Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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Nah, Tredders is in the cult now
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Exactly. If he does that it will compromise his integrity within the boardroom and give them ammo to say "this is why he shouldn't have been on the board". Like he said, he needs to work behind the scenes.
I've actually been impressed with how Tredders has dealt with the ranters tonight, if people listen there's a lot in what he's not saying which indicates there's questions already being asked, my belief in him is stronger if anything.

Mentioning his discomfort/& or discussions need to be had with the AFL regarding board appointments & control was also encouraging.
Tredders needs to put his neck on the line and let rip. There’s no going back now.
Doing that on the radio achieves nothing. What he needs to do is to get on the phone to other board members and figure out if he's got the numbers to call an emergency board meeting and table a motion to sack Hinkley.
Doing that on the radio achieves nothing. What he needs to do is to get on the phone to other board members and figure out if he's got the numbers to call an emergency board meeting and table a motion to sack Hinkley.
If the club had an ounce of care about its past history and self pride, it would sack that useless piece of s*** tonight.
Well that was my first time on 5aa and for the record I didn't get stuck into tredders.

I may have said this:

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Perfect, everyone keep pushing this narrative. The club belongs to the members and not the board executives and corporates. They must answer to us.

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