Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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I've just had a flashback to your awesome tirade against Hinkley in the stands at Adelaide Oval in 2017 when we played Richmond. Lol. That was seven years ago.

Seven years to the day yesterday.

I still feel kinda bad about that. I don’t think I reached that level of rage before or since. Some first impression.

Flags since that night:

• Richmond: 3
• Port: nil
Rucci is a disturbed and disturbing individual. He’s totally unexpert about the game he’s covered for >35 years. Never has an original thought. Just throws about rhetorical, pseudo intellectual questions to buy time. Comes across as terribly insecure and unsure and covers it with a self-righteous, mightier than thou attitude. He basically offers nothing.

When you let Kym Dillon mock and bully you daily on the radio, you can't be much of a person.
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I’ve been reflecting a lot about my relationship with the PAFC the last few weeks. For so long I have ridden every high and low this club has been through. I’ve barely missed watching games. The fortunes of the club have meant a lot to me. I was blessed that my dad introduced me to PAFC in the early 80s. It was a wonderful way to spend my weekends going to games with him. I loved what our club stood for.

In recent years and especially this year, I’ve realised that the club is now in the hands of people who will never love it or hurt about it as much as I do. If they are happy to accept mediocrity and go with the flow and roll over so easily then I’m not going to waste energy worrying about the PAFC anymore. Rucci, Kornes and their friends in the club can bask in apathetic mediocrity.

I’ve got other things to do.

We'll see ;)

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The club doesn't have the guts to sack Hinkley whilst we are sitting in the 8.

Making finals is good enough has been the club's mantra in the Koch era.
The press he has been getting strongly suggests our masters the AFL won’t allow it anyway.

I’ve given my tickets away for Saturday. I can bear to watch the smug campaigner and I don’t want to sit there hoping we’ll lose.

Anyone who knows me knows this is unheard of!
It's pretty funny really. Whenever I listen to 5AA (and I did this week for the post game calls) I'd say most Port callers either start or finish their call thanking Tredders for sticking at it and representing the members.
They won't admit it publicly, but I conclude that a coward like Kane Cornes is bad mouthing Tredders and Port fans, because they're united in disagreeing with him.
The press he has been getting strongly suggests our masters the AFL won’t allow it anyway.

I’ve given my tickets away for Saturday. I can bear to watch the smug campaigner and I don’t want to sit there hoping we’ll lose.

Anyone who knows me knows this is unheard of!
They are guessing. The AFL wont stop this.

The AFL have been happy with Port for a long time. The 2009-2014 period they were worried, but that huge rebound in 2013-14 put them at ease. I keep saying it, but we got a lot of browny points with corporate Oz re China, and also from the AFL. We pulled off stuff most other clubs would have had no hope of doing, and the AFL didn't want to expand huge resources on it and told us to run it, and we did, very well, and they have acknowledged it.

And financially we have come out of covid with flying colours. The AFL has so many other things on its agenda, that it has been embarrassingly caught out on, that they don't give a shit about this matter.

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I still feel kinda bad about that. I don’t think I reached that level of rage before or since. Some first impression.

Flags since that night:

• Richmond: 3
• Port: nil
Overdue for a second impression hopefully during the dawn of the Buckley era🌈
I’ll say it again - the fact that not one of our key administrators has come out to offer even the slightest bit of support for the Port Adelaide fans in the face of this commentary is pathetic.

Do these people realise they need us a lot more than we need them?

Might be time to remind them.
Honestly, if any one of Hinkley, Koch, Davies or Richardson were to leave, the club could hold the farewell in a phone box, and they'd struggle to sell all the tickets. I despise every one of them.
Honestly, if any one of Hinkley, Koch, Davies or Richardson were to leave, the club could hold the farewell in a phone box, and they'd struggle to sell all the tickets. I despise every one of them.

Oh there will be a big farewell celebration, they just won't be invited. I'll go to the club for the first time in a long, long time the night Hinkley is sacked.
They are guessing. The AFL wont stop this.

The AFL have been happy with Port for a long time. The 2009-2014 period they were worried, but that huge rebound in 2013-14 put them at ease. I keep saying it, but we got a lot of browny points with corporate Oz re China, and also from the AFL. We pulled off stuff most other clubs would have had no hope of doing, and the AFL didn't want to expand huge resources on it and told us to run it, and we did, very well, and they have acknowledged it.

And financially we have come out of covid with flying colours. The AFL has so many other things on its agenda, that it has been embarrassingly caught out on, that they don't give a shit about this matter.

I tend to agree. I don't think the AFL would have stopped us from sacking him at any point where it would have made sense to sack him, say 2017 onwards. I don't get the sense at all that the club have been forced into retaining him.

