Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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Treders has been excellent since joining the board - hasn’t put a foot wrong.

I wanted him on there but wasn’t sure he had a corporate experience to deal with the politics that dominates boardrooms. Publicly at least, he’s been absolutely on point and played the ball not the man to a tee.

Hinkley being remove should all play out smoothly from here and WGT has positioned himself for bigger things than just a member elect board seat.
I've actually been impressed with how Tredders has dealt with the ranters tonight, if people listen there's a lot in what he's not saying which indicates there's questions already being asked, my belief in him is stronger if anything.

Mentioning his discomfort/& or discussions need to be had with the AFL regarding board appointments & control was also encouraging.
I have the same view. It was the first time I really could hear without words that Hinkley will not be at the club in 2025.
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Anyone with experience with politics in boardrooms will know that they can be an absolute minefield. At Port you have Mein Fuhrer leading the pack, then this array of various personalities under him. Some would be supporters of Koch, others would be on the fence in varying degrees, but be pulled along my him.

Having Tredders in there with his previous public stance on Koch & Ken now becomes an interesting catalyst. Those on the fence now have a known entity they can talk to privately to voice any opinions or concerns they have had, or now have. I have been on a board of directors before, and there were always factions & schisms, private phone calls, and meetings of factions within the BOD.

I have no doubt that something along these lines would have already taken place, but almost certainly will be happening from here on in. Tredders has shown his resolve, and to some degree, has shown his calmness and political nous to be able to navigate the Port BOD minefield.

We just need to be patient ... It WILL happen!
Anyone with experience with politics in boardrooms will know that they can be an absolute minefield. At Port you have Mein Fuhrer leading the pack, then this array of various personalities under him. Some would be supporters of Koch, others would be on the fence in varying degrees, but be pulled along my him.

Having Tredders in there with his previous public stance on Koch & Ken now becomes an interesting catalyst. Those on the fence now have a known entity they can talk to privately to voice any opinions or concerns they have had, or now have. I have been on a board of directors before, and there were always factions & schisms, private phone calls, and meetings of factions within the BOD.

I have no doubt that something along these lines would have already taken place, but almost certainly will be happening from here on in. Tredders has shown his resolve, and to some degree, has shown his calmness and political nous to be able to navigate the Port BOD minefield.

We just need to be patient ... It WILL happen!
It's also a tougher game for him, let's not forget Koch and co did their best to shadow campaign against Tredders, he only just got enough votes to overcome it. So he has gone into an absolute hostile situation, one where they were all afraid of being held accountable and now the nightmare scenario is happening where their obviously ridiculous extension last year has played out how everyone else could see and the enemy is in the walls. I think they'll sniff the wind and Tredders will capture a majority as they will want to distance themselves from some all time terrible decision making.
It's also a tougher game for him, let's not forget Koch and co did their best to shadow campaign against Tredders, he only just got enough votes to overcome it. So he has gone into an absolute hostile situation, one where they were all afraid of being held accountable and now the nightmare scenario is happening where their obviously ridiculous extension last year has played out how everyone else could see and the enemy is in the walls. I think they'll sniff the wind and Tredders will capture a majority as they will want to distance themselves from some all time terrible decision making.
Exactly. And people need to bear in mind, that if he had went in, guns blazing against Ken, he would have effectively been attacking them, and their decisions. Human nature says that would just have got their backs up.

His answers to the 5aa callers yesterday were spot on. Nothing has changed with Tredders, other than the method he now uses to achieve his objective.
Tredders worked in TV, the ego and politics there (even at SA level) are colossal. He knows how to negotiate those minefields.

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TazD said it, and I’ve quoted it already:

Tredrea will absolutely say Ken is the best person for the job at some point this year if he gets elected.

