in these type of matches.

Sinclair Brown Toovey
Williams Frost Langdon
Crisp Pbury Sbottom
Varcoe Cloke DeGoey
Elliot White Gault
Witts Swan Adams
Goldsack Kennedy Seedsman sub Fasolo
Unless its absolutely pissing down i think people are overrating the effect of "wet weather football" These grounds now dry out that quickly and games usually aren't to badly effected.

Goldsack can play either end. If we are to do any good this season its time for blokes to step up. Blair, Fasolo, Goldy, White, Seedsman ect

Saturday 4 April


Min 21
Max 27
Showers. Possible storm.
Brisbane area
Cloudy. High (80%) chance of showers, most likely in the morning and afternoon. The chance of a thunderstorm in the afternoon and evening. Light winds.
Hi all magpie supporters.

can I preface any post that I may make by saying just a few things about blogs in goes and maybe some will wake up..

1 Being "realistic" does not necessarily equate to being "negative" If all you want are positive posts at all times then seek help as you may be suffering from a polyanna syndrome of some sort.
2 Just because you only post occasionally does not make anyone a TROLL. what the F..K is a troll anyway? Who made up that imbecilic term? Like a bunch of girls in a playground really the way some carry on...
3 Wtf is a hater? Is this some new term for anyone who is not agreeing with you? Or are you feeling bullied? that we have that out of they way

Bill Parcells who coached New York Giants and other successful franchises has a lot to say about sport in general

1 You are what the scoreboard says you are.......we are not a top 8 side as we finished outside the 8 last year.
2 If they don't bite as pups they most probably wont bite ever....means that if you don't see "something" isn't there...
3 If you have durability issues and cannot get on the park it is just as useful to you as a packet of

What is the expectation for this year? Mine is improvement only...means back in the 8. Anything less is a fail in my book.
Can we do it? YES...I like the kids...but all teams have good kids they like
Do I see good coaching? NO...poor game plan and long term issues that are not rectified.

Prognosis: You are what the scoreboard says you are and don't cloud it. If we don't make make decisions

V Brisbane? Yes we can win. But the coaching must improve ie Cloke triple teamed. Poor kicking from defence, slow movement in the spine, poor team selections, lack of cohesion
it may be growing pains but this is year 4 and no more excuses.

I will always love my pies but I am realistic.

Bill Parcells... Pfft what would he know... You're just a troll hater! :D
Unless its absolutely pissing down i think people are overrating the effect of "wet weather football" These grounds now dry out that quickly and games usually aren't to badly effected.

Goldsack can play either end. If we are to do any good this season its time for blokes to step up. Blair, Fasolo, Goldy, White, Seedsman ect

No one is expecting a bog, but even a light drizzle reduces skills and brings the ball to ground a great deal more often.

You're unlikely to see power forwards taking huge contested marks, and much more of a focus on in and under ball winners. Definitely changes the face of the game compared to a dry flat track.

Not sure who it suits to be honest, but it'll definitely make a difference if it's wet.

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Hi all magpie supporters.

can I preface any post that I may make by saying just a few things about blogs in goes and maybe some will wake up..

1 Being "realistic" does not necessarily equate to being "negative" If all you want are positive posts at all times then seek help as you may be suffering from a polyanna syndrome of some sort.
2 Just because you only post occasionally does not make anyone a TROLL. what the F..K is a troll anyway? Who made up that imbecilic term? Like a bunch of girls in a playground really the way some carry on...
3 Wtf is a hater? Is this some new term for anyone who is not agreeing with you? Or are you feeling bullied? that we have that out of they way

Bill Parcells who coached New York Giants and other successful franchises has a lot to say about sport in general

1 You are what the scoreboard says you are.......we are not a top 8 side as we finished outside the 8 last year.
2 If they don't bite as pups they most probably wont bite ever....means that if you don't see "something" isn't there...
3 If you have durability issues and cannot get on the park it is just as useful to you as a packet of

What is the expectation for this year? Mine is improvement only...means back in the 8. Anything less is a fail in my book.
Can we do it? YES...I like the kids...but all teams have good kids they like
Do I see good coaching? NO...poor game plan and long term issues that are not rectified.

Prognosis: You are what the scoreboard says you are and don't cloud it. If we don't make make decisions

V Brisbane? Yes we can win. But the coaching must improve ie Cloke triple teamed. Poor kicking from defence, slow movement in the spine, poor team selections, lack of cohesion
it may be growing pains but this is year 4 and no more excuses.

I will always love my pies but I am realistic.

I dont disagree with most of your post but I really hate sayings like the one I bolded. Its meant to sound worldly and wise but doesnt actually have much behind it. Its the sort of thing people think is true just because someone said it once. Like "sarcasm is the lowest form of humour," things like that. Why the hell cant players who dont show all the early indications not make up the difference later?
Say hello to Corey Gault it seems;

No Witts this weekend anywhere it seems, same for Reid.
How's the new graphics? I'm impressed. Club is going forward at a huge rate of knots.
How's the new graphics? I'm impressed. Club is going forward at a huge rate of knots.
The "termometer" as I'm calling it? Nice initiative, I do wonder where the 16 week hamstring is on that though.
No one is expecting a bog, but even a light drizzle reduces skills and brings the ball to ground a great deal more often.

The Gabba gets a lot of dew at night. This often results in "wet weather footy" even if it hasn't rained for days. So, unless there is a deluge, chances are the conditions are going to be the same as would have been the case if it were completely dry.

In one respect, a bit of rain is better for the footballers. The Gabba drains really well (there's a massive stormwater system which runs under the ground) but the Gabba is ordinarily such a flint hard surface that taking a bit of sting out of the ground is good for player welfare.
Hi guys, was just wondering whether Seedsman is up for selection on the weekend. I rate his run and carry off HB, he worries me more than others that are currently there. Cheers and good luck on the weekend.
Hi guys, was just wondering whether Seedsman is up for selection on the weekend. I rate his run and carry off HB, he worries me more than others that are currently there. Cheers and good luck on the weekend.
I'd be staggered if he was. I think he's fit enough but has no match fitness. Isn't that quality of playing to come in without match conditioning like ablett is doing haja
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