Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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Listened to the 5AA segment with Caro

Tbh not Tredrea’s best. Should have played it down and brushed it off. He let his emotions get to him arguing over his “clarification” which in the scheme of things is pretty marginal

Anyway, sack Hinkley
He tried to do what you’re suggesting, but she was like a dog with a bone, she wasn’t letting go.

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I think what you've said there is pretty much what he was trying to say too, but every time he tried to talk she just kept talking over him and arguing. I think he did very well getting his point across and not just losing his temper with her. I thought he stood his ground well without being rude. That’s more than I could have done. And the reason it ended up being combative was entirely her doing from the very first words she started with.
I agree Janey, that is basically what he was saying. But I can really understand why he wasnt able to phrase it better. Teal Leviathan did write it down perfectly, but that was with hindsight, sitting down at his computer, and able to think over his reply in an erudite manner. I challenge anyone to handle that better than Tredders in the heat of the emotive argument. I am a super calm person in most situations, but I wanted to rip her throat out!

Probably the one point I think that Tredders should have smashed her over more succinctly, was her comment that "Port sits as a club divided, and Warrens Tredrea has only made matters worse with his comments."

This comment by her was made about an hour after Tredrea's now infamous "Good call" comment....
WT: "So Caro, I want to call you out on your journalistic lies & sensationalist misinformation....
A] You said that prior to my comment on radio, Port Adelaide 'sat as a club divided.' So, what information do you have to attest to that, who gave you that information, and what is it based on? Other than a segment of disgruntled supporters, myself, the board, the management, and the coaches, are all united behind Ken as current coach to lead Port towards premiership success."
B] You say my comment has made that division "worse". What utter nonsense. Yes I might have coined my response to the caller differently, but I have clarified that to them, and as a club that has been accepted by them. Anything else beyond that is merely personal opinion, misinformation, and at worse sensationalist lies."
Even if the "good call" comment was within the context Caro has tried to allude to, if we are going to hang people for every error they have made professionally, Caro would have been sacked over 10 years ago when she "broke" the story that James Hird had been "sacked."

Google "Caroline Wilson incorrect reporting" and you'll get a ream of links showing her mistakes as a professional reporter.

She is the gutter of the gutter journalists - the ones with no social media so they can actively escape all criticism whilst taking pot shots from the bleachers.
Probably the one point I think that Tredders should have smashed her over more succinctly, was her comment that "Port sits as a club divided, and Warrens Tredrea has only made matters worse with his comments."

Think he did pretty well with "Who do you think wants Port to win a flag more, me or you?"
Even if the "good call" comment was within the context Caro has tried to allude to, if we are going to hang people for every error they have made professionally, Caro would have been sacked over 10 years ago when she "broke" the story that James Hird had been "sacked."

Google "Caroline Wilson incorrect reporting" and you'll get a ream of links showing her mistakes as a professional reporter.

She is the gutter of the gutter journalists - the ones with no social media so they can actively escape all criticism whilst taking pot shots from the bleachers.
Don't forget she broke Rule 34 of the Australian publication code and was never reprimanded. Highly dubious circumstances on that instance.

Google "Caroline Wilson Rule 34" for details.
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It is clear her intent, and that of her "source/s", was to be ruthless and try to provoke Tredrea into saying something even more inflammatory with the ultimate goal to get him sacked from the board.

In my view, however, this backfired, because like to admit it or not, the dust has settled as the media army defending Hinkley gained momentum into creating the narrative that Hinkley doesn't have the list, Port Adelaide supporters are ungrateful and other puny excuses, etc. etc. (mind you this will only work until Port's next loss).

Yesterday she just added fuel to the fire of the Port Adelaide supporters as to why we need to get rid of Hinkley and his seething supporters sooner rather than later.
End of the day, until people within the club continue to update shock jock journo’s we will appear a rabble and disconnected club from each other.

Im ashamed at this current version of Port. We accept mediocrity, we are mediocre on all levels, I may as well follow Hawthorn or Sydney, they’re more Port Adelaide
Caro is just a liniment sniffer.

She said she was resigning 3 or 4 years ago.

She is there to sell papers like Kane......

If Tredrea should be removed from the board because of what he said then isn't a conflict of interest for Kane to talk about Port when his brother is employed by the club? it's in his best interests to keep the status quo.
She is there to sell papers like Kane......

If Tredrea should be removed from the board because of what he said then isn't a conflict of interest for Kane to talk about Port when his brother is employed by the club? it's in his best interests to keep the status quo.
Newspapers dont sell much these days. She is there for the ratings - radio and TV - they pay better.

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She is there to sell papers like Kane......

If Tredrea should be removed from the board because of what he said then isn't a conflict of interest for Kane to talk about Port when his brother is employed by the club? it's in his best interests to keep the status quo.

Yeah, but we’re getting to the point where the rice cooker is gonna blow, there is too much mud being thrown around, and we’re at the level of a revolution. All we need is a loss on Sunday and next Saturday against the dogs, and all hell will break loose, especially if Ken isn’t sacked. The club and the vic media mafia have no idea what is coming to them.
Ch 9 about to sack 200+ employees. I guess there may be some hope ;)
Is that the newspaper division of Nine Entertainment?

