Game Day Round 19, 2023: St.Kilda v North Melbourne

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Richo fault
Ratts fault
Now Lyons fault.
When will you jokers start looking at the players taking responsibility?
Always the coach with you lot

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No no you don’t get it they’re all absolute elite players and we’d be top if we had Fly or Ken or Goodwin

Players are ****ing shit and can’t hit a basic kick. Time for a full on cull ala Hawthorn 00-06. Way too many middling players out there today happy to just be footballers

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This is 2 years now of falling away in the second half of the season.

I can cop losses. I can cop us not having the most talent.
What I cannot cop is lack of effort and what I have seen the last 2 weeks is exactly that
Hold on, weren't we told that Lyon had completely changed the standards at the club?

If the standards have improved so dramatically wouldn't we also see improvement from the players?


Yep, not defending him any more. We are so damaged and shit with no leaders or players who have any ownership or love for the club that we are going to have to start again from the draft. Sacking all those older GOPs for more high priced GOPs under Lethlean got rid of guys that wanted to be here for guys who are happy to turn up for a pay cheque.
The Caminiti clanger was the start of our drop in confidence.
If 2 of the Billings x2/Windhager/Higgins/Caminiti shots had gone through we might have calmed the station a bit.
North getting shots from 30m out directly in front. A zone that we seem incapable of hitting up. When Phillipou finally put one in there, nobody went for it.

North seem to be getting a lot of one-on-one contests in dangerous areas in their forward line. I assume because of all our turnovers.

And with Hill out and Nas injured, our ball use is hardly gonna get better.

Anyway, our general play is sickeningly bad. **** the second half...might go out for a bit.
This is 2 years now of falling away in the second half of the season.

I can cop losses. I can cop us not having the most talent.
What I cannot cop is lack of effort and what I have seen the last 2 weeks is exactly that
It’s not effort it’s the 5 year old skills. I’m
Hold on, weren't we told that Lyon had completely changed the standards at the club?

If the standards have improved so dramatically wouldn't we also see improvement from the players?

Yup all the coached fault, he makes Howard slip, or Battle miss Clark in the guts by 5 metres or Jones handball behind players three times or Hammer miss the sticks by 30 metres, yup, all the coach.

We would have won 4 flags since 2011 if we had a decent coach.

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What's stopping both our midfeild and "full back" from both being liabilities? Least we accel in one area.
The full back has had two goals kicked on him (and he's kicked another from a free conceded by Wilkie) by a fantastic forward, despite our midfield getting thrashed.
So he's been alright.
The Dougal obsession is the domain of simpletons.

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Geee I ******* hate Brad hill
Soft as a ******* marshmello

The rot started with his inability to show any toughness whatsoever

Jack Steele is garbage
Jones is the garbage that sticks to garbage

Gresham is a proper joke

3 goals to half time to a team with a 15 game losing streak…!! Lol
I'm not a hill fan but this is complete nonsense. Took a hit to move the ball on.
Question for the selection panel - why do you absolutely hate the idea of 2nd mature tall body who could play in the fwd half and or could actually play in the ruck when Marshall is not on?

Marshall has had 10 possessions and gained 132 metres in half of footy playing in the ruck and we can't change it up because we don't ever ever ever play a 2nd tall.

Which is even weirder given our apparent desire to just kick it long to a Higgins/Butler V Ben McKay contest.

But we'll be top 5 in an hour and a half so we don't need to worry.
How to beat the Saints
1. A bit of pressure
2. Have 2 good players

1. Play one behind the ball.
2. Watch the defenders take 10+ marks each.
3. Rebound fast through the middle.
4. Kill saints in the air.

North are not even stacking the backline this game such is their contempt.
IDK how people are blaming this on the coaches. We are clearly much much better than this at our best, and the difference in that isn’t coaching strategy.

Skills and decision making letting us down massively.

Need to re-gen the list, games like this are good in the long run for where we are at, because they make our weaknesses blatantly clear, and the club has maintained through wins and losses that this is a “year of exploration”, whether you believe it or not.

Judge the coaches/list management after they’ve had some time to make this team their own, then we’ll see.
Question for the selection panel - why do you absolutely hate the idea of 2nd mature tall body who could play in the fwd half and or could actually play in the ruck when Marshall is not on?

Marshall has had 10 possessions and gained 132 metres in half of footy playing in the ruck and we can't change it up because we don't ever ever ever play a 2nd tall.

Which is even weirder given our apparent desire to just kick it long to a Higgins/Butler V Ben McKay contest.
Spot on. I'd sit Heath deep so at the very least McKay has an even match up in height and can't peel off
Hold on, weren't we told that Lyon had completely changed the standards at the club?

If the standards have improved so dramatically wouldn't we also see improvement from the players?

A coach can set the standards that are expected, a training program can be established to provide the fitness to meet those expectations and so on. Can the coaching team take a mark, get a kick, lay a tackle ?. You’re watching a team of faint hearts who laughably seem to think this will get them something other than delisted or traded, good luck with that.
Ross being out coached by Ratten

The shallow forward entries being chopped off clearly aren't working

Owens is our best contested ball winner and just doesn't even get thrown into the centre for the odd clearance

They worked our handball game out after 5 minutes and we haven't made a change
At least you can get a good laugh out of it all. I hope. Been found out 11 weeks ago changed nothing haha
Gut the senior players down to the bone so we can try rebuild to get a list that can execute basic skills by the time King is 27-30.

This is perennial cellar dwellar list structure, filling in with top up trades to get over the line from 9th-10th into finals but now those players are cloggers or retired. We butchered the 2017 -2020 years in list management
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