We continue to win, but also continue not to be able to string 4 quarters together. We were rubbish in that third quarter, but were lucky that Carlton were equally s**t.
It felt like we switched off mid way through the second quarter, then didn't pick it back up again until the 4th. That's the one difference between this team and the 2010 team. I felt like that 2010 team was able to put 4 quarters together far more often and absolutely obliterate teams, rather than taking the foot off the peddle and relaxing for a quarter or two. It would be nice to see us string together full 4 quarter efforts more consistently, especially now that we have a much softer fixture.
I really don't want to see 15-20 point victories over North and the Eagles, we should be destroying them and properly boosting our percentage. It's great to be able to win close contested games in the 4th, there's also something to be said for beating a team handily after a quarter or two, and keeping the foot on the neck and destroying them rather than taking a quarter or two off.
I reckon the cap on rotations plays a huge part in this. Back in 2010 we would be upwards of 120+ rotations which kept players fresh, allowing us to put the foot down for longer.
With a cap of 75 i think there are times when tempo footy is required. We would all love to see us win every quarter, every week but as long as keep building solidly into the back half the year, then by finals time we'll be hitting our straps. It's a long season.