TV is doing ok and wirh the Olympics coming up they need all hands on deck.
Yup. The focus on Waz is just deflection. Focusing on two words said in his capacity as a radio host, acknowledging a passionate supporter calling up a radio station and saying his piece, while the reality of the problem is our on-field performances, not just over the last 4 weeks, but over the last 11 years. Even the few of those in the media applying questions to Ken and others, are largely focusing on this year's form. I think it's the part that's been most difficult to get across to the media and other supporters is, this is a systematic issue over a long period of time. Even last season we were supposedly gathering "data" to make a decision yet didn't give us the time to assess the data that really matters, which is performance in finals.
Ch 9 about to sack 200+ employees. I guess there may be some hope ;)

I’d doubt it. Wouldn’t 9 consider her, Kano and that other ****wit in Tommy Muppetface Morris as an essential part of their network same could be said about the fake Troy McClure, Sam. They’ll probably get rid of my girl Nat Yoannidis and other reporters.
Nah, fück that. Adding more fuel to the fire is exactly what's needed to smoke our cowardly leaders out of hiding and make them squirm.

It's easy enough to cheer on Tredrea because it was a good call and he probably agrees with most of it and Caro and Footy Classified are muckraking journalists being fed by the pro-Hinkley camp and we want to see Tredders stick it up all of the above. I get that.

But think about what's at stake here. Tredrea is pissed off about how this has unfolded because he (probably correctly) sees it at as an attempt by a faction within the club to use Caro and Footy Classified as attack dogs, undermining everything he's been trying to do to build relationships and trust within the club and with other board members (the "breaking of the bread" that he referred to), with the ultimate goal of diminishing his effectiveness and even (as Caro alluded to) threatening his position as a board member. It's an ambush, but that doesn't mean that the best way to respond to it is by bickering with the attack dog. It's not about winning an argument with Caro but about protecting his position by putting the story definitively to bed. As Cypher asks of Trinity in The Matrix, how can Tredders (Neo) be the one if he's dead?

I think what you've said there is pretty much what he was trying to say too, but every time he tried to talk she just kept talking over him and arguing. I think he did very well getting his point across and not just losing his temper with her. I thought he stood his ground well without being rude. That’s more than I could have done. And the reason it ended up being combative was entirely her doing from the very first words she started with.

I get that it's much easier to write this stuff than to perform it live on-air in the face of Caro's gotcha questions and Rowe doing his best to create additional drama. But at the same time, Tredrea had three days to prepare for this interview, knowing what the main topic of conversation was going to be and knowing that this was his best opportunity to put the matter publicly to rest. Folks will probably dislike this comparison, but think of how politicians deal with this stuff. They allow the gotcha questions to wash over them, they don't get bogged down in a bickering debate with the reporter asking the questions, and they remain relentlessly focused on the message they want to deliver.
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Dwayne just said thanks, to a caller, then said thats not a Warren Tredrea thanks, after the caller said 4 years of mediocrity isnt good enought and when the heat gets turned on in the kitchen, Ken goes and takes a shower.

Good Laugh Good call will last for a long time.
Tredders did little to nothing wrong. He shouldn't have engaged in defending himself, other than to say "I did nothing wrong, that's all I will say on the matter'. Debating with Wilson did not help to make the matter disappear, though I get that AA producers would have wanted conflict for ratings.
Is that the newspaper division of Nine Entertainment?

TV is doing ok and wirh the Olympics coming up they need all hands on deck.
Nine Entertainment axes 200 jobs
The trouble-plagued media company has announced it will cut hundreds of jobs across its publishing, digital and broadcasting divisions.
It's easy enough to cheer on Tredrea because it was a good call and Tredrea probably agrees with most of it and Caro and Footy Classified are muckraking journalists being fed by the pro-Hinkley camp and we want to see Tredders stick it up all of the above. I get that.

But think about what's at stake here. Tredrea is pissed off about how this has unfolded because he (probably correctly) sees it at as an attempt by a faction within the club to use Caro and Footy Classified as attack dogs, undermining everything he's been trying to do to build relationships and trust within the club and with other board members (the "breaking of the bread" that Tredders referred to), with the ultimate goal of diminishing his effectiveness and even (as Caro alluded to) threatening his position as a board member. It's an ambush, but that doesn't mean that the best way to respond to it is to engage in hostile bickering with the attack dog, i.e. Caro. It's not about winning an argument with Caro but about protecting his position by putting the story definitively to bed. As Cypher asks of Trinity in The Matrix, how can Tredders (Neo) be the one if he's dead?

I get that it's much easier to write this stuff than to perform it live on-air in the face of Caro's gotcha questions and Rowe doing his best to create additional drama. But at the same time, Tredrea had three days to prepare for this interview, knowing what the main topic of conversation was going to be and knowing that this was his best opportunity to put the matter publicly to rest. Folks will probably dislike this comparison, but think of how politicians deal with this stuff. They allow they gotcha questions to wash over them, they don't allow themselves to get bogged down in a bickering debate with the reporter asking the questions, and they remain relentlessly focused on the message they want to deliver.
Hang on a minute. Wilson said she didn't believe his expansion of the "good call" comment, effectively calling him a liar. Started her guest spot with an inflammatory remark to provoke Warren, asking if he's been relieved of his postion on the Board. Proceeds to lie about the time Footy Classified was recorded. Caro was also proven to have lied by saying she never said Port Adelaide was seething which was also proven shortly afterward.
Warren's performance was questionable as he had time to prepare? He was under attack. I thought the longer the interview went, the deeper the hole Caro was digging became.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
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Hang on a minute. Wilson said she didn't believe his expansion of the "good call" comment, effectively calling him a liar. Started her guest spot with an inflammatory remark to provoke Warren asking if he's been relieved of his postion on the Board. Proceeds to lie about the time Footy Classified was reecorded. Caro was also proven to have lied by saying she never said Port Adelaide were seething which was also proven shortly afterward.
Warren's performance was questionable as he had time to prepare? He was under attached I thought the longer the interview went, the deeper the hole Caro was digging became.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

Yeah I think we all missed the memo when Caro went from journalist reporting actual facts to opinion based pieces, where she makes it out as though they are actual facts.

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Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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