Sando sacked - confirmed **** crows only ****

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Wow, just massive! I was critical of the board/Trigg when we re-signed Sando, felt they should have waited. However having made the decision, I thought we should back him in. This is a massive shock though and think there's a few who need to be held accountable, or perhaps they already have.

I must say though, as much as I like Sando and he's a great bloke, he really isn't a great coach, he may become one, however he needs this to do so. Unfortunately I feel he came in too chummy with the playing group and then when he realised he need to get tougher, it was too late. You've got to be relatively tough from the word go, you can then tone back a bit, but he was too close to the playing group and then when he needed to get tough it just didn't work.

I suspect, or at least I hope, that we don't go with a rookie coach again, unless he has extensive experience at multiple, successful clubs. Sando was still young and was pretty much only from Geelong.

I suspect there will be a complete clean out of the coaching group, they're all gone. I think we'll also see Podsiadly go after this too. He won't play on after this.

Will be an interesting few weeks to months.
This is what I'm hearing as well.

Sando was adamant the list was premiership bound and wanted to top up with 1 or 2 more senior players but Roo said the list was under performing and needed to be far more realistic.

Pods gone.

There's not much point going after JC now. What would be the point, how could he possibly develop if he doesn't have Pods there to learn from. So gutted right now, Sando we can do without, but not Pods.

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Shocked. Didn't expect to see that on the news.

I don't know why people don't want Goodwin. Every other club has a boner over him, Essendon said he was born to coach after he was there a couple of weeks. It's true a prophet has no honour in his own town.

Obviously we need a serious clean out below now.

Roo would have been a big player in this, that's his job on the board.

If indeed Roo is a big player in this and Goodwin is his answer then he's just another of the boys in the AFC "boys club" and destined to be a major disappointment!
So Bone reckons the board should resign, even Roo. Arent a few going at years end anyway ?? The guy has been waiting for a pot shot.
On Goodwin, if he is the best man, I don't give a **** where he's from..
Only problem is if he was hired because of his background..

The reports on him as a coach are that he is brilliant, at the Crows he was considered a brilliant leader..
Craig called him one of the best leaders he'd seen and the best Captain the AFC had - even over Roo..

Not saying I want him but let's not cast him aside because we want to stomp all over a so called boys club move..
Now the "Dangerfield has walked because of Sando's sacking" rumours have started.

Danger was close with Craig as well and we sacked him going into the last year of Dangers contract and he stayed.

Still not worried

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Well **** me drunk! That is a doozy! I'd love to know how this all went down. Fagan isn't in the job for three more weeks. Was he involved with this decision? Or did board want to announce the coup of fagans signing before they dropped the sando bombshell? Trying to get my head around this!
This thread is moving so fast I am not sure if anyone has thought it through regarding Craig. Just thinking out loud would Essendon getting rid of Craig open the door for Bomber to go back to his previous job. That would eliminate Bomber from our options. Would it then seriously be a rookie head coach (Goody) with Craig as his mentor. ???? Some have already suggested this with tongue in cheek but could it be correct
It remains to be seen if a club can be successful allowing the players and their mates on the board run it.
Players played a role getting rid of Cornes and Ayres from memory
Well **** me drunk! That is a doozy! I'd love to know how this all went down. Fagan isn't in the job for three more weeks. Was he involved with this decision? Or did board want to announce the coup of fagans signing before they dropped the sando bombshell? Trying to get my head around this!
No way was Fagan involved.
On Goodwin, if he is the best man, I don't give a **** where he's from..
Only problem is if he was hired because of his background..

The reports on him as a coach are that he is brilliant, at the Crows he was considered a brilliant leader..
Craig called him one of the best leaders he'd seen and the best Captain the AFC had - even over Roo..

Not saying I want him but let's not cast him aside because we want to stomp all over a so called boys club move..

This. I don't want the club to not hire the best person for the position because supporters will cry boys club. If he's the best then hire him.

Fagan isn't in the boys club so give him a go.
I'll be back.

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