Idiot throws an elbow, barely connects but gets a week and all the pressure is put on the young guy who went down.
What kind of a society are we raising our kids in where the victim of an outright assault on a football field is victimised for falling over.
The real victim here is Will Schofield for being a dirty thug. You can call divers 'cheats' all you want, in the cold light of day, the guy who throws an elbow is 1,000 times worse than somebody who throws themselves on the ground.
Oliver could fall on the ground 1,000 times and nobody will get hurt. Schofield throws that elbow 1,000 times and if the guy at the other end happened to lower his head, he could be very seriously injured. This week at Geelong was the Stop, Think match. What kind of message is all this sending, that throwing elbows is "tough", getting hit is "soft"?
I find all this talk of painting Oliver as the culprit as being one of the most backward, neanderthalic arguments I've ever heard. It's not the dark ages.
Schofield will forever be tarnished in my eyes.
Your profile pic is in a stark contrasted to your post
I also don't think Schofield "threw an elbow", he actually went to push Oliver away in the chest as there was a melee going on around them, plenty of it happening between all players involved, Schofield was careless and with his extra height knicked his chin.
Violence should be taken out of the game, which is why Fyfe, Parker, Selwood and Cotchin should have been banned.