Opinion Sack Hinkley 10 - UnTENable

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Regardless of who the oppo is, when the game starts my love of the club and what it used to stand for kicks in big time and I absolutely f****** hate losing, but 2 hours later I'm over it and I can't remember the last time I lost any sleep over a game in the koch/hinkley era.

The above aside, even though I have been retired for quite some the memory of the so called fruit tingle barrackers in my last workplace, those of the mouth breathing dickhead variety with their K-Mart beanies and scarves which were kept hidden in their desks and hadn't ever been worn in action because they had never been to a f****** game of football in their lives let alone stand on the mound on a freezing cold and wet day to support their team, carrying on after a tingle victory over Port like they had just woken up alongside Jennifer Hawkins or Brad Pitt.

Losing again to those muppets would mean absolutely zip to that campaigner kokhead, as to a clown like him it's just another game, but I'm of the opinion the aim should always be to f*** them backwards and sideways, bury them in their own sh*t, and then p*ss on their gravy!
I'm a bit the same. Still have the white line fever once the siren goes but outside of that I look at things much more rationally.
It’s bleak reading to see so many of you guys have had your passion for the game and the club worn away by Koch and Hinkley. Decades upon decades of support just withering away and I can’t even blame any of you because the same thing is happening to me even in the midst of my tenth season supporting this club.
It’s hard to get excited in the lead up to the games anymore. Then while they’re on I don’t really find myself getting up and about like I did up to the end of 2021. Dixon was kicking goals on the weekend and I used to defend that bloke with my life in countless arguments but now I get a little pissed off seeing him kick them cause he’s been a big part in sapping my energy for the club. I can’t exactly get too riled up about bad umpiring or mass capitulations by the team because it just is what it is.
I’m gonna confront the elephant in the room regarding my message. My experience sounds a lot like the typical depression experience, and I don’t doubt that that’s playing a part in my life right now. But Port Adelaide (and footy as a whole) used to be a massive part of my life. It was something I could look forward to and gave me purpose I felt. Sure, it wasn’t healthy when my emotions were tied to how we played, but I would take that in a heartbeat over how I feel now because at least I knew there were good times to look forward to when we’d come up against some cellar dwelling team.
My biggest question for myself and others is how the **** do we drag ourselves out of this apathetic feeling? Is it even possible to do that? Obviously a flag would be amazing and I’d love to experience that, but it just feels like I’m gonna have kids in 10 years time and when they’re grown up I’m gonna tell them about that one time Port won a fly when I was 1. But everything just feels like promotions from within instead of actual meaningful change. Koch’s replacement is probably already on the board right now. The longer Josh Carr stays as an assistant the less excited I get about him one day becoming the coach. I keep seeing Ken’s ugly mug and it just makes me remember he’ll stick around to the end of his contract, and just like his last contracts he’s likely going to go on longer even in the face of nothing suggesting that he should. Bleak is the perfect way to put it, a once great club now sitting in no man’s land with no real prospects of ever contending.

Tl;dr, there nothing to be excited about with this club. I hate it. Bleak times ahead for quite a while.
Ken ain’t got much time left, but there is absolutely zero chance it happens before this season is finished, because I see us sneaking into the 8 at worst.

So we may as well win as many games as possible, winning games helps build the foundations and culture for the next coach.

I’ve got no idea how anyone thinks losing this game will help. Bizarre.

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Normally I wouldn't contemplate this but I would even advocate a Stan Alves sacking this time around.

Anybody who thinks Hinkley is taking us to the promised land is deluding themselves unless the promised land is another embarrassing prelim final loss.

I don't advocate losing but if it happens I want Hinkley gone. If it doesn't happen I want Hinkley gone so win/loss doesn't change my feelings.

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Normally I wouldn't contemplate this but I would even advocate a Stan Alves sacking this time around.

Anybody who thinks Hinkley is taking us to the promised land is deluding themselves unless the promised land is another embarrassing prelim final loss.

