Mega Thread VICBias - Genuine Discussion Part 2

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LoungeLizard and ElectricG

I think you've been sucked into media click bait that 'everyone' or 'all vic fans' booed jhf.

msm are very good at portraying something as a 'majority' when it really probably isn't.
Is this pedantry really necessary?

Let me rephrase the question in a probably futile attempt to get a straight answer out of you.

When Collingwood played Port, why was there noticeable and irregularly loud booing of JHF when he got a possession in the games following his betrayal of north melbourne?
Is this pedantry really necessary?

Let me rephrase the question in a probably futile attempt to get a straight answer out of you.

When Collingwood played Port, why was there noticeable and irregularly loud booing of JHF when he got a possession in the games following his betrayal of north melbourne?
This is where I will stop you again, it was Game, not Games.

So stop making crap up.
They were booing. You know they booed.
Yes but you portray that all and sundry vic fans booed jhf just coz his non vic. Is this what you really think?
Why were collingwood fans booing jhf for screwing over north?
I don't know of any that did, if there were (probably were), I really don't know why, but I doubt it was 'coz we hate non vics' and I'd fairly argue that is a minuscule percentage that were.

Media runs with it and it looks like it's 'everyone!'
You're just trying to sidestep the question by asking me to prove whether it really happened.
Yeah I'll cop that, fair enough.

However it does seem like you're painting it as a hate on non vics, just coz. I don't think there's much ground there.

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When Collingwood played Port, why was there noticeable and irregularly loud booing of JHF when he got a possession in the games following his betrayal of north melbourne?
I really don't know why, again I don't think this is reflective of the broader pie fan base.

I like jhf, and I don't think most pie fans hate on him coz he left north.
No shit.

Which is why the VICBias sook is ridiculous.

The moronic VICBias sook groups Collingwood, Geelong and North as all being the same (Vic).

The reality is the VIC clubs are not the same.

North travel more than Port.
Geelong are the only Vic club with a unique home ground.
Ess/Carl dont really have a home at all
Hawks got no FTA coverage this year


But let the lazy VICBias sook that aligns North, Geelong and Collingwood continue.

So are you saying Geelong is better off than your mob?
No, they booed, I was even listening to a game on the Radio and you could hear it on that.
Yeah I remember the booing, I'm not saying it didn't happen.

I'm just questioning the motive and the scale, ElectricG gives the impression of belief coz he's non vic and left north, and all vic fans were booing for that reason, I think that's drawing a long bow.
Yeah I remember the booing, I'm not saying it didn't happen.

I'm just questioning the motive and the scale, ElectricG gives the impression of belief coz he's non vic and left north, and all vic fans were booing for that reason, I think that's drawing a long bow.
Even if I were to grant you that they are booing for another reason (which I won't), the fact that him doing a bad thing to a supposed "rival" club didn't result in him being viewed favourably is strong evidence that many victorian footy fans (even if it's not all) barrack generally for victorian footy, and that rivalries between vic clubs are underpinned by some sort of baseline solidarity (?) and therefore nothing like a port/crows type rivalry.
Yeah I remember the booing, I'm not saying it didn't happen.

I'm just questioning the motive and the scale, ElectricG gives the impression of belief coz he's non vic and left north, and all vic fans were booing for that reason, I think that's drawing a long bow.
It was weird how everyone seemed to take a hatred toward him.
This Elecrtic guy just hates Vics, if that isn't clear to you yet, it soon will be.
Even if I were to grant you that they are booing for another reason (which I won't), the fact that him doing a bad thing to a supposed "rival" club didn't result in him being viewed favourably is strong evidence that many victorian footy fans (even if it's not all) barrack generally for victorian footy, and that rivalries between vic clubs are underpinned by some sort of baseline solidarity (?) and therefore nothing like a port/crows type rivalry.
You won't admit other nonVics club booed will you.
I went a searched the hilights on Youtube, Port V Adelaide, this is the 1st kick JHF got on the Hilights

Go to 4:41, it's loud

Now stop making crap up.

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Even if I were to grant you that they are booing for another reason (which I won't), the fact that him doing a bad thing to a supposed "rival" club didn't result in him being viewed favourably is strong evidence that many victorian footy fans (even if it's not all) barrack generally for victorian footy, and that rivalries between vic clubs are underpinned by some sort of baseline solidarity (?) and therefore nothing like a port/crows type rivalry.
Baseline solidarity?

What you actually think that vic fans secretly join forces in an attempt to oppose non vic clubs?

Yeah sorry, this really is conspiracy theory territory.

FWIW, I barrack for my club not 'victorian footy' as you put it.
Even if I were to grant you that they are booing for another reason (which I won't), the fact that him doing a bad thing to a supposed "rival" club didn't result in him being viewed favourably is strong evidence that many victorian footy fans (even if it's not all) barrack generally for victorian footy, and that rivalries between vic clubs are underpinned by some sort of baseline solidarity (?) and therefore nothing like a port/crows type rivalry.

Huh? Each Vic club has a rivalry with another Vic club, sometimes more than one.

