Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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Two things here:
  • What if Tredders hadn't uttered the word untenable in April 2023?
  • What if the Port fans hadn't booed the coach at the Brisbane game?
My question - would we be where we are today? I'd like to offer a firm no: the lack of accountability would be far worse than it is today. Now I do realise that we still haven't actually won anything yet, and season 2024 may yet turn to crap, but I firmly believe that we're far closer to the holy grail than we would have been if Tredders and the fans hadn't publicly voiced their views.


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Yeah that won't happen.

Iā€™ve written in 2019 that I wanted Hinkley gone even with a flag. Itā€™s 2024. I would still like to see it. It wonā€™t happen. However, if he doesnā€™t make a GF, that would be a test on Tredreaā€™s influence at the club.

Without him, I would agree with Macca19 ā€” Hinkley would be safe regardless of Finals. With him, there might be a chance of accountability.
ā€˜ ā€¦ some decision makers ā€¦ā€™

You keep dangling this sort of prose.

Who the hell are you talking about?

Or are you just trying to make yourself look important?

It means whatever you want it to mean.

But if I really wanted to make myself look important, I would write a much longer exposĆØ from my Pro Drinkers Corner equivalent. I believe you have extensive experience in that regard.
The It Crowd Popcorn GIF
ā€˜ ā€¦ some decision makers ā€¦ā€™

You keep dangling this sort of prose.

Who the hell are you talking about?

Or are you just trying to make yourself look important?

It means whatever you want it to mean.

But if I really wanted to make myself look important, I would write a much longer exposĆØ from my Pro Drinkers Corner equivalent. I believe you have extensive experience in that regard.

Why are we fighting each other over nothing? Specially when the parts are actually in agreement. Are we just practicing now?

This board, manā€¦ It may drive you nuts sometimes.
Two things here:
  • What if Tredders hadn't uttered the word untenable in April 2023?
  • What if the Port fans hadn't booed the coach at the Brisbane game?
My question - would we be where we are today? I'd like to offer a firm no: the lack of accountability would be far worse than it is today. Now I do realise that we still haven't actually won anything yet, and season 2024 may yet turn to crap, but I firmly believe that we're far closer to the holy grail than we would have been if Tredders and the fans hadn't publicly voiced their views.

Itā€™s genuinely mindblowing to still see scoffing takes like, ā€œTredrea had zero influenceā€ [the week of the Sydney game] and ā€œthe booing was a disgruntled minority which achieved nothingā€ [during the Brisbane game and the hullabaloo beyond].

Pure coincidence that Ken cried after both subsequent wins.

Water off a duckā€™s back, moite!
Why are we fighting each other over nothing? Specially when the parts are actually in agreement. Are we just practicing now?

This board, manā€¦ It may drive you nuts sometimes.

When your heritage is Polish, Russian and German, and you're married to a woman who is half Greek, half Slovak, "fighting" as you would say is just another normal happening at the dinner table :cool:
Two things here:
  • What if Tredders hadn't uttered the word untenable in April 2023?
  • What if the Port fans hadn't booed the coach at the Brisbane game?
My question - would we be where we are today? I'd like to offer a firm no: the lack of accountability would be far worse than it is today. Now I do realise that we still haven't actually won anything yet, and season 2024 may yet turn to crap, but I firmly believe that we're far closer to the holy grail than we would have been if Tredders and the fans hadn't publicly voiced their views.

If Tredrea doesn't go with the "untenable" comment after round 3 of 2023, they would most likely peter out and Ken would have been been let go with the Board not extending his contract.

I think the booing has had a similar effect, though the timing of it means that the Club are in prime position for a flag tilt. So let's enjoy it for the time being, and have our pitch forks ready to go if they fail in September.
When your heritage is Polish, Russian and German, and you're married to a woman who is half Greek, half Slovak, "fighting" as you would say is just another normal happening at the dinner table :cool:

My wife and I are a mess (because, you know, Brazil). Still, she carries French and German last names; mine are both Basque. So, I can relate. :tearsofjoy:
If you can't acknowledge the irreversible damage the current administration has done to many rusted on fans' love for the club, I don't know what to tell you.
Yeah, but isn't the damage based on our impression that we've continued to employ a coach that's incapable of winning a premiership. If he does win a premiership and it turns out we were wrong, then that's exactly what we wanted, isn't it?

I don't want Ken gone for the sake of wanting Ken gone, I want him gone because I think it will improve our chances of winning a flag. If it turns out I was wrong about that and Ken does snag us a flag, great! I'm much more invested in Port winning a flag than I am in being right.

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our pitch forks ready to go if they fail in September.

Great advise! Use the good times as an opportunity to polish and sharp the pitch forks.

