The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Yeah I do that, but it doesn't always work. Or sometimes you forget do delete it, so that when you reply to something else, it bounces to top of your reply box, and you don't see it until after you click post. Or someone replies directly to it much later on. You look silly because its often only partial of your planned reply, so sometimes you make no sense haha.

Has been a few times where I deleted said draft, but it showed up again when I opened a new tab to see the latest post on said thread. I've been having connectivity issues with Telstra lately, so that would explain why the draft does not always remove itself. Which reminds me, I need to see if there is a thread to vent about technological issues, and seek opinions.
I feel an angry letter to the editor is in order🤣
This whole white privilege nonsense will tear us apart. Our family is not white but looks essentially that way, we have been at the bottom of society’s hierarchy since forever. I have not one bit of resentment in my mind or body about it. I can see the bad thinking and doing practices of my forebears to know it can be turned around. I wouldn’t say it’s never happened to people, certainly has. But what are we to do about it, except improve yourself personally and never fall for racism. Should governments try to fix this stuff with quotas and percentages? Governments make nearly everything they touch worse, especially this type of stuff. Since all this nonsense has come back in the last decade we are in a new racial dark ages again. We all know things are greatly improved on where they were (just sitting in the grandstands are a million times better than the old hill at the Western Oval) and will continue to do so without governments making up special privileges for special people they think are so inadequate, they can’t do so on their own. This is the real racism.

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LOL Trump saying the election is a choice between freedom and communism. I don't think anyone other than his rusted on base is buying that. Especially the inference that he represents the freedom side of the equation. Freedom, for other people, doesn't appear to be a high priority despite the disingenuous noises that eminate from those pursed lips.

All manner of labels are being thrown around either side. If it's not out there yet, tiresome would be the one I attach to Trump.

Hopefully America is over being tired, now, and for the next 4 years.
LOL Trump saying the election is a choice between freedom and communism. I don't think anyone other than his rusted on base is buying that. Especially the inference that he represents the freedom side of the equation. Freedom, for other people, doesn't appear to be a high priority despite the disingenuous noises that eminate from those pursed lips.

All manner of labels are being thrown around either side. If it's not out there yet, tiresome would be the one I attach to Trump.

Hopefully America is over being tired, now, and for the next 4 years.
At least he has got it down to one label now.
What happened to Marxist’s & fascist’s. even seems to have dropped off pedophiles.

The blokes an utter clown.
I am not close to being a Trump admirer but would support his policies over the Dems on almost all issues, that’s how bad they’ve become. And I would never speak for others, because we would definitely not think the same way, but those that also think the Democrats are now way too authoritarian and moving towards socialism/communism, wouldn’t necessarily like Trump, but like somethings about him or his policies. There are definitely no MAGA’s on this thread, but those that only think there is Us or Them somehow think if you’re not with us you must be against us.
I can't believe some of the shit I'm reading on here:

  • White privilege is "made up" and doesn't exist.
  • Some people from minority or unprivileged backgrounds do better than some white people, therefore there is no privilege...

Only people from a white, privileged background could say these things with a straight face. FMD.

Well the term "white privilege" was actually made up by an extraordinarily privileged white woman, Peggy MCInstosh. Today the same class of people who similarly enjoy the privileges their socio-economic status gives them are berating every other white-especially the socio-economically disadvantaged ones- for being "privileged". The irony goes completely over their heads.

You sound like one of them. I hope you aren't.
Who cares about white privelege? Stop listening to your weird podcasts or social media and get off the far right ‘talking points’. They are so boring. Worse than the far right talking points 3 years ago. The last 3 pages are the most 3 boring pages in bigfooty history.
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Who cares about white privelege? Stop lostenijr to your weird podcasts or social media and get off the far right ‘talking points’. They are so boring. Worse than the far right talking points 3 years ago. The last 3 pages are the most 3 boring pages in bigfooty history.
That’s right. As Morgan Freeman says “racism is kept alive because some refuse to stop talking about it” Governments are the main source by creating special ‘entitlements’. Entitled is as bad as privilege.
That’s right. As Morgan Freeman says “racism is kept alive because some refuse to stop talking about it” Governments are the main source by creating special ‘entitlements’. Entitled is as bad as privilege.

Racism is probably always going to happen.

Sexism is also a big issue in society. So many entitled women who want equality but don’t want to be treated equally.
Well the term "white privilege" was actually made up by an extraordinarily privileged white woman, Peggy MCInstosh. Today the same class of people who similarly enjoy the privileges their socio-economic status gives them are berating every other white-especially the socio-economically disadvantaged ones- for being "privileged". The irony goes completely over their heads.

You sound like one of them. I hope you aren't.
Spend some time in Mildura, Robinvale, countless other rural communities and also urban areas such as Fitzroy and then tell me there is no white privilege.

And yes, I am white and privileged. I also have numerous unconscious biases that, from time to time, surface. I am self-aware more so than my parents and less so than my children.

There are none so blind as they who will not see.
Spend some time in Mildura, Robinvale, countless other rural communities and also urban areas such as Fitzroy and then tell me there is no white privilege.

And yes, I am white and privileged. I also have numerous unconscious biases that, from time to time, surface. I am self-aware more so than my parents and less so than my children.

