The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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The biggest problem is that for the average American citizen, they really don’t know how good they had it when Obama was President.

The fact that so many think Trump was/is better is absolutely mind-boggling.
I reckon this may help Trump???
This election is obviously a tragedy for America with two appalling candidates (both seem to be real criminals) and two appalling parties. Maybe a good guy like Jimmy Carter or Eisenhower could never be atop a political party anymore, to get to the top you have to play dirty, unlawfully? But it’s also one of the strangest in that their people have seen 4 years with one guy and 4 years with the other. So at least their vote will be with informed knowledge of their time in office.
Putting aside US foreign policy. Id be interested in seeing you expand on your notion that Biden is a criminal.

Indeed, he's so corrupt that he's allowing a trial of his own son that was brought about by his political opponents to continue under his own DoJ.

The Republican led House Oversight Committee investigating allegations of influence peddling within the Biden family hasn't come up with single piece of credible evidence connecting Biden to any of the allegations. Let alone tie him to any actual legislative changes that substantiate the allegations. The investigation was such an embarrassing sham that they have quietly taken it out behind the shed shot it and walked away hoping that nobody would notice.

What it did do was its actual intent. It muddied the waters just enough so as to make it ok for people to hold their noses and support a lying, racist, philandering, insurrectionist, adjudged rapist, business fraud and now election interfering felon.

Trump and by extension his party cannot convince any sane person that he isn't any of the aforementioned, so he has to go back to his mentor Roy Cohn's playbook and drag everybody including his entire party down into the mud. And then point out how dirty everybody is.

Good job.

There's a reason that Trump has lost every single time that he has appeared in front of a court of his peers since his election. It's the same reason that he is reliant on the Supreme Court and a tame judge in Florida to slow walk his looming slam dunk election interfering and document retention Federal cases until after the election.

And its not because there is a grand Soros backed conspiracy against him.


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There are some sane conservatives in the US, they are called independents.

The two parties are both not good for the nation. The lesser of the two evils is probably the Democrats but the policies they have in states like California; are making me consider that the Republicans may be a better choice.

Today, I would potentially vote Trump…. Except that would probably result in no more fair elections in the US until a civil war…. That would be the only reason I would vote Biden.
The whole idea that this will help Trump gain votes is greatly exaggerated.

The only thing that will help Trump as what has always been the question with him - do enough people turn out to vote against him?

2016 - nope.

2020 - yes

2024 - he’s a chance again purely because enough people may not turn out to vote for Biden, as they’re disillusioned with him because of support for Israel, and because he’s nearly 100 million years old.

It’s the support for Israel though that is Biden’s biggest problem.

If we lived in the world we did prior to October 7, I’d give Trump no chance at all.

Also, if the US had compulsory voting, an independent electoral commission drawing electoral boundaries, and thus Republicans were unable to continue their disgraceful cheating with blatant gerrymandering and voter suppression, I’d also give Trump no chance, but that’s another story.
Don't dismiss Trump's chance just yet.

No he can't be dismissed as a winning chance.

What theatre it would be if he was sentenced to a 12 month term of imprisonment in July, wins the election whilst in prison on a felony conviction, and is then picked up from prison 6 months after the election in the presidential limo to serve out what remains of his 4 year term in office as a free man. 4 years and 6 months seems like an appropriate custodial sentence. Each charge carries a maximum of 4 years I think and he was convicted on 34 charges. A nice concession from the judge would be to allow him to serve his sentence concurrently.

He will no doubt appeal the conviction but I'm curious to know whether he would have to conduct that appeal from prison if he is in fact sentenced to a term of imprisonment ... which seems like a fun idea.

They could have the swearing in ceremony on January 6th in the warden's office.

He would no doubt make pardoning himself his first task on assuming the presidency but he wouldn't be able to do that until he was sworn in in mid January 2025 by which time he could have conceivably served 6 months in prison with his Arian brothers.
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You guys care way too much about American politics…i just laugh at them all.

Need to worry more about the state of affairs in our own country first

Of course we need to worry more about our own country first. And we do.

But to put the blinkers on and not be concerned about what's happening elsewhere in the world is not serving our interests well. I'm concerned about the rise of totalitarianism and anti-democratic trends everywhere.

America's democracy (and ours to a lesser extent) is being challenged by means that were unimaginable 50 years ago. Reports coming out of India are quite disturbing. The president-for-life trend in China, Russia, North Korea and potentially elsewhere is also alarming. When individuals or oligarchs cement power and cease to become accountable they are free to act as they like. When that happens in some of the most populous and powerful countries in the world it has a very real impact on the rest of the world.

That Russia, China, India and the US are all suffering their own individual crises of democracy right now should concern us all.

Unless of course you want to cover your eyes and ears and pretend it's not happening.
Putting aside US foreign policy. Id be interested in seeing you expand on your notion that Biden is a criminal.

Indeed, he's so corrupt that he's allowing a trial of his own son that was brought about by his political opponents to continue under his own DoJ.

The Republican led House Oversight Committee investigating allegations of influence peddling within the Biden family hasn't come up with single piece of credible evidence connecting Biden to any of the allegations. Let alone tie him to any actual legislative changes that substantiate the allegations. The investigation was such an embarrassing sham that they have quietly taken it out behind the shed shot it and walked away hoping that nobody would notice.