I don't advocate losing but if it happens I want Hinkley gone. If it doesn't happen I want Hinkley gone so win/loss doesn't change my feelings.
We're closing in on 4500 days since Hinkley took over - his voice at training is the only one most of our players have ever known. They won't say it publicly (if they did, they'd be dropped for insubordination), but inwardly I'm sure they want a new mentor to guide their careers.
This is absolutely fair. I just find it hard to get genuinely interested when I know we can't win the flag. The whole season sort of feels like a string of preseason games where i'm going for the day out with my mates and hoping to see the young guys do something good.

When i'm at games I still want to win, but again, it's like wanting to win a preseason game. I don't really look at it in the context of a season or a ladder or whatever anymore.
We can win a flag though, sides much worse than ours have won flags before from worse positions.

The losses to Melbourne and Collingwood do paint a picture that it is the same old shit, but you can't categorically rule it out. Take the coach out of the situation and their is plenty of things to be excited about with our list and there is still a lot of improvement left.

Anyone would think we are the team 2 and 5 and crows are 5 and 2, if you read the Port Forum.

And i just don't understand how anyone can think that the late Aami Stadium days in front of 14k getting belted was better. It's just odd, i hated having to travel all the way to that shithole, and from about 2008 -2012 it was horrible footy to watch with absolutely no atmosphere at all. I must've slept through the part where everyone was so much more engaged and connected than they are now.
I totally get the feeling of ambivalence and apathy towards winning and losing at large, but I absolutely want to win the Showdown. Wins and losses are irrelevant in the grand scheme because we know Ken isn't capable of taking us to a Grand Final, much less a premiership, but beating our cross town rival and all they represent still means something to me.

I share many of the feelings expressed by others here (and whilst this board can be a bit weird at times, I am comforted by the fact that other people here are feeling similar to me with regards to their disconnect towards the club and are able to articulate it), when you've spent most of your life caring deeply for the football club but now feel anger towards it for the sheer ineptitude in management, the feeling of hopelessness from the lack of control we have as voting members, and the disrespect and disregard the chairman and players have shown towards the members there is an element of existential 'what the hell am I doing/will I ever get my football club back' in my thinking towards the club. I don't know that I'm able to quit given the place it has held in my life, but I am upset by how my relationship with the club has changed.

I get the argument that losing the Showdown might hasten Ken's exit and wanting to win is counterintuitive to getting the change we so desperately need, but if he can survive games like the Dawson Showdown or the litany of others we've pissed away during his tenure then losing on Thursday night isn't going to hasten his sacking.

We may as well win this one, because he isn't getting sacked with a loss, and I'd rather not have to deal with Adelaide supporting colleagues on Friday.
I can't believe I feel this way after over 60 years of this club being up there with my family. I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive these people in charge.

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The thing they don't realise is that the supporters record the history of the club. Their reign will forever be a black mark on the club
We can win a flag though, sides much worse than ours have won flags before from worse positions.

The losses to Melbourne and Collingwood do paint a picture that it is the same old s**t, but you can't categorically rule it out. Take the coach out of the situation and their is plenty of things to be excited about with our list and there is still a lot of improvement left.

Anyone would think we are the team 2 and 5 and crows are 5 and 2, if you read the Port Forum.

And i just don't understand how anyone can think that the late Aami Stadium days in front of 14k getting belted was better. It's just odd, i hated having to travel all the way to that shithole, and from about 2008 -2012 it was horrible footy to watch with absolutely no atmosphere at all. I must've slept through the part where everyone was so much more engaged and connected than they are now.

No side has won the flag from a worse position than having Ken Hinkley as their coach. You can't take the coach out of the situation.

There is absolutely plenty to be excited about with this list, i'd argue that we have the best list in the comp, but we all know what happens when Ken Hinkley coaches in finals.

That said, the Crows are shit and I think we'll win comfortably this week. I think people get too caught up in the despair to realise that we do almost always beat shit teams, teams we can simply outclass. The Crows absolutely fall into that category.

