Certified Legendary Thread Sack Hinkley 12 - Finals Are Scary

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The good news is that the onky time Ken can get the team to respond is when he is personally under pressure.

The pressure would.have been off after that win.

Not any more.

Going to be interesting to sit back and see if at least one member of our intrepid AFL press corps joins the dots on Ken’s emotional impulse control
Yeah lol, it's pretty funny hearing the 3 major culprits in Mitchell, Lewis and Hodge of the "unsociable hawks" sook about some comments after a game. How rich indeed.
Yea this the moralising from a bloke who tried to smash Chad Wingards head into goal post is laughable, Ginnivan can’t have it both ways if you’re going to be a troll then you can’t cry to daddy Sicily when you get trolled back

Not surpring he’s a bit of a lightweight in that regard tbh

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Yea this the moralising from a bloke who tried to smash Chad Wingards head into goal post is laughable, Ginnivan can’t have it both ways if you’re going to be a troll then you can’t cry to daddy Sicily when you get trolled back

Not surpring he’s a bit of a lightweight in that regard tbh

I don't think Ginnivan was that fussed by it.
I don't think Ginnivan was that fussed by it.

The player who turned this into something bigger than it needed to be is Sicily. He was still mouthing off as he helped chair Breust off. What an absolute flog, talk about making it all about you. Sicily is unhinged anyway, 3 matches last year for the piledriver tackle on McCluggage, incredibly lucky to avoid suspension this year for kicking McGrath in a dog act. Maybe he should follow Clarkson to North.
At the end of the day we all want to be wrong and celebrate a Port Adelaide premiership. All he's achieved this year is something he has achieved three times before. We're in a preliminary final and that's it.

Based on 273 games of evidence we'll fall short in the prelim but all we want is what's best for the Port Adelaide Football Club.
Yep. Flags are so bloody hard to win - we can't pick and choose. If we do happen to win next week, I'm all in: despite the coach.
Nothing wrong with what he did. If you can give it out you can take it.

The backtracking is pure crisis management, you could tell he didn't mean it for a second.

He really did have that little smug smile again.
Loved that from Ken honestly. Those little hawk flogs carried on all game doing tik tok sprinkler dances and flexing when they kicked goals. Mitchell is recently on record as being ok with the way they go about it so that sanctimonious c*nt can eat a satchel.

Then in the presser he is crying about 'aggressive words' when it was drunk uncle at Xmas level banter. The only aggressive actions came from Sicily, which is also ok and I don't mind.

It's still a GF or bust from me for Ken. But lets see how next week goes. Greatly enjoyed that win against all odds.

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... he was crying after beating a bottom four team earlier in the year.

Kenny just proved he was graceless, overly-emotional and will be belted next week.

No winners have a fück you attitude about them.

Jose Mourinho being my example was the absolute epitome of what we saw from Ken throughout this week. His press conferences were box office must watch TV; he was very arrogant; he was very confident. He had the biggest us against the world mentality that got instilled into his players and the supporters, and you put up with all of that for success, and that's what Jose delivered. Countless trophies, a man who went on unbeaten in the Premier League for 9 years at home, and tonnes of success.

I love this behaviour from Ken. I not only just want but demand this behaviour/performance from Ken and our players.

Your beloved Hawks were called the unsociable Hawks under Clarko and look at all of the success that came with it.

That’s what we need in finals to win premierships.

I hope this is a permanent mentality switch in and not a once off performance to safe his skin.
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The player who turned this into something bigger than it needed to be is Sicily. He was still mouthing off as he helped chair Breust off. What an absolute flog, talk about making it all about you. Sicily is unhinged anyway, 3 matches last year for the piledriver tackle on McCluggage, incredibly lucky to avoid suspension this year for kicking McGrath in a dog act. Maybe he should follow Clarkson to North.
Don't let's forget also likely feeling the weight of guilt for fluffing that last shot and then trying to project that anger onto Hinkley. Has a history of similar acts.
No winners have a fück you attitude about them.

Jose Mourinho being my example was the absolute epitome of what we saw from Ken throughout this week. His press conferences were box office must watch TV; he was very arrogant; he was very confident. He had the biggest us against the world mentality that got instilled into his players and the supporters, and you put up with all of that for success, and that's what Jose delivered. Countless trophies, a man who went on unbeaten in the Premier League for 9 years at home, and tonnes of success.

I love this behaviour from Ken. I not only just want but demand this behaviour/performance from Ken and our players.

Your beloved Hawks were called the unsociable Hawks under Clarko and look at all of the success that came with it.

That’s what we need in finals to win premierships.

I hope this is the switch in mentality and a permanent change and not a once off performance to safe his skin.
He will bottle it in the preliminary finals and the club will be stuck in the sack him/save him cycle every two weeks for the next year.
Don't let's forget also likely feeling the weight of guilt for fluffing that last shot and then trying to project that anger onto Hinkley. Has a history of similar acts.
100%. Ginnevan laughed it off. I'm sure he's happy to cop it. Sicily just took the opportunity to try and show some spine because felt horrible about missing the goal. Mitchel carrying on like that is similar. He was clearly stung from the loss and lashing out. The whole thing was overblown BECAUSE of Sicily's reaction. If it was just Ken and Ginnevan then it fizzles out in 5 seconds.
Congratulations on the win.

You were the best team on the night and I reckon you'll see most Hawthorn fans agree with that sentiment.

Burgoyne and JHF were brilliant.

Just a clarification - 99% of Hawk fans aren't annoyed at Ken because he mouthed off at Ginnivan and Sicily.

The annoyance comes with the timing.

Luke Bruest is an absolute champion of the game, and a really really good person. He absolutely hated the 'chairing off' - it isn't his thing really.

I think most felt that when Luke was being honoured (albeit reluctantly) than that was the absolutely NOT the time to start ranting about a social media comment.

Ginnivan, Sicily, Mitchell and Hawks fans don't give a shit about WHAT Ken said, it was WHEN he said it.

Annyhow - well played, good luck for the rest of the season.
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Certified Legendary Thread Sack Hinkley 12 - Finals Are Scary

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