There are none so blind as they who will not see.

So then it should be easy for you to give examples of non-whites being discriminated solely on the basis of their skin color. Please do.

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Spend some time in Mildura, Robinvale, countless other rural communities and also urban areas such as Fitzroy and then tell me there is no white privilege.

And yes, I am white and privileged. I also have numerous unconscious biases that, from time to time, surface. I am self-aware more so than my parents and less so than my children.

There are none so blind as they who will not see.
It really is head in the sand stuff isn't it Mutt.

I doubt some of these people have ever had a conversation with an Indigenous person in their lives.
So then it should be easy for you to give examples of non-whites being discriminated solely on the basis of their skin color. Please do.
If you refuse to acknowledge that disadvantage exists, I can't help you.

I'm not going to change your mind and you are not open to having your mind changed if you've reached this stage in your life and you can't accept that disadvantage exists in Australia and in the United States.
Spend some time in Mildura, Robinvale, countless other rural communities and also urban areas such as Fitzroy and then tell me there is no white privilege.

And yes, I am white and privileged. I also have numerous unconscious biases that, from time to time, surface. I am self-aware more so than my parents and less so than my children.

There are none so blind as they who will not see.

I live in a city with a large indigenous community. My boys hate them. They see/hear the drunks, beggars, the DV and blame them for things being stolen.

We regularly spend time with indigenous people to try and change their perception.

Some people wonder why Queensland is more conservative, I would suggest they should spend time not doing tourist stuff.
Spend some time in Mildura, Robinvale, countless other rural communities and also urban areas such as Fitzroy and then tell me there is no white privilege.

And yes, I am white and privileged. I also have numerous unconscious biases that, from time to time, surface. I am self-aware more so than my parents and less so than my children.

There are none so blind as they who will not see.
I probably didn’t express myself well above (12 stubs), of course white privilege exists and is well worth a discussion but I just wanted the conversation to return to the civilly liable rapist and convicted felon vs Harris for a while rather than be side tracked by other culture issues. Play on!
I live in a city with a large indigenous community. My boys hate them. They see/hear the drunks, beggars, the DV and blame them for things being stolen.

We regularly spend time with indigenous people to try and change their perception.

Some people wonder why Queensland is more conservative, I would suggest they should spend time not doing tourist stuff.
Townsville is a complete sh*t show - where to start?
Spend some time in Mildura, Robinvale, countless other rural communities and also urban areas such as Fitzroy and then tell me there is no white privilege.

And yes, I am white and privileged. I also have numerous unconscious biases that, from time to time, surface. I am self-aware more so than my parents and less so than my children.

There are none so blind as they who will not see.

Beautifull said, unfortunately white privilege does exist, and it is still rampant in some areas. You are also right in saying it is getting better with the younger generations being more self-aware. Unfortunately, many people still see Aboriginals as a sub species.
So then it should be easy for you to give examples of non-whites being discriminated solely on the basis of their skin color. Please do.

Walk a day as an Aboriginal and you will find out pretty quickly.
So then it should be easy for you to give examples of non-whites being discriminated solely on the basis of their skin color. Please do.

Racial profiling happens within law enforcement. You could say, it's quite the "privilege" that white people don't have to worry about this.

Now please come back and shift the goalposts: dispute the source, tell us how it's just made up, or not a big deal...
If you refuse to acknowledge that disadvantage exists, I can't help you.

I'm not going to change your mind and you are not open to having your mind changed if you've reached this stage in your life and you can't accept that disadvantage exists in Australia and in the United States.

I didn't ask for your help. I simply asked you to show me evidence to back your claim that the cause of their disadvantage was the color of the skin.

Last night I went to a professional development event. 500 attendees with minimum 5 year professional degrees, all high income earners, all high achievers.. 90 per cent were not white Of these non-whites, around 80% were Asian females, who are the children and grandchildren of Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees who arrived the 70's and 80's. Did they get there because of Asian female privilege?

Disadvantage exists. Skin color and race has zero to do with it.
So then it should be easy for you to give examples of non-whites being discriminated solely on the basis of their skin color. Please do.
Well I can. I've been at several check outs and stores where a very immediate family member who isn't white preceded me. Unbeknownst to the check out operator(s), we were together. I let it unfold a couple of times, early on, because it just didn't occur to me that people would be treated differently on the basis of their skin colour. It never happened to me so it must be for some other reason. Then it happens again ... and then again.

People of colour are treated differently to white people by enough ignorant people for it to be a thing. How I, the white guy, was treated and how my coloured family member was treated during my initial introduction to overt racism was night and day. I was shocked. I don't let it go these days.
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Racial profiling happens within law enforcement. You could say, it's quite the "privilege" that white people don't have to worry about this.

Now please come back and shift the goalposts: dispute the source, tell us how it's just made up, or not a big deal...

I'll do better than that. I'll point to the flaws in the study.

1. no randomized samples-they advertised for their participants in specific locations and an centres where non-white are more likley to frequent.
2. it relies on self reporting and self selection with no verification.
3. the study makes a particularly critically important assumption which may not be valid: that non-whites are no more likely to be aggrieved by the way police treatment them.

That's enough to invalidate the research.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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