Stand By for More Revelations

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Oct 5, 2004
Moving Around
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
Other Teams
Avoca FNC, Ouyen Kangas FNC
I have it on good authority that a prominent journalist will publish an article in one of the Sunday newspapers of more drug issues at an AFL club and anything between 6 and 9 players will be named.

The more this goes on the more the AFL's drug policy is a sham and the more both them and clubs could be accused of sweeping the problem under the carpet.

Stay tuned for more intersting revelations that could make the WCE problem look like a minor issue in comparison.
Which club? Surely I thought WC was the only club which has these issues???That's what it has sounded like the last few days???

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I would rather not speculate who the club is but lets just say the information going to print is very well researched and accurate to say the least.

It will certainly raise a few eyebrows and certain individuals will be under a lot of pressure.
Which club? Surely I thought WC was the only club which has these issues???That's what it has sounded like the last few days???

What makes you think that? Drugs are available in all parts of Australia. They are available if you are rich or poor. Every football club is a micrososm of society, and hence has exactly the same potential for drug use.

The only difference may be if it is your clubs leaders doing it versus someone struggling for a game.
Any fan who thinks all of the players on their team list are pure as the driven snow (the cold type) are deluding themselves.

Think before you take the high moral ground in this issue.
there are going to be skeletons in the closet of several clubs under the system in operation in the AFL. You get 3 chances for ****s sake.

Footballers in all codes dabble in illicit drugs. I observed a prominent rugby league player exiting a toilet cubicle in a nightclub with another guy and snuffing his nose over a decade ago.

those of you that think all clubs are clean are plainly just naive.

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Any fan who thinks all of the players on their team list are pure as the driven snow (the cold type) are deluding themselves.

Think before you take the high moral ground in this issue.

You're dead right, but, most posters on here don't really think - and they live on the moral high ground.
I didn't do it........!!!
........................(Bart Simspson)
nah not at all, I get into every so often, but then again I'm not expected to present at 100% physical condition either and people dont pay to watch me play at 100% physical condition.

Haven't you read some of the other threads on here? Apparently having a drug habit could have been performance enhancing.

FWIW, I don't use drugs at all. When I was a teenager,( a while ago, now) plenty of my friends did. I'm certainly not going to defend players taking NPEDs but I'm sick of people wheeling out the tired old role-model arguement. I'm pretty sure alot of parents out there wouldn't pass the role-model test either.
Haven't you read some of the other threads on here? Apparently having a drug habit could have been performance enhancing.

FWIW, I don't use drugs at all. When I was a teenager,( a while ago, now) plenty of my friends did. I'm certainly not going to defend players taking NPEDs but I'm sick of people wheeling out the tired old role-model arguement. I'm pretty sure alot of parents out there wouldn't pass the role-model test either.

I'll give you the big tip, their isnt one recreational drug that I know that would enhance your performance as a footballer. Mind you , thats from my reactions to them (not heroin, but having had morphine, i cant imagine doing anything other than trying to curl up around the goal post)

some say 'bag' or speed made them go like cut cats, but I just found it made me stand in the one spot and stare, which could explain the performances of a few players I've seen over the years. there was the example of one ex Collingwood plater who went over to the SANFL and was done for 'bag' while playing but it has me stuffed how you could sustain any effort for 5 mins lets alone a whole game. Having been in quite a few fights with amphetaimine affected people, I know if you can go longer than two minutes they have nothing left in the tank and you can carve them up.

eccies the same, no good for football and if you have 3 or 4 in a night, your training is diminished for about 2 days after

Gunja: why bother?

Ice, havent tried it, but I think maintains a level of awareness rather than boosting performance, cant answer on that on tho.

Cocaine: probably the least negative affect short term and its affects are short term comparitively once taken. But the addiction is real and that addiction is what causes the problem. the addiction is waht will affect the performance and I wonder if anyone who plays sport, what are they doing to get themselves up for a game or training? that really makes me wonder.
The more this goes on the more the AFL's drug policy is a sham and the more both them and clubs could be accused of sweeping the problem under the carpet.

AFL's drug policy is one of the best in the world, not many other codes or sports test out of season. The reason so many are popping up is that the testing is catching a lot of people who are being caught for off-season use.
I'll give you the big tip, their isnt one recreational drug that I know that would enhance your performance as a footballer. Mind you , thats from my reactions to them (not heroin, but having had morphine, i cant imagine doing anything other than trying to curl up around the goal post)

Well, from my experience of being around people on coke and speed, I'd agree. I cannot imagine any of them helping you participate in something as physically taxing as footy. I can't believe that some on here are actually serious in suggesting that they could.
I hope the god it is not the Tigers

It's not. It's another club from a two team town.

Interesting that it's these two clubs. The players of both clubs have long had a reputation of being arrogant and above the law, fly too high and your wings will melt. It's better to be a smaller fish and keep swimming.

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Stand By for More Revelations

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