I went to every home game bar 1 in 2011 and 2012. We were bad, but we understood that we were building to something better. We were in the midst of a rebuild, we had lots of young and exciting players. You knew that if Primus didn't perform, he was gone. We'd spent the previous decade as a giant of the competition and there was always a sense that we could get back there. We'd just re-merged with the Maggies. We had a lot of positive supporter credits in the bank in those years that we've well and truly exhausted in 2024.

In 2012, our Premiership win was more recent than our most recent knockout final win is now. Seems like a crazy stat but it's true.
No side has won the flag from a worse position than having Ken Hinkley as their coach. You can't take the coach out of the situation.

There is absolutely plenty to be excited about with this list, i'd argue that we have the best list in the comp, but we all know what happens when Ken Hinkley coaches in finals.

That said, the Crows are s**t and I think we'll win comfortably this week. I think people get too caught up in the despair to realise that we do almost always beat s**t teams, teams we can simply outclass. The Crows absolutely fall into that category.

I went to every home game bar 1 in 2011 and 2012. We were bad, but we understood that we were building to something better. We were in the midst of a rebuild, we had lots of young and exciting players. You knew that if Primus didn't perform, he was gone. We'd spent the previous decade as a giant of the competition and there was always a sense that we could get back there. We'd just re-merged with the Maggies. We had a lot of positive supporter credits in the bank in those years that we've well and truly exhausted in 2024.

In 2012, our Premiership win was more recent than our most recent knockout final win is now. Seems like a crazy stat but it's true.
Of course this list can win a flag, but not with this coach. Hinkley could have peak Gary Ablett and Tony Lockett in his forward line, and with our game plan we'd still struggle to kick a winning score.
No they haven't......you're ignoring Hinkley. Show me one team that has won a flag with a complete nuffy coach.

I'm going to go with Carlton 1987, but given that was the first year the salary cap existed and their famous propensity to not comply with it, i'm going to say that he had some help.
I'm going to go with Carlton 1987, but given that was the first year the salary cap existed and their famous propensity to not comply with it, i'm going to say that he had some help.
87 is that Walls? Paperbags will always win. Did they go through the season with one loss? Too long ago to remember that well. But Kernahan, Bradley, Williams, Silvagni and plenty more

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I remember back when the showdowns were the centre piece of the football year. That was a long time ago now, I could not give a rats tossbag for them now i fully come into them expecting to lose under those football pygmies in Koch and hinkley. If we lose tonight I hope the sentiment to get rid of hinkly and Koch here and now becomes unquenchable and their need for replacement becomes irresistible.
Of course this list can win a flag, but not with this coach. Hinkley could have peak Gary Ablett and Tony Lockett in his forward line, and with our game plan we'd still struggle to kick a winning score.
Tony you go stand still and wrestle with the defenders while your teammates spoil you.

Gary you're not quite shooting the lights out so you're going to have to prove yourself in the SANFL.
By the way to put things in context, I actually think we'll win. Plenty of things will have to go wrong for us to lose. But plenty has gone wrong before, so it won't be a huge shock if we go down again.
Tony you go stand still and wrestle with the defenders while your teammates spoil you.

Gary you're not quite shooting the lights out so you're going to have to prove yourself in the SANFL.
Better still - in both cases, I think your best position is in the backline.
  1. Duursma not shooting the lights out
  2. Mcentee with 3 disposals for several weeks in a row doesn't get dropped, just made sub. Then eventually dropped for one game before coming back in without even playing a SANFL game.

It's pure genius. A masterful gambit. There is no way with this sort of selection policy that Kenny plays favorites. He is beyond that sort of thing.
And i just don't understand how anyone can think that the late Aami Stadium days in front of 14k getting belted was better. It's just odd, i hated having to travel all the way to that shithole, and from about 2008 -2012 it was horrible footy to watch with absolutely no atmosphere at all. I must've slept through the part where everyone was so much more engaged and connected than they are now.
Do you seriously think we will go back to the dark days of 2008-2012 if Hinkley is not at the club?
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