Mega Thread The Buckley/Malthouse Succession Plan Mega Thread

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Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

We are well ahead of the pack because of our gameplan! Wtf happeneds when he goes to hawks and implements a gameplan better than ours and they start beating us we will look stupid.
Wtf happens if he stays and we fall on our faces next year because the players are all "Micked out" after 13 years of the same message??

Then we will look like fools too.

There are no guarantees in footy - check out the 1970 footy records if you doubt me.

NOTHING is a given. . . EVER.

Have a little faith in Mick, Bucks and Eddie

The do have the best intentions at heart for the club and have delivered so far.

Re: If MM is not head coach next season, he will be doing something else respect.

I saw an interview with Bryce Gibbs last night where he talked about Richard Pratt. He spoke about how Pratt cleared the debts and built their football facilities. ...and yet Pratt didnt bring to Carlton 1% of what Eddie has brought to Collingwood.

And the name of this thread offends me greatly.
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

So if we lose the best coach in the land, we should also lose the best club president in the land?


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Re: If MM is not head coach next season, he will be doing something else

Eddie McGuire for PM of Australia, anyone? If Mick is at the club in some capacity next year, then I will be thrilled. I just watched the Footy Show interview of Mick that was shown last night and it changed my mind completely. I did say maybe if we win the flag then we should give Mick another year but the succession plan Eddie drew up is genius and it really does make sense. If we loose Mick to another club we might just be in a situation where we get beaten by another team because of him (Essendon/Geelong - Bomber Thompson) It will be good for Mick to stick around and guide Bucks so we get the best chance possible of winning the flag in 2012.
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

As much as I can't stand Eddie, he has done wonders for your football club. They will work something out, maybe not for three years but something. MM will later win himself a fifth flag with the Suns.

I think Buckley will be a better coach than Voss or Hird. I've met him and despite his image, I reckon he's a better bloke too.
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

a better bloke than Voss? You would have to be a seriously defective person not to be a better bloke..

and personally, I judge how well Eddie is going on the basis of how much opposition fans hate him. The more they hate, the better he is..
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

20 years? and the rest!!! And I'm not talking about the football. I'm talking about the club and the pride that Eddie has single handedly lifted out of the gutter.

If you want to know where my loyalties lie, you can mark me down as an Eddie supporter until he does something that is not in the best interests of the Collingwood football club.

Not only has he made every decision in the interests of the club, he has been right almost EVERY time.

He got the right coach. He offloaded Tarrant and it was right. He stuck with Didak and he was right. Do you want me to go on??

To those that say that Malthouse has a right to continue coaching Collingwood until he calls it quits, I would argue that Eddie has a right to do what he believes is right until he quits or is voted out.

Finally, I want to say that I am deeply suspicious of those who are promoting this issue.
yeah same. like many collingwood fans, i have a few reservations about the deal (in hindsight), but i'm fairly confident that eddie won't **** it up.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

I think people are underestimating how much of our current success has to do with all the players buying in to Micks plan and playing for him. Mick has a very good rapport with the current playing group, in many respects they are his boys, and the players very much respect Mick and respond to his coaching extremely well. On the flip side Buckley doesn't command that same respect (yet), and in fact some of the playing group are not too enthused about playing under him (because he's such a hard ass apparently).

People assuming that Buckley can get the same level of performances out of this group as Mick need to take that into account. Right now we have a coach who commands to complete respect of the playing group, they buy into his game plan and they play their hearts out for him. Next year we might not have that, so to think that Buckley can just walk in and have them playing the same level of football is a bad assumption.
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

yeah same. like many collingwood fans, i have a few reservations about the deal (in hindsight), but i'm fairly confident that eddie won't **** it up.
Yeah hindsight is a wonderful sense but so is looking forward which is what this deal is all about. who knows Bucks may step aside for a year or two? And if he does what happens if we fall flat on our face because the players are tired of Micks message - not unwilling - but blase, after all they will have been hearing it for close on a decade and a half?

One of the things people are forgetting here is just exactly that - 15 years is one helluva long time to stick with a head coach. It's also a bloody long time to listen to the same man saying essentially the same thing week in week out. Despite liking, respect notwithstanding boredom can sneak in undetected and then that rots the team performance from the inside out.

