Banter TRTT Part 15: David KOCH on Epstein List!!!11!!!!!!

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While I agree, it's much easier to get the motivation to go to the gym than go out into the grudge lifting paint tins or go get the ol pushbike out... Human psychology eh. I think if you're paying for it, it pushes you to go more lol. If I spent 10k on home gym equipment it'd probably rot in the shed

Go for a run out in to the bush. Get tired and hungry. It's pretty easy to find the motivation to turn around and run back home.

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Graeme Arnold in a close third.
What is it about bog average, boring coaches that has them survive forever?
Not sport, but I know a fella who was an international photographer in his day. This is what wiki says about him.

"A notable campaigner against what he refers to as "the vigorous pursuit of mediocrity" in Australian photography and its commercial industry (in 1995, he notoriously told Nancy Pilcher, then editor of Vogue Australia, that her magazine was "an international embarrassment", and never worked for Vogue again),[1] Sellick is outspoken on the "lack of identity" in Australian photography."

There's no doubt that the vigorous pursuit of mediocrity in Australia extends beyond the photography industry.

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Not even the usual corporate suspects give a **** about the olympics anymore. About the only thing ive seen is a little green racetrack decal on the floor at woolies.

Wouldnt even know its on if not for the endless media because they are chasing $ on their investment.

Bet the French are thrilled with the investment.
If they can find a way to do the Olympics sustainably (someone online suggested moons ago that they just do it in Athens every time) it's still class. Requires no thought no hype it's just suddenly on and you're watching shot put and rooting for the biggest ****er on screen. Then the Olympics is over and you forget for 4 years the existence of 23 sports.
Bring out those guys who went around to all the schools in the 70s/80s doing yoyo tricks.
Get that shit on the Olympic roster.

Also, BMX is missing a trick by not making competitors jump over stacked milk crates with a lit durry hanging out the side of their mouth.
Buyer: Hello sir, I have half a million dollars, what can you do for me in an affordable city?

Real estate market: I gotchu fam


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Banter TRTT Part 15: David KOCH on Epstein List!!!11!!!!!!

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