Game Day Round 19, 2023: St.Kilda v North Melbourne

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Yeah, if we fall away next season he has to live and die by his decisions.
he's self confessed that he's been asleep at the wheel then when shit got messy he got actively involved which resulted in bringing in Lyon.

I'm sorry but that's unforgivable. Needs to go. Lethlean needs to go.
Question for the selection panel - why do you absolutely hate the idea of 2nd mature tall body who could play in the fwd half and or could actually play in the ruck when Marshall is not on?

Marshall has had 10 possessions and gained 132 metres in half of footy playing in the ruck and we can't change it up because we don't ever ever ever play a 2nd tall.

Which is even weirder given our apparent desire to just kick it long to a Higgins/Butler V Ben McKay contest.

IN my view it's a teaching to hit the lead as much as lack of talls thing, we're just seeing that we are straight trash so hard watching. This is part why I am keeping Higgins, he is smart, he gets there, he pressures, he kicks goals, plural and we torch him something shocking with our I50.

Marshall was always big body mid that doubles as ruck, this is why Paddy looked brilliant, but game has moved partly away from him, look at Grundy for example, so we kinda need heath to come on so Row can just be that big body chop out instead of using Caminiti or Owens and going back to robbing the F50 to ruck.

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Hold on, weren't we told that Lyon had completely changed the standards at the club?

If the standards have improved so dramatically wouldn't we also see improvement from the players?

Whatever makes them get through the year without having a total nervous breakdown mate.

Younger list
Players tiring

We are trying to play fast play on footy but don't have the skills to pull it off, any pressure and we turn it over, we even turn it over under no pressure.

We need to slow it down and get some composure, I would rather we move it slower with no turnovers than trying to move it fast with turnovers galore.
Bytel only one possession in the 2nd quarter? Probably doesn’t cut it, especially against a bottom team. It seems a common theme. Goes missing in significant parts of the game. Hopefully he plays a blinder in the 2nd half.
We are trying to play fast play on footy but don't have the skills to pull it off, any pressure and we turn it over, we even turn it over under no pressure.

We need to slow it down and get some composure, I would rather we move it slower with no turnovers than trying to move it fast with turnovers galore.

Hunter goes any slower he might as well sit down, I think it's just they are overusing it and thus all in same space as CBF moving and that leads to headless chook as pressure comes into it.
Billings the cream on top can’t kick
None of our forwards look likely for I kick a goal when they do manage to get it forward
Doogs plays on roller skates
Zero skills or awareness
Billings has always choked when we need important goals - 30 metre kick and its touched on the line?

Howard has ZERO awareness of where the ball is in flight and his opponent are. As a result he is constantly wrong footed and often on the wrong side of his opponent. Then he tries to adjust he just falls over like a skittle its comical really. He just has no feel for where the ball is going, consequently gets beaten far too often for a full back.

Our midfield again have been really poor...starting with Steele, Clark, Gresham. Crouch and Jones had decent 1st quarters but were hardly sighted in the 2nd. Confidence plays a big part, the entire team are bereft and second guessing themselves. So many times we stream into the F50 to not have a shot and kick it to Norths advantage.

Unless they do a complete lazarus we wont be playing finals.

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Yep, not defending him any more. We are so damaged and s**t with no leaders or players who have any ownership or love for the club that we are going to have to start again from the draft. Sacking all those older GOPs for more high priced GOPs under Lethlean got rid of guys that wanted to be here for guys who are happy to turn up for a pay cheque.
When 80% of your list comes from other clubs, don't be surprised when the vast majority turn out to be mercenaries.
Not Ross fault. There isn’t enough cattle on the field. Even Alisitar Clarkson or Sheedy in their prime wouldn’t get finals success in the current group. Most footy pundits predicted this at the beginning of the year because the list ain’t good enough. Nothing surprising about it.
We are dishing up the same rubbish we did under Ratten. North (his team) despite not being any good and having less mature talent is playing a better brand of footy

I don't know what that says but I'm thinking the problem is our playing group. Maybe not the individuals themselves but how we are as a collective.

Big job for Ross to turn this around in the offseason. Heads need to roll on the playing list for mine
How bad are our forward entries...complete momentum killer.
We are just missing simple 30m hit ups into fwd 50. It is incredible to watch.
This is the 6 th week we have been doing it.
Maybe we bear North....but unlikely to get close against Hawks.
Christ we look bad.

It's not the forwards that are stuffing up its the mid field and the fumbles and wanting to go sideways and then miss the target.
This is just bad

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The sad thing is, all those falling in line with Ross Lyon kicking the list will now get your wish.

He’ll talk all his media mates and Bassatt into justifying the club needing a full rebuild.

It’ll make all you “the list is a problem” people happy.

But it will be a disaster that could kill the club once and for all.

A rebuild with Ross? That would have been a bad idea years ago. The only success he had was with lists that were complete.

And that was years ago when his “style” of defensive footy actually worked somewhat.

Giving Ross the keys to a full rebuild at a club in 2023? You’re asking for trouble.

Please, don’t drink the Ross kook-aid. He is way, way out of his depth tactically in the modern game.

Bassatt listenend to the wrong people but don’t let him off the hook by allowing for a full rebuild.

If a whole list can’t move the ball and can’t hit targets, that is on coaching and gameplan.
IN my view it's a teaching to hit the lead as much as lack of talls thing, we're just seeing that we are straight trash so hard watching. This is part why I am keeping Higgins, he is smart, he gets there, he pressures, he kicks goals, plural and we torch him something shocking with our I50.

Marshall was always big body mid that doubles as ruck, this is why Paddy looked brilliant, but game has moved partly away from him, look at Grundy for example, so we kinda need heath to come on so Row can just be that big body chop out instead of using Caminiti or Owens and going back to robbing the F50 to ruck.

Higgins is unreliable. He should be on about $250k a year. He's an average player who has good weeks occasionally. Nearly every player on the list is weak and disinterested. The kids want to prove themselves and haven't learnt bad habits yet. King is already lazy and turning to shit and Higgins and Butler are coasters. Hardly any of them are up to it and we have an ultra defensive coach to strangle the last little bits of joy out of the game and we can't even defend.
Yup all the coached fault, he makes Howard slip, or Battle miss Clark in the guts by 5 metres or Jones handball behind players three times or Hammer miss the sticks by 30 metres, yup, all the coach.

We would have won 4 flags since 2011 if we had a decent coach.

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Not suggesting it's all the coaches fault

What I am saying is that we have not improved one bit

Clearly all this talk about how good the standards have become and how poor Ratten was is complete bullshit

We are no better now then we were when Ratten got sacked.
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