I believe we ultimately haven't sacked him because the key decision makers at the club, Koch, Davies, the rest of the rusted on board members, don't want to sack him.
I couldn't care a less about the result - I will continue to abuse him regardless. Heck, we could win the flag and I'd still boo him to his face...
I've been saying something like this for years.

^ What we were as a club, the furthest thing from what we are today…

Mozulla is a completely different human then hinkley , always pushes himself , brings his judo instructor on road games lol

Absolute maniac and I love him
Making finals is good enough has been the club's mantra in the Koch era.

Again, if that is true, it would be an IMPROVEMENT. Yet, it's NOT true.

In 2017, they've made it crystal clear that the KPIs are:
  • avoiding bottom-out; and
  • making Finals once every three seasons.

We failed to make Finals in 2022. Then, we made it in 2023.

If those are the club's KPIs, Hinkley would be good for the next two seasons. Well, he got an extension last season.

His contract was extended for TWO extra YEARS. It seems that the benchmarks haven't changed, doesn't it?
Kane is just a shit and a stirrer. I don’t know if he hates Tredrea out of envy or if they once clashed, but his unashamed bashing of him in public when Warren has never really returned serve at him is appalling. What I did like about Caro is she called out Tredrea’s truth. He is tough. He is driven which may have made him a selfish leader to get the best out of himself and us. He doesn’t think Hinkley is right for the job. And if he’s divided our board about it, then he is doing his job. Club divided. Absolutely. And the Happy Clapping Hinkley Sycophants are the imposters to the real PAFC.
We are indeed a club divided. On one side, you have Hinkley and his supporters, who are satisfied with mediocrity and "near enough is good enough." On the other side is the rest of us, who demand a much higher standard than we've been forced to endure for the last decade, but apparently we're the ones in the wrong. I say stuff that - maintain the rage, and let's reclaim the club we once knew and loved, before it's too late.
Footyology Podcast: The hounds are after Hinkley | Footyology

I rolled my eyes at some of the defences of Hinkley in this pod.

"He doesn't have the list!!!!"

Is his list better than Adelaide's? Because he has a negative record against their cross-town rivals.

It's not a list problem. It's a psychological problem.

And what list problems? They have had All Australians, a Brownlow Medalist, excellent draft picks (2018) and a No. 1.

In 2020, they had 5 players in the All Australian Squad and finished No. 1 on the ladder. In 2016, the Bulldogs had 3 players and won the premiership.

But, sure, it's the list that's the problem - not the boring, predictable contested play that leaves it defenders in the lurch, its footballers scrambling to find space and its midfielders exhausted from having to immediately go from offence to defence.

Yep, it's the list.

"Kenny doesn't have the full support of the club!!!!"

Tredrea was elected only last year.

In the prior 11 seasons, the fanbase has been called "white noise" and "two cents" by the club.

How many years (and how many times does the club need to trash the supporter base) before Kenny feels secure?

"The supporters are unreasonable for expecting success!!!"

In the time Kenny has been coach, 66% of the competition has made a Grand Final. 38% has won a premiership.

Is it that unreasonable to expect the club to be in the Top 66% of the competition?

I'm not listening to this. They live in a second reality. This tells more about them then about Port, actually.

To them, we are equivalent to Freo, GWS, and Gold Coast. We are supposed to be happy just for not being Bottom-4.
Again, if that is true, it would be an IMPROVEMENT. Yet, it's NOT true.

In 2017, they've made it crystal clear that the KPIs are:
  • avoiding bottom-out; and
  • making Finals once every three seasons.

We failed to make Finals in 2022. Then, we made it in 2023.

If those are the club's KPIs, Hinkley would be good for the next two seasons. Well, he got an extension last season.

His contract was extended for TWO extra YEARS. It seems that the benchmarks haven't changed, doesn't it?
Ken plays the game and makes finals in his last year of the contract.

Had his 2013-16 extended to 2018 in March 2015 after 2 years in finals. Go early with extension.

After September 2017 EF loss, almost walks out on the club and Koch, KT and CD, cave in and sign him to 2020 with requirement he has to make the finals once and automatically gets an extra year extension ie 2021. They say he can rebuild via the draft. Go early with extension

January 2021 we resign him for 2022-23. Go early with extension

2022 we miss finals, 2023 1-2 two shocking losses untenable call, Koch re assess in August, makes finals so re-sign him for 2 more years. Went 1 month too early with the extension.

There wont be any going early this time. At 8 and 7 with our percentage we will be outside the 8, if we lose to the Bulldogs, and if its by 10 goals, they will sack him.

If we win, we have to wait until we play the top 4 and top 8 sides in that tough last 5 games of the season stretch before we axe him.

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