Officer K
kananooks seemed like the perfect EKA winner:
- Completely self-centred
- Only posted in one particular way (Garfield gifs)
- Didn't have a clue about anything happening in the league
So I was very disappointed to see that young rook kananooks had been suspended for the past week or so, and will likely still be suspended for the whole week that the Gumbies play the Furies.
I haven't noticed any other season 34 rookie media threads and I am sad to see just how badly the EKA medal worth had diminished in recent times. Does anyone else remember the times back when top 5 beez performers got pipped in the award because a certain someone told everyone they were a fraud? There hasn't been an EKA winner making the top 20 of the beez since Greenery all the way back in season 31. Why is this? Has the rookie classes of season 32, 33 and now 34 been that bad?
Is it the recruiting? Are the teams not working hard enough in the off-season to get posters worthy of receiving the honour of EKA winner? So many questions, so little answers.
I am giving an open letter to all the remaining rookies of season 34. Make a ****ing media thread for gods sake. Do it for all the LG members who don't have a bloody clue who you fellas are. Maybe you'll get a couple of votes... Hell you could even win the whole thing if kananooks remains suspended until the vote closing date. Just post something.
Old Boys:
- 2inchmagic (not much magic there)
- Over The Post (can you even kick that high?)
- Dudikins (dude I don't know you)
- Mrs Turbo (nepotism at its finest)
- Fleabane (you got fleas?)
- The Cryptkeeper (you haven't even shown me your crypt?)
- FireKrakouer (krakouers fiery twin?)
- DERRINALPHIL (at least you can ruck)
- SBYM (is that a clothing brand?)
- Purple7x08_24 (did you copy and paste a png file name?)
- FurTheWin (why are you not with the Furies?)
- spudmaster (is that you Tony Galati?)
- PetWussy (I'd pet you too)
- Sun Ra (actually decent, probably worth a vote or two)
- YeoGabbaGabba (like the kids show?)
- The Foolback (definitely a fool for choosing the backline)
- rye (quite the werewolf player, or so i've heard...)
- KinderSmock (definitely a surprise in there)
- BloodySwan (I'm scared)
- Tim Evans Beard (cancelled account apparently. i guess there is no more beard on tim evans)
- The Blue Weirdo (painting yourself blue does make you seem weird)
- sey666 (I will not say that)
- JyeDye (it rhymes. I wonder what else it does)
- krided (quit crying)
- Chronz (i hope it isn't chronic)
- kananooks (garfield memes are the best)
If I was going to give my votes right now I'd have to say Mrs Turbo is in the lead. But only because Tigerturbulance has coached her all season long.