You may not have thought “anyone could have reasonably expected… him becoming the most vocal Hinkley apologist”, but that’s precisely what people here are trying to tell you from the beginning. People have reasonably expected it, they have even posted about it. They aren’t surprised with it at all.
Mmm, I think Warren needs to be very careful with the words he chooses. I don't envy his position & appreciate that working from within in a diplomatic but determined way is the best way to affect change. But I can't agree with the sentiments above. Imo a persons words shouldn't contradict their beliefs, better to say nothing in those circumstances as it causes confusion & wrong conclusions. What I liked about his approach on 5AA after the Lions game was he acknowledged he had heard the members feelings & what they expect from him. I trust him to try & deliver.
Imo a persons words shouldn't contradict their beliefs, better to say nothing in those circumstances as it causes confusion & wrong conclusions.

In theory, maybe. In practice, sometimes, this is necessary. Think of an undercover cop, for instance. He needs to behave like a criminal for a while. I’m not saying that Tredrea is RIGHT, but that it shouldn’t be a surprise.

Moreover, there’s a lot that can be understood tactically. To give you an example, if “Hinkley is coaching well”, maybe then HIS “WELL” is simply not good enough.
Some of clowns ringing up Fiveaa wanting Warren to tee off publicly are just showing their ignorance. People are basically attacking him for the failures of footy department.
Didn't mind it, loved the passion. Not sure they were asking him to tee off PUBLICALLY but they were asking him to fix the problem. Tredders can handle it & it was very obvious we are in good hands by Tredders responses. Gave me hope & I haven't had that for some time.
In theory, maybe. In practice, sometimes, this is necessary. Think of an undercover cop, for instance. He needs to behave like a criminal for a while. I’m not saying that Tredrea is RIGHT, but that it shouldn’t be a surprise.

Moreover, there’s a lot that can be understood tactically. To give you an example, if “Hinkley is coaching well”, maybe then HIS “WELL” is simply not good enough.
I fully understand what you're saying but don't find that approach overly helpful to a cause.
I didn't catch much of the response, I vaguely remember him saying its one of the things the board must consider.
It sounded like Tim didn't fully understand what I was saying, but got some clarification from WGT on the board having 2 elected members.

Was just happy I got to say my piece and threw in a "thanks boys" after they spoke but don't know if I was muted by then.

I really hope on Monday some Crows people get on the 4pm show with "we have a member elected board in 2028?".
Do we currently have 2 elected members. I though I read a while ago only one of those positions is currently filled (Tredders) but might have this wrong?
I fully understand what you're saying but don't find that approach overly helpful to a cause.

Not directly, but if it helps Tredrea’s positions within the board, it’s justified
I'm sure you know this, but ultimately we have to make the transition to being a completely professional football club. Hinkley is just a symptom of the unprofessionalism that has been allowed to fester in our club. He will be cleared up by a professional club. As will other aspects such as fitness and medical support.
I actually believe our club in the Afl has an inferiority complex. We never flex enough & rarely draw on our proud history (success) in a meaningful way when the competition is biting us. Words actually count & they can be used to gain status, respect & fair treatment within the Afl environment. Kens continual messaging is always to deningrate the club & that outrages me. He is such a loser & it shocks me that our club would allow him to represent us for so long. He is barely articulate when interviewed. It's just so embarassing for the club & its members. But at its core it just shows how little the people in charge actally rate our club. I don't care what competition we play in, standards should always be preserved & we should always uphold THE CREED.
I hope anyone who wants to speak their mind gives 5AA a call this arvo to speak to Warren to let him know just how is supporters are feeling.

He is the member's elected director, and we are privileged today to have him on radio for the entire 3 hour drive show.

The fans have the opportunity this afternoon to make Ken's position (if it wasn't already), untenable.
I hope anyone who wants to speak their mind gives 5AA a call this arvo to speak to Warren to let him know just how is supporters are feeling.

He is the member's elected director, and we are privileged today to have him on radio for the entire 3 hour drive show.

The fans have the opportunity this afternoon to make Ken's position (if it wasn't already), untenable.
Yep. Now is the time to make sure your voice is heard.

Keep it calm, keep it rational, have your talking points written down.

The people that matter will be listening and now is our chance.

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