Sure Mick is the best but EVERY coach has a use by date and Mick is no exception, but I'm more than happy to let the club judge the best time.
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

I think people are underestimating how much of our current success has to do with all the players buying in to Micks plan and playing for him. Mick has a very good rapport with the current playing group, in many respects they are his boys, and the players very much respect Mick and respond to his coaching extremely well. On the flip side Buckley doesn't command that same respect (yet), and in fact some of the playing group are not too enthused about playing under him (because he's such a hard ass apparently).

People assuming that Buckley can get the same level of performances out of this group as Mick need to take that into account. Right now we have a coach who commands to complete respect of the playing group, they buy into his game plan and they play their hearts out for him. Next year we might not have that, so to think that Buckley can just walk in and have them playing the same level of football is a bad assumption.

I think the Players do Hold Bucks very Highly as you saw after the GF Victory most of the Players went and Hugged Bucks. Pretty sure they will buy into what Bucks will say as he been at the Club for the last 2 Seasons so he is just not someone Completely new. Be Very Interesting to see how it will UnFold
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Mind you Dave, Buckley wasn't known for his people management skills when he was Captain either. I remember in a few interviews Swan has said he didn't have much to do with Bucks during their time as players because he was seen to be a loafer. Compare that to our current Captain in Maxwell who personally greets all the new draftees and I'm sure gives them encouragement if they're seen to be just drifting along.

Buckley has great knowledge of the game, I'm sure he's going to be a great coach in that regard, but coaching is more than just knowing game plans and tactics and set plays, you need to be able to get the players to execute it. Right now under Malthouse this playing group is the most enthusiastic, and energised about playing as I've ever seen a Pies team, Mick leads and the group unwaveringly follows, I'm not so sure that Bucks stepping in can retain that. The chemistry right now between coaches and players and other staff is perfect, why are we tinkering with it for potentially no gain, or worse?
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

Almost all opposition supporters think we are nuts replacing Mick Malthouse and concede he is the best in the business. He should stay as head coach no question imo.

The part about Eddie going is utter crap, he is the best President by a country mile.

There are similarities above. Why is it ok for Malthouse to go but not McGuire?

If we go back to back Nathan should stand aside for another year and put the club ahead of his aspirations.

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Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

If Eddie were forced out under these circumstances I'd be absolutely disgusted, if not for him we may not even have a club.... Also remember he was the man that went out and made the most audacious of bids to get MM to the club in the first place.

We were F****D at the time Eddie took control yet since then he's taken us from a club that would have been lucky to turnover $20 million to a $75 million money making machine, he took us from the most dilapidated facilities in the league to the Westpac centre, he took us to the MCG as our home base (which has probably been the most crucial move in the club's history), membership has gone from 27,099 to 71,421 and he campaigned to get Brisbane's unfair salary cap reduced (have a look at how they've gone since he was successful in 04).

And some want to toss him away like yesterday's uneaten lunch. The man's legacy will burn brighter than any off field contributor we've ever had, aside from McHale, so I would personally love him to have the job for perpetuity (at least until he chooses to step aside) or until he starts to make John Elliot type blunders, and as we all know Ed would never sink to that level!
Re: Mick Malthouse Asks: What's My Job?

Mind you Dave, Buckley wasn't known for his people management skills when he was Captain either. I remember in a few interviews Swan has said he didn't have much to do with Bucks during their time as players because he was seen to be a loafer. Compare that to our current Captain in Maxwell who personally greets all the new draftees and I'm sure gives them encouragement if they're seen to be just drifting along.

Buckley has great knowledge of the game, I'm sure he's going to be a great coach in that regard, but coaching is more than just knowing game plans and tactics and set plays, you need to be able to get the players to execute it. Right now under Malthouse this playing group is the most enthusiastic, and energised about playing as I've ever seen a Pies team, Mick leads and the group unwaveringly follows, I'm not so sure that Bucks stepping in can retain that. The chemistry right now between coaches and players and other staff is perfect, why are we tinkering with it for potentially no gain, or worse?

Very True that the Balance at the moment seems fine but whats not to say it will be different next season?

So you would keep Mick and Sack Eddie and the Board?
How will Bucks go next year?