Just because there are more of us doesn't mean we don't despise certain clubs.
It was weird how everyone seemed to take a hatred toward him.
This Elecrtic guy just hates Vics, if that isn't clear to you yet, it soon will be.
Disagree about ElectricG , I don't think EG hates on vics, sadly seems to be convinced that all vics are conspiring against non vics.

There has to be motive for that, now given (well for us at least and probably the other big vic club fans) we don't have cause or motive to deliberately conspire, things generally are in our favour.

So yeah I don't get it.
You won't admit other nonVics club booed will you.
I went a searched the hilights on Youtube, Port V Adelaide, this is the 1st kick JHF got on the Hilights

Go to 4:41, it's loud

Now stop making crap up.

I literally said it started in victoria and took on a life of it's own after. Hence Ken's comments that "melbourne as a town maybe just don't like him".

Baseline solidarity?

What you actually think that vic fans secretly join forces in an attempt to oppose non vic clubs?

Yeah sorry, this really is conspiracy theory territory.

FWIW, I barrack for my club not 'victorian footy' as you put it.
Shut up with this conspiracy shit. I'm saying it is the popular sentiment over there, not that there is a secret agreement to do a thing.

Just like when LL says port fans are sooks, I don't come back with "oh nice conspiracy theory, you think that port fans all secretly conspire to complain about things".

I would like you to stop doing it if you want to keep debating this topic please.
Huh? Each Vic club has a rivalry with another Vic club, sometimes more than one.

Just because there are more of us doesn't mean we don't despise certain clubs.
Yep, hoping for a bris win this week, your mob has had enough success of late, but I don't hate the cats.

That's reserved for the blose, the bombouts and the timid tiggies :p
So are you saying Geelong is better off than your mob?
I am saying it is moronic to group all 10 vic clubs as the same, and even more moronic to then pretend all get same advantages / disadvantages.

It should be obvious that Collingwood and North aint the same.

It should be obvious that Geelong and Essendon aint the same.

But the lazy moronic VICBias argument is to cherry pick an advantage that one VIC club may enjoy and then apply it to all.

They sook and pretend Tassie is VICBias, despite it being two Melbourne teams who travel to play "home" games there and that 5 VIC teams have played away games in Tassie in the last two seasons.

But yep, let them keep up the herp derp VICBias sook that aligns Geelong, North and Carlton as being the same.
Shut up with this conspiracy shit.
Well that's the impression you give.

How about you tell us what you really think is the reasoning for the bias?

If you don't think it is a conspiracy then tell us what you think it is?

Because your recent posts does give the impression that you do think vics do hate on non vics.

My replies to you EG are not a criticism, they're an observation.

So yeah explain yourself
I'm saying it is the popular sentiment over there,
Well you're wrong, we're passionate about our clubs, not coz it's vic.
I literally said it started in victoria and took on a life of it's own after. Hence Ken's comments that "melbourne as a town maybe just don't like him".

Shut up with this conspiracy shit. I'm saying it is the popular sentiment over there, not that there is a secret agreement to do a thing.

Just like when LL says port fans are sooks, I don't come back with "oh nice conspiracy theory, you think that port fans all secretly conspire to complain about things".

I would like you to stop doing it if you want to keep debating this topic please.

It happened the 1st time he played against every club.

Maybe what you mean is he played against a Vic club 1st, do you think North rang all the clubs and told them to boo him?

All clubs took a hate on him, it wasn't Vicbias.

If you want people to take you seriously, stop making crap up, 1st it was only Vic clubs, so I pointed out no, it wasn't just Vic clubs, now you have changed to yeah, but it started in Vic, well duh, maybe a Vic club played Port 1st.
Lol, now youre really clutching.

Ok, lets look at some other totals

Home free kick count wins 14
Away free kick count wins 11

Home free kick count wins 19
Away free kick count wins 20

You win not only more in hostile territory than at home, but more at our home grounds than we do.

The fact is, your mate said crowds influence umpiring decisions but its clear that at home we get little more than break even results in the count whereas you get a clear advantage home and away..
Your "analysis" is noting 19 vic wins in free kick count out of home many games? What is the differential?

You do realise there are 10 VIC teams, and you are comparing to just 5 non-vic teams?

10 teams combining for 20 away wins, is a similar ratio to 5 teams combining for 11 away wins.

Voice of affirmation (home team bias by refs) is a well established component of home ground advantage in all sports.

But your position is it doesnt apply in the AFL?? 🤣
Many reasons

- Harder for non-Victorian clubs to draft as the top rated Victorian players often have a strong go-home factor.

- Victorian clubs often have more access to 3rd party agreements

- Home ground advantage at the Grand Final. No matter if the non-Victorian team finishes on top of the table and wins every game during the final series, they still have to play away for the Grand Final.

- Top Victorian clubs have the ability to trade for top talent in a way non-Victorian clubs rarely do, allows them to stay top for longer.

- Conversely if a non-Victorian club is really bad they lose their players more than a Victorian club would who was in the same position.

- Travel is a factor too. Non-Victorian clubs have to travel more, which not only includes the flights but also flying in the day before a game and staying in a hotel, all while the Victorian club players get to sleep in their own bed.

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Mega Thread VICBias - Genuine Discussion Part 2

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