Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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This is the thread for discussing the War in Ukraine. Should you want to discuss the geopolitics, the history, or an interesting tangent, head over here:

If a post isn't directly concerning the events of the war or starts to derail the thread, report the post to us and we'll move it over there.

Seeing as multiple people seem to have forgotten, abuse is against the rules of BF. Continuous, page long attacks directed at a single poster in this thread will result in threadbans for a week from this point; doing so again once you have returned will make the bans permanent and will be escalated to infractions.

This thread still has misinformation rules, and occasionally you will be asked to demonstrate a claim you have made by moderation. If you cannot, you will be offered the opportunity to amend the post to reflect that it's opinion, to remove the post, or you will be threadbanned and infracted for sharing misinformation.

Addendum: from this point, use of any variant of the word 'orc' to describe combatants, politicians or russians in general will be deleted and the poster will receive a warning. If the behaviour continues, it will be escalated. Consider this fair warning.

Finally: If I see the word Nazi or Hitler being flung around, there had better have a good faith basis as to how it's applicable to the Russian invasion - as in, video/photographic evidence of POW camps designed to remove another ethnic group - or to the current Ukrainian army. If this does not occur, you will be threadbanned for posting off topic

This is a sensitive area, and I understand that this makes for fairly incensed conversation sometimes. This does not mean the rules do not apply, whether to a poster positing a Pro-Ukraine stance or a poster positing an alternative view.

Behave, people.
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Absolutely barbaric. But lets not call them that O word that is banned because it may hurt their feelings…

Part of a post from DeepStateUA: "The prisoners, including the future ones, from the 155th brigade will have a very difficult and slow fate. The rest of the units can appear as before. We remind you that all contacts are on the "I want to live" project channel."
Which in short says that Russian soldiers are invited to surrender where they'll be fully protected as POWs and treated humanely and according to international law. Though if you're from the 155th ...

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Chances of the guy in the z shirt being barreness?
@barreness cheerleads for a different dictator that encouraged and has continued to enable the Russian attack to try weaken the West before they kill a few million peace loving Taiwanese for the crime of showing how much better life is without the CCP and to distract the great Chinese people from Winnie the Poohs growing list of crimes and failures.

On SM-A125F using mobile app
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"Russia has stopped Ukraine offensive", part 63.

Okay, who had Russian forces blowing up bridges in their own country on their bingo card?

This time in the most south west corner of Kursk oblast, near the Ukrainian border in Tetkino, the Russians victoriously retreated across the river and blew up the bridges behind them. But I don't think anyone has told them the bridges up north are gone and the UAF will be coming at them from the east....

barreness you were right about the war ending at the negotiating table
So I guess you take everything back

Lukashenko now asking Putin to negotiate an end to the war.

Should be a pretty straightforward negotation.

Complete withdrawal from Ukranian territory by Russian forces in exchange for complete withdrawal of Ukranian forces from Russian territory. A guarantee by both sides to not attack each other.

Russia to pay reparations determined by the world court.
lmao, the 'world court'
Everyone's happy, war over.
If only, now Russia has to strike back to save face
If only, now Russia has to strike back to save face
I'm just curious how Russia is going to "strike back" without figuratively and literally going nuclear?

If they were capable of and had the resources of striking back I would have thought they would have done so already.

Though the use of tactical nukes would have consequences and also be an escalation which would push the war further away from negotiating table rather than closer to it. Probably not worth it if the motivation is "just to save face".

The only other lever that I think can be pulled, which can turn the tide and give Russia the means to strike back, is to call a general mobilization. However, seeing that the poorer regions have already been raided for mobilization purposes it would mean lot of the recruits would have to come from Moscow and St Petersburg which I think Putin has been trying to avoid.
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I'm just curious how Russia is going to "strike back" without figuratively and literally going nuclear?

If they were capable of and had the resources of striking back I would have thought they would have done so already.

Though the use of tactical nukes would have consequences and also be an escalation which would push the war further away from negotiating table rather than closer to it. Probably not worth it if the motivation is "just to save face".

The only other lever that I think can be pulled, which can turn the tide and give Russia the means to strike back, is to call a general mobilization. However, seeing that the poorer regions have already been raided for mobilization purposes I it would mean lot of the recruits would have to come from Moscow and St Petersburg which I think Putin has been trying to avoid.
Does Russia even need to save face? In reality this is Putins war and there is growing resistance so all it takes is for a few people in the right spots to bump, agree to pull back to agreed lines and blame the whole thing (invasion and poor performance on him). Putin dead, Ukraine free and world can get back to normal. Same as what should happen to other dictators who try to take small independent peaceful democracies nearby based on historic claims.