There seems to be a lot of discussion regarding the future of the Collingwood coaching department of late.

My question to my fellow Pie supporters is, how do you see Bucks role as senior coach next year? Will he be a benefit, and continue to strengthen our side, or will his inexperience at the top job show? He has been under Micks wing for sometime now. I believe this will help his journey through the role of senior coach.

Whats everyones thoughts?
Re: How will Bucks go next year?

I think he'll be fine, simply because he will have so much support around him.

In his first year, he will have names like Malthouse, Neeld (considering he doesn't get a well deserved senior job or get swapped for Sanderson), Watters, Lappin, Rocca, Mcrae and if rumours are to be believed maybe even Scott Burns.

Add that he will have the support of by far the best and leading sports science program under the leadership of David Buttifant, and the backing of the leagues' leading recruiter in Derek Hine, and I think he'll go ok.

The test will come on match days, where the coach is largely responsible for correcting problems during a game, and under extreme pressure.

But as good as our list as, we may not see if Bucks is really up to it until the finals next year, as I'd say we are a certainty for top 4 again next year (barring a horrible run with injuries).

I think Bucks also has the advantage of being the opposition specialist coach this year, in that he has had the opportunity to look at every team in the AFL, and he will no doubt have picked up tactics and strategies along the way that he may introduce to a slightly "tweaked" game plan next year.

I think he'll excel, he has at everything else he has attempted in his professional and sporting life, so I can't see why this would be any different.:)
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

I just wish that there'd been some clause written in that if he were to win a flag in his final year he'd be allowed to give it another go the year after, that's the only part of the deal that I'd change.

I guess we just didn't imagine how good we'd be.

I actually feel sorry for Bucks because if he wins a flag he won't get the credit he deserves, and if we drop away everyone will say that Malthouse was better all along.

Tough situation but Eddie was looking after our best interests, as he always does. I still think it will work.
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

I actually feel sorry for Bucks because if he wins a flag he won't get the credit he deserves, and if we drop away everyone will say that Malthouse was better all along.
History and what is written in the books/records is all that matters, and if Bucks wins a flag in his first 2 seasons (wouldn't be a disaster if we won this year then lost next year) then he will go down as a premiership coach.

He only needs to win one in his first 3 years to become one of the most successful short or first term coaches in AFL/VFL history.

Bucks, and most of us won't care if the "others" don't give him credit, because we will give him all the credit he will deserve, there's no doubt about that.

And just think, if he wins a flag, and is standing in that dais with the cup in his hands, there won't be a dry eye in the house (well at least wearing black and white).:D
Re: How will Bucks go next year?

I think he'll be fine, simply because he will have so much support around him.

In his first year, he will have names like Malthouse, Neeld (considering he doesn't get a well deserved senior job or get swapped for Sanderson), Watters, Lappin, Rocca, Mcrae and if rumours are to be believed maybe even Scott Burns.

Add that he will have the support of by far the best and leading sports science program under the leadership of David Buttifant, and the backing of the leagues' leading recruiter in Derek Hine, and I think he'll go ok.

The test will come on match days, where the coach is largely responsible for correcting problems during a game, and under extreme pressure.

But as good as our list as, we may not see if Bucks is really up to it until the finals next year, as I'd say we are a certainty for top 4 again next year (barring a horrible run with injuries).

I think Bucks also has the advantage of being the opposition specialist coach this year, in that he has had the opportunity to look at every team in the AFL, and he will no doubt have picked up tactics and strategies along the way that he may introduce to a slightly "tweaked" game plan next year.

I think he'll excel, he has at everything else he has attempted in his professional and sporting life, so I can't see why this would be any different.:)

Good response matt :thumbsu:. Very true on Buck excelling at everything in his life. He is a perfectionist after all.
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

History and what is written in the books/records is all that matters, and if Bucks wins a flag in his first 2 seasons (wouldn't be a disaster if we won this year then lost next year) then he will go down as a premiership coach.

He only needs to win one in his first 3 years to become one of the most successful short or first term coaches in AFL/VFL history.

Bucks, and most of us won't care if the "others" don't give him credit, because we will give him all the credit he will deserve, there's no doubt about that.

