The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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The founding fathers never anticipated this problem, that's generally how it goes.
I feel constitutional amendments might be on the agenda soonish. It is otherwordly that these anomalies exist in the greatest country on earth*

*Disclaimer: May not be the greatest country on earth.
According to Forbes, Bidens wealth is estimated at $10 mil, mainly through real estate holdings.
Nothing out of the ordinary!

Sorry Fresh , I do love you and your contributions but you’re like the boy with the barrow on your equality argument.
And seriously what in the hell has Bidens sons got to do with anything ?

For someone that “ doesn’t like Trump” you are very quick to divert attention to all things Biden and or career politicians !
Give me the corpse of Biden any day over that other disgrace of a human being.
I’m not someone who says things like “Americans are just dipshits, racists, self centred etc.” sure some are like this like any place. But they’ve been the multi cultural champion for centuries. The immigrants buy into some pretty advanced ideas of ordered liberty, its a special ideal. Mostly they’ve got people who are hard workers, kind, generous, friendly, patriotic, faithful and community minded etc. They have obviously got a polarised people, we are all so new to social media and the algorithms they’ve exploited. Which explains this internet adolescence we are in. Far left ideas and far right ideas of the political class and politically engaged class denies the majority middle who are stuck with ideas from both major parties their conscience struggles to vote for. They have to choose from their own conscience, what they see as the lesser of the two evils. To them that would be ideas you or myself don’t necessarily agree with, but they are thinking people, struggling with these choices.
I’m not someone who says things like “Americans are just dipshits, racists, self centred etc.” sure some are like this like any place. But they’ve been the multi cultural champion for centuries. The immigrants buy into some pretty advanced ideas of ordered liberty, its a special ideal. Mostly they’ve got people who are hard workers, kind, generous, friendly, patriotic, faithful and community minded etc. They have obviously got a polarised people, we are all so new to social media and the algorithms they’ve exploited. Which explains this internet adolescence we are in. Far left ideas and far right ideas of the political class and politically engaged class denies the majority middle who are stuck with ideas from both major parties their conscience struggles to vote for. They have to choose from their own conscience, what they see as the lesser of the two evils. To them that would be ideas you or myself don’t necessarily agree with, but they are thinking people, struggling with these choices.
Was this supposed to be a response to my post ?
Or have we shifted planets ?

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Was this supposed to be a response to my post ?
Or have we shifted planets ?
I was trying to explain why it’s it a very difficult choice. And one favourite policy or moral sticking point can sway people one way or the other. Not an apologist for Trump, but can totally understand why people vote that way over the other side.
I was trying to explain why it’s it a very difficult choice. And one favourite policy or moral sticking point can sway people one way or the other. Not an apologist for Trump, but can totally understand why people vote that way over the other side.
I can't but I'm open to a persuasive argument
I’m not someone who says things like “Americans are just dipshits, racists, self centred etc.” sure some are like this like any place. But they’ve been the multi cultural champion for centuries. The immigrants buy into some pretty advanced ideas of ordered liberty, its a special ideal. Mostly they’ve got people who are hard workers, kind, generous, friendly, patriotic, faithful and community minded etc. They have obviously got a polarised people, we are all so new to social media and the algorithms they’ve exploited. Which explains this internet adolescence we are in. Far left ideas and far right ideas of the political class and politically engaged class denies the majority middle who are stuck with ideas from both major parties their conscience struggles to vote for. They have to choose from their own conscience, what they see as the lesser of the two evils. To them that would be ideas you or myself don’t necessarily agree with, but they are thinking people, struggling with these choices.
Good post until you mentioned yanks are ‘thinking people’. The majority are uneducated. Australia has a far superior mindset and inclusive mentality.
I am deeply hurt by some of the comments in this thread. However, I'll get over it. Y'all have a nice day!

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Never equate wisdom or morality with rusted on MAGAs. They're not perceptive enough to have either. 😉
I am so over the polarity. You will never help the MAGA’s but they are not the majority who have to vote either Rep. or Dem. The wisdom in the American people is in their general population, not the nut cases at either of the spectrum. They are stuck with a very difficult choice. Especially for those that either that find either of the two candidates immoral.
There's a fair bit of arrogance in this conversation at the moment.
The standard of living in this country has slowly been in decline since the 50's . Our politicians becoming more corrupt by the year.
The Federal Government sending in ASIO to raid the ABC and the employees homes. No outcry.
Over 3 trillion in tax over the last ten years not being paid by corporations bribing our leaders. No outcry.
Whilst our Hospital, Education System, affordable housing just keeps getting worse.
Sco Mo becoming a Submarine expert after retiring from politics.
The energy minister under Labour now working for Energy companies that pay little to no tax thanks to his policies.
And the average punters in Australia let it all slide. You're either Ford or Holden and you either vote Labor or Liberal.
We are not as smart as we think we are.

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Polarity! Arrogance!

Lol. Just lol.

All those nuclear physicists interviewed at Trump rallies, repeatedly bamboozled by simple challenges to Trump's prognostications.

You two do you. 👍
Dems did a total back flip on crypto. They hated the average person making money but it's ok for insider trader Paloosi to make millions. Weaponised gov departments to go after exchanges. Now they realise it will impact the election and they total backflip. It's not all about Trump but also the obvious stunts the dems are pulling just like this which do impact the average person right or left
Trump spoke about 14 miles from my brother's home outside of Phoenix on Thursday. It was 44c. He did not go.

He'll be driving up to Las Vegas on Sunday, where Trump will be speaking. However, poker wins his vote, so he won't be going to the rally.

On SM-A135F using mobile app
Looking forward to today's Presidential Debate

My Dog. It's a tragedy that Biden is so old and frail that he's almost unelectable on that basis. Many senior moments and looks bewildered a lot of the time. If he was 20 years younger this debate would look very different, but he isn't, so it doesn't.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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