On SM-A125F using mobile app
Yep, I agree.

Expect a salvo of rockets into urban areas any day now. Hospitals, schools, shopping centres etc being in the crosshairs, of course.

That appears to be Vlad's traditional response to another military defeat.
Oh but everyone does it 🙃

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Mobbs delivers. It's the 2024 catch phrase.
Now I have expectations on me! Well I don't commonly share memes on the topic but all this happened just recently.

Elon Musk gave Kadyrov a Tesla cybertruck! You heard me right. He's now got a cybertruck direct from Musk ... with ... wait for it ... a gun on the roof! You can't make this stuff up!

How to outdo this? Oh you might ... pose on the truck in Bullet Farmer regalia!
View attachment video_2024-08-18_11-57-03.mp4
Video edited to reduce size for Bigfooty limitations.

No, sorry, I dunno what he's saying - he's repeating "don" a lot which might be a reference to suggesting sending the truck to Donetsk for use on the frontline (something he apparently has mentioned).

Which means ... Elon Musk is now supplying the Russian invasion force with military equipment! Imagine where that could head!
Now I have expectations on me! Well I don't commonly share memes on the topic but all this happened just recently.

Elon Musk gave Kadyrov a Tesla cybertruck! You heard me right. He's now got a cybertruck direct from Musk ... with ... wait for it ... a gun on the roof! You can't make this stuff up!

How to outdo this? Oh you might ... pose on the truck in Bullet Farmer regalia!
View attachment 2083170
Video edited to reduce size for Bigfooty limitations.

No, sorry, I dunno what he's saying - he's repeating "don" a lot which might be a reference to suggesting sending the truck to Donetsk for use on the frontline (something he apparently has mentioned).

Which means ... Elon Musk is now supplying the Russian invasion force with military equipment! Imagine where that could head!
Wouldn't this count as material support for terrorists? Time to send Musk to guantanamo.
Wouldn't this count as material support for terrorists? Time to send Musk to guantanamo.
Surely a justification for sanctions at the least!

Ok so I might have been misinformed - I'm now less sure if Musk sent one, or if Kadyrov just managed to get one through other means. So perhaps not.

Another correction: The bridge in Glushthingemebob was not detsroyed by HIMARS but more likely something like maybe JDAMS. There was an initial attack with HIMARS and that's where the hole in the middle of the bridge came from, but apparently the successful follow-up was not HIMARS.

Here's another update from FreeKherson who mentions speculation that either a large proportion or even potentially all of Koronevo has been taken by Ukraine. I agree with him that the latter claim seems a bit suspect but perhaps there's some truth to the former. He also mentions Rylsk as a potential end-goal for this push - which would make sense if that east-to-west highway is perhaps the larger goal.

I'm just curious how Russia is going to "strike back" without figuratively and literally going nuclear?

If they were capable of and had the resources of striking back I would have thought they would have done so already.

Though the use of tactical nukes would have consequences and also be an escalation which would push the war further away from negotiating table rather than closer to it. Probably not worth it if the motivation is "just to save face".
Yeh I don't think it's tac nuke time, that's only on the table for a proper NATO army.

Difficult to get an accurate number but it could be around 10k strong for this Ukrainian push(and well equipped)
The only other lever that I think can be pulled, which can turn the tide and give Russia the means to strike back, is to call a general mobilization.
Yep, reserves are getting a call I'd say
However, seeing that the poorer regions have already been raided for mobilization purposes it would mean lot of the recruits would have to come from Moscow and St Petersburg which I think Putin has been trying to avoid.
Not necessarily, there was an initial mobilisation in 2022, from then on volunteers(with a healthy sign on bonus)

Technically draftees can only be put on Russian soil so I'd imagine a lot of them would be involved in whatever counter offensive takes place
Yep, I agree.

Expect a salvo of rockets into urban areas any day now. Hospitals, schools, shopping centres etc being in the crosshairs, of course.

That appears to be Vlad's traditional response to another military defeat.
Probably more like up the ante on the energy infrastructure, these will result in thousands of excess civilian deaths so same result really

Ukraine and Russia were set to send delegations to Doha this month to negotiate a landmark agreement halting strikes on energy and power infrastructure on both sides

....were derailed by Ukraine’s surprise incursion into Russia’s western Kursk region last week

......reducing Moscow’s oil refining by an estimated 15 percent

Because of Russian airstrikes, Ukraine has lost around nine gigawatts of the 18 gigawatts needed for peak consumption this winter — far too much to recover in a short period of time. Officials say electricity could be limited to five to seven hours a day — or less — during the frigid months.

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Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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