What it did do was its actual intent. It muddied the waters just enough so as to make it ok for people to hold their noses and support a lying, racist, philandering, insurrectionist, adjudged rapist, business fraud and now election interfering felon.

Trump and by extension his party cannot convince any sane person that he isn't any of the aforementioned, so he has to go back to his mentor Roy Cohn's playbook and drag everybody including his entire party down into the mud. And then point out how dirty everybody is.

Good job.

There's a reason that Trump has lost every single time that he has appeared in front of a court of his peers since his election. It's the same reason that he is reliant on the Supreme Court and a tame judge in Florida to slow walk his looming slam dunk election interfering and document retention Federal cases until after the election.

And its not because there is a grand Soros backed conspiracy against him.

the wealth accumulated in his family when he is only a career politician should help identify this. The coverup of his sons affairs, and the shady ties he has to his sons dealings. It’s all so partisan over there. Courts are partisan which is against every aspect of real justice. Like Trump nothing is clear. Even what they’ve ‘got’ Trump with is flimsy really. I have stated before I’m no fan of Trumps but unbelievably disappointed and disgusted with politicians the world over at the moment. Career politicians especially. They are so bad they have created the Trumps of this world. These last 30 odd haven’t been a great time for blue collar America, both economically and culturally, both parties fault, allowing the vacuum for cultish types to emerge.
I wonder what we would find if we looked into the dealings of our ex Prime Minister and other ministers,

Depending on partisanship and therefore who people would subjectively categorise, but allegations of the dumbest and/or most corrupt PM/s in our history pale into insignificance against the corruption and intellectual void of Trump.

Ultimately I suggest virtually all politicians are corrupted to a degree by politics itself, and the power they wield determines how much of their soul they're prepared to sell and how much of their ideals they're prepared to compromise.

Trump is next level as he has no soul and no ideals. Every action he takes is purely centred on himself, and he has exhibited the same traits his entire life.
He would no doubt make pardoning himself his first task on assuming the presidency but he wouldn't be able to do that until he was sworn in in mid January 2025 by which time he could have conceivably served 6 months in prison with his Arian brothers.
As far as I'm aware, he couldn't pardon himself (as president) for the charges he was convicted of today given they were state charges and not federal charges.

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Depending on partisanship and therefore who people would subjectively categorise, but allegations of the dumbest and/or most corrupt PM/s in our history pale into insignificance against the corruption and intellectual void of Trump.

Ultimately I suggest virtually all politicians are corrupted to a degree by politics itself, and the power they wield determines how much of their soul they're prepared to sell and how much of their ideals they're prepared to compromise.

Trump is next level as he has no soul and no ideals. Every action he takes is purely centred on himself, and he has exhibited the same traits his entire life.
Psychopath or sociopath?

That his very liberty is now outside of his direct control must be killing him🤞
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If he became President, would Australia grant him a visa for a presidential visit or would he be denied on character grounds:think:
We'd grant him a visa then laugh when he flies to Austria.
Has anyone been following the rise of Robert Kennedy jr and his serious tilt as a third party candidate?

He’s as batshit crazy as Trump if not moreso. Full on conspiracy theorist .

My kinda guy 😜
My brother in Arizona, a Republican - the normal kind, texted me to find out about moving to Australia. Another Bulldogs member for 2025?

On SM-A135F using mobile app
Can he be charged with contempt of court for saying the trial was rigged and the judge corrupt?
Likely to be considered at sentencing. Repeated charges of contempt of court, no remorse, personal attacks on the judge. If his appeal is not successful I'd think he is a reasonable chance of going to jail given his lack of contrition. He's like spoiled child that has finally got his comeuppance.

A former legal representative of his said earlier today that he would strongly advise Trump to say nothing at sentencing because in all likelihood whatever he would say (on exposed form) will only make his sentence worse.
the wealth accumulated in his family when he is only a career politician should help identify this. The coverup of his sons affairs, and the shady ties he has to his sons dealings. It’s all so partisan over there. Courts are partisan which is against every aspect of real justice. Like Trump nothing is clear. Even what they’ve ‘got’ Trump with is flimsy really. I have stated before I’m no fan of Trumps but unbelievably disappointed and disgusted with politicians the world over at the moment. Career politicians especially. They are so bad they have created the Trumps of this world. These last 30 odd haven’t been a great time for blue collar America, both economically and culturally, both parties fault, allowing the vacuum for cultish types to emerge.

According to Forbes, Bidens wealth is estimated at $10 mil, mainly through real estate holdings.
Nothing out of the ordinary!

Sorry Fresh , I do love you and your contributions but you’re like the boy with the barrow on your equality argument.
And seriously what in the hell has Bidens sons got to do with anything ?

For someone that “ doesn’t like Trump” you are very quick to divert attention to all things Biden and or career politicians !
Give me the corpse of Biden any day over that other disgrace of a human being.
But you like Biden?
Not at all. He is past it. He was a decent VP and Senator but has passed his used by date by a decade at least. I don’t hate him though.

However I would vote for a garbage bag full of dog sh*t over Trump. I hate the campaigner.

A normal centre right Republican would do me. Adam Kinzinger is where I am at. He wants to punch holes in Trump as well.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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