Usually they give a third year on less money(i.e., 2 year contract spread out across 3) so they player has the security of a longer contract, is my understanding.Not blaming Tommy for a minute, signing a 3 year deal when you are sitting out with a serious ankle injury is a no brainer. Just not sure why we throw three years at a guy sitting out a year at the time. A year long ankle is not your run of the mill ankle injury. The club doesn't seem to have tried to protect it's interests in any of it's recent contract dealings. Give the bloke an extra ~$50k a year but only a 2 year deal and/or a two year deal with a games played trigger for the third or something. Expecting our medical guys to get players back to 100% is also, at best, ambitious.
Is TC really that much (any?) better than Jacko Nelson anyway? Not sure what the decision tree looked like when they decided which to retain tbh.
Plenty of deadwood to get rid of at the end of this year anyway.