And just think, if he wins a flag, and is standing in that dais with the cup in his hands, there won't be a dry eye in the house (well at least wearing black and white).:D

I will love Bucks no matter what he does, he was my favourite player of all time and he will always get the credit he deserves from me. It's both lucky and unlucky that he'll be inheriting such a strong team. Unfortunately, though he has never really been well liked by a lot of people outside of Collingwood, for reasons not properly explained he has always been rated behind the likes of Hird and Voss, and as a coach he will probably never be rated by people who have already dismissed him. People still call him FIGJAM which is a remnant from about 20 years ago.

I hope he sticks it up the arse of the haters by winning multiple flags and continuing on Malthouse's great legacy and becomes another 10 year coach for us. Of course us Pies supporters will always love him but he will have been a part of every single premiership push under malthouse whether it be as an assistant coach or captain, and that in itself is deserving of credit I think. People often say that Malthouse is the mastermind but in a sense it's been the Buckley/Malthouse partnership which has been at the forefront of our success over the past decade or so.
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

The suggestion about Ed going is rubbish.

However, I am torn about this arrangement. I keep changing my mind over it.

All parties knew what they were getting into when they signed their contracts so on that front it's not as if they were going into a complete unknown.

On the other side, Mick is a legendary coach. The best in the biz. The equivalent of Sir Alex Ferguson in the current AFL landscape. It just doesn't seem "right" that he won't be in charge beyond this season.

Now, what we must allow NOT to happen, is Mick Malthouse leaving Collingwood. This is non negotiable. He needs to remain here one way or another.

Ed has done some wonderful things at our club but this is the creme de la creme. As Mick said, he trusts Ed not to let him down, now Ed like time and time again needs to deliver- big time. It's inexcusable to allow a person as experienced and of the quality of Mick with 28 years of IP to just get up and leave. This man is one of ours now. Sure, Bucks is a favourite son and cherished and adored by all but Malthouse is the man that has delivered us to the promised land and can take us beyond. We are the envy of all clubs and supporters who would give their left nut to be in our position (on field/off field and with this arrangement). We must make it happen and I have no doubt that we will.
Re: If MM is not head coach next season, Eddie needs to go

The suggestion about Ed going is rubbish.

However, I am torn about this arrangement. I keep changing my mind over it.

All parties knew what they were getting into when they signed their contracts so on that front it's not as if they were going into a complete unknown.

On the other side, Mick is a legendary coach. The best in the biz. The equivalent of Sir Alex Ferguson in the current AFL landscape. It just doesn't seem "right" that he won't be in charge beyond this season.

Now, what we must allow NOT to happen, is Mick Malthouse leaving Collingwood. This is non negotiable. He needs to remain here one way or another.

Ed has done some wonderful things at our club but this is the creme de la creme. As Mick said, he trusts Ed not to let him down, now Ed like time and time again needs to deliver- big time. It's inexcusable to allow a person as experienced and of the quality of Mick with 28 years of IP to just get up and leave. This man is one of ours now. Sure, Bucks is a favourite son and cherished and adored by all but Malthouse is the man that has delivered us to the promised land and can take us beyond. We are the envy of all clubs and supporters who would give their left nut to be in our position (on field/off field and with this arrangement). We must make it happen and I have no doubt that we will.
Why is Mick not leaving non-negotiable?

I'd be happy to see him at a non-contending club - especially Richmond where he started if he didn't want to stay.

Legendary? I don't think so

Great? Undoubtedly

Everyone is forgetting the long gap between premierships and especially the long lead up time at Collingwood. 5-6 years is fair enough 7-8 is understandable given the Brisbane situation but over a decade is a bit beyond the pale - which is why Eddie made the move he did. Sometimes builders can get stuck into the building loop and need to be focused on finishing the job - the grass is greener on the other side of the fence syndrome. Mick as much as admitted that the contract concentrated his mind on winning a premiership IMMEDIATELY.

Eddie piled on the pressure with that contract and it worked.

We have a great President

We have a great Coach

We have a well groomed Coach in waiting

We have a premiership

and perhaps another

Lets leave the legendary labels to historians and focus on creating that history NOW


Eddie, Mick, Bucks, the boys and the barrackers

Together we can make it work :thumbsu:

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