Game Day Round 19, 2023: Port Adelaide Magpies vs Collingwood at Adelaide Oval.

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The equation is simple, bring our full pressure best and it will be a winnable game.

Four quarter pressure definitely. The risk with this team is if they back off for 10 minutes and let a handful of goals go through.
If we do that against them, we not be able to claw it back.
A quick start would be nice too - get them on the back foot.
Pressure. Pressure. Pressure!

Would be a lot more confident if this game was played a few weeks ago. Now with these underdone players, don’t think we can make it.

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Either team by less than 15 points.

Undecided whether to go. Want to badly, but have had a cold since early last week that I still haven’t cleared - think it’s become a chest infection.
Have assumed a loss all week, but today I'm more confident.

We need Butters and JHF to be a little more influential than their last few games, and Rozee and Houston to carry on.

But I think it really comes down to which Lycett we get tonight. The serviceable mid-season reborn Scooter and we win. The injured and cooked early season/last week version and we lose. Being pantsed in the ruck negates our midfield strengths and exposes our undersized defence too much.
I'd almost prefer a draw.

Every team we've lost to in the three Prelims under Ken have been against teams that we prematurely beat earlier in the year.

A draw would still give us a points jump over Brisbane & make the finals matchup with Collingwood more interesting (If we make it there)

Dangerous to try and play it close with this mob though.
While I appreciate the general sentiment of not trusting this team because we've been burnt too much before, the bed wetting in here gets a bit much sometimes. Collingwood have played some phenomenal start to finish games but also just switched on for a quarter of so in some games, we've done the same thing. Our form line isn't that different and since Ken ****ed off out of the box we've been switched on for the big games.

We'll win this. Marshall 5 goals, Rozee BOH.
Reasons for us being subdued:

  1. coming off a bad game that demonstrated our weaknesses;
  2. our form since the bye having been less than outstanding;
  3. key players clearly playing hurt - not just hurt but hurt to the point they are nowhere near the required level;
  4. key players who could end their season falling over a blade of grass;
  5. skills, like goal kicking, having gone to shit; and
  6. Daddy Donuts-induced PTSD.
I'm sure there are more but those are the main ones for me.

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Not sure of all this injured or underdone rubbish if it was a final last week they all would've played bar McKenzie.

No excuses, you get through training you play. Niggles at every club this time of year.
We've shown enough in pressure games this year to warrant some confidence going into today. Our fixture has been ****ed and to go on 13 game win streak while playing more than half the top 8 teams twice, is nothing short of remarkable. If we're fair dinkum, we make a statement today. Our next 3 weeks will be telling.
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