We can also stock oil and wood for the torches.

No need to rest in idleness. ;)
If it turns out I was wrong about that

You weren't wrong, even if we eventually win it.

Hinkley's CV doesn't justify his position as our head coach. A flag doesn't erase that.


P.S.: To those who like to compare Hinkley with Choco, I would just like to, once again, point out that 2004 was Choco's 6th season. This is Hinkley's 12th. Before 2020, Hinkley's best season had been 2014. Hinkley's survived 5 years due a relative success in his first two. Choco did not have such a luxury. He was fighting for his job in 2004. He ultimately left "in disgrace", in his 12th year, only 3 seasons after reaching his 2nd GF. Hinkley should have been booted after 2018. Under him, Port has lost 4 consecutive knockout Finals at home and never made into the Big Dance.
Let's face it, he's in a strong position right now. Win the first final and I reckon he'd only need a competitive performance in the prelim to keep his job. Barring straight sets or a prelim meltdown (both of which are possible, mind you), he's going to be coach next year.

Yep, he was never out of it. Even before the late season run, this was nowhere near outside the realms of possibility.

If we win a final and Ken tells them he wants to coach on, they have to be able to make a call that's harder than ones they've failed to make in the past. I don't trust them to do it. They're weak and they don't like conflict.
Yeah, but isn't the damage based on our impression that we've continued to employ a coach that's incapable of winning a premiership. If he does win a premiership and it turns out we were wrong, then that's exactly what we wanted, isn't it?

I don't want Ken gone for the sake of wanting Ken gone, I want him gone because I think it will improve our chances of winning a flag. If it turns out I was wrong about that and Ken does snag us a flag, great! I'm much more invested in Port winning a flag than I am in being right.

I agree generally. Nothing would make me happier than everyone I know telling me how I was wrong the whole time. I'm happy for Ken Hinkley to call me a stupid campaigner by name on the dais if we win a flag. I'm happy to read every Janus post talking about he was right all along and how we were just too dumb to see it. I won't give a shit. Put a picture of me holding the sack Hinkley banner on the front of the New York Times.

There's absolutely a lot of people for whom it'll take more than a flag. It's not just Hinkley's continued employment, it's the entire way the club has carried itself for the last decade that has seen a lot of Port fans switch off a bit for self preservation purposes because we've been the antithesis of what this club used to be about. That's not unsolvable but it'll take some sustained proper Port Adelaide behaviour to bring everyone all the way back into the fold.
I suspect that if they make the Grand Final it will very much feel as though the monkey will be off their back and a pressure valve will be somewhat released - not too dissimilar to the 2004 side once they knocked over St. Kilda on that memorable Friday night.
Agreed but what if we lose that GF, I suppose that'll be good enough for him to stay, that would be a massive lose lose situation.
Yeah, but isn't the damage based on our impression that we've continued to employ a coach that's incapable of winning a premiership. If he does win a premiership and it turns out we were wrong, then that's exactly what we wanted, isn't it?

I don't want Ken gone for the sake of wanting Ken gone, I want him gone because I think it will improve our chances of winning a flag. If it turns out I was wrong about that and Ken does snag us a flag, great! I'm much more invested in Port winning a flag than I am in being right.

I still think the chances of us going out in straight sets are much higher than making the granny, let alone winning it.

But let's say we win it. That doesn't erase all the other missed opportunities. He has a pretty generationally talented midfield now. Is he actually getting at right or is the handbrake effect just being released a bit by having a strong assistant, being relegated to the boundary, and having players who haven't been infected with his loser-ism?
Letā€™s just say we get close but not quite. If the team rallied after the booing what happens when Ken is gone and the pressure valve is released?

If we seem to need something like a good olde booing or Tredreas comments to fire the team up we are probably in trouble.

Iā€™m sure both of those events have led to the uptick that followed so they have to win it this year as who knows what comes next.
Pure speculation and putting 2 and 2 together but there must be a reason why Eagles seem to be very quiet on their Head Coach hunt front. They must have had positive discussions or at least indications around a senior coach from a top 8 club to go to them next year

Rule out Kingsley and Mitchell. Also rule out Voss cause if he gets sacked then can't see Eagles taking on a coach that's been sacked twice. I don't think Vossy would quit to go West. Longmire and Chris Scott will see out their respective contracts and there's no push from the club's side to want those two out and rightfully so.

Leaves Fagan, Ken, Bevo. And I genuinely think that Ken is the most suitable out of those 3 to coach Eagles. He's the one that's capable of turning a bottom 4 club into a finals team. He's a good coach but not one that's good enough to win a flag.

Time will tell but regardless of what happens this season, even if he wins a flag, I think